Warning: May impact performance on weaker machines.
Mod was tested using a 5800X3D, 32gb DDR4, and RTX 3060-12 gb as well as a 5900X / RTX 3070 rig and stays locked at 60 frames with Vsync on.
Other Disclaimers:
By installing this mod you may / are likely lose some of your vanilla presets in Donutz, or experience errors with them if they are still available.
These presets include all of the vanilla "random" scenarios as well as some of the standalone scenarios like crazy raids and impossible raids.
This is because this mod replaces those files- and they would only be redundant and create an excessively long list of presets in the UI.
No support will be offered for comments asking "what happened to my _________ preset.
Instructions at the bottom of the description will be included to uninstall this mod and return to your default Donutz presets if you prefer those over these.
*** IF you modified your own donuts files and do not want to lose those files OR if you simply want the easiest way to remove of this mod- make a copy of your BepInEx/donutz folder outside of your SPT folder if you would like simply delete the files inside of said folder and place back what you had when finished using this mod. ***
This mod does not touch SWAG- so does NOT modify: bosses, guards, rogues, raiders, sniper scavs, bloodhounds or cultists spawns in any way on ANY map in any way that default Donutz did not already do / does not modify boss chances aside from default donutz.
No support will be offered for issues related to spawns of those entities / issues related to SWAG.
Now finally on to the cool stuff.
Optional Horde Mode and Map Specific Presets is a set of "patterns" files that ADDS new presets to Donutz and modifies the ScenarioConfig and RandomScenarioConfig files to accommodate these new files.
This has been done to dramatically increase the number of both scavs and PMCs in raids.
After installation the Donutz/patterns folder will now also contain several new patterns for specific maps.
This was done because I found the default Donutz presets as well as my own horde presets to not be the best fit for me - for these maps due to their size or unique experience in live EFT.
These patterns as well as the Horde files translate to in-game presets selectable via Donutz own GUI bound by default to F9
Description of map specific presets:
- Factory (Day)
Built to resemble live EFT experience of factory with PMCs largely at the beginning of raids but with the occasional stragglers that will surprise you midway and mostly through the raid timer. Scavs are plentiful and will spawn frequently but due to the size of the map and how many will be killed by PMCs - results may feel mildly less than "Horde"-like.
- Factory (Night)
Does what it says on the tin- the map will be a ghost town. Like live EFT, there will rarely be a substantial amount of AI or PMCs.
- Labs Preset
The "labs preset" included with this mod is a "random scenario" meaning is is composed of multiple patterns folders and randomly chooses between several individual presets. The presets that comprise this random scenario are Terra-sections 1, 2, and 3. Each is slightly different but much like the factory presets are meant to replicate the experience of the map in live EFT - not necessarily spawn hordes of enemies.
Each of the sections corresponds to a possible outcome in a live EFT lobby.
1. Full lobby - lots of PMCs at the beginning with the chance for stragglers later.
2. Lab Rat Lobby - A few obvious PMCs in the early stages of the raid- but danger could be ratting around any corner (small / sporadic PMC waves for the entire raid)
3. Dead raid - it's just you and the raiders.... LOOT UP!
Enable whichever of the above you prefer or leave "Labs preset" on for a randomized experience similar to live EFT.
- Ground Zero (low level) preset
Comprised similarly to labs with various scenarios common to live EFT low level ground zero lobbies
These are labeled GZ 1, 2 and 3 and may be slightly unique to those described for labs due to the live EFT experience that is trying to be emulated for GZ specifically.
Good luck getting out with your wine bottles! It certainly won't be easy.
- Ground Zero (high level) preset
A single scenario that dials back full-blown horde mode but is busier than "Live-like"
- "All other maps" preset
Intended for the larger maps: Customs, Streets, Shoreline, Woods, Lighthouse, Interchange, Reserve
This preset includes the following:
Live Like (Default)
More Scavs (Modified but same name as vanilla donutz)
Horde 1 (formerly crazy raids, pattern has been modified)
Horde 2 (formerly impossible raids- also modified pattern files)
A randomized preset for every-day / entire playthrough use without having to assign yourself a raid difficulty on the above maps / spoil the surprise of what your raid will be like.
This preset is compatible with all maps however the patterns files for the other small maps with specific presets (Labs, Factory, GZ) have not been altered from vanilla-
This is done so that if you forget to change your F9 preset between raids you can still play out the raid without errors- however the benefits of this mod over default donutz will be null.
For this reason
** NO SUPPORT FOR "its not working" if you have an improper preset selected. **
The Donutz default "Live Like" preset which gives a chance for a comparatively "slower" or "easier" raid but is no where near "quiet"
More Scavs - What it says on the tin- just way more than before
Horde 1 (Crazy Raids) - this is why you installed this mod. Expect 2-4x the number of bots in raids.
Horde 2 (Impossible raids) - Everything related to the above but should have a chance to force spawn all bosses (even multiple bosses on the same map).***
*** This effect on the raids is not fully tested by me but seems native to Donutz when testing the preset's reliability ***
I did not change anything related to bosses to create these presets.
The Hordes
There are now two presets in the Donutz GUI labeled Horde 1 and Horde 2
Horde 1

Horde 2

( Screenshots using Dynamic Maps by MPstark )
These replace Crazy Raids and Impossible raids
The actual patterns files have been altered - not just the names- but they were also renamed for the sake of absolute simplicity and clarity when selecting a preset.
The hordes as noted above are integrated into my preferred randomized experience of SPT "All other maps"
However- if you want them to be occasional / and OPTIONAL as the name would imply - you can select any other available preset native to Donutz that is not Horde 1, Horde 2 or "All other maps" and they simply will not effect your raids
SAIN Preset
This is an optional Feature as of Version 0.0.6 and does separately require SAIN
Read the "Versions" tab for most up to date description of the state of this feature
Generally designed to make bots easier- and thus attempts to make raids with MORE AI still survivable.
How to use:
* Presets are not automatic and must be manually selected prior to each raid *
Prior to entering a raid, please select the desired preset in the Donutz GUI dropdown menus (default in game on F9) next to either the PMC or Player Scav raids fields.
After installation the default preset will be "All other maps" for PMC and "Scav raids" for scav raids.
IMPORTANT: This mod has additional dependencies than Donutz.
Donutz is listed on the right tab as a dependency if you do not currently have it installed.
This mod does not contain donutz.dll as that belongs to nooky - and his mod is required / this is not a replacement of Donutz.
Additional dependencies:
BigBrain - SPT Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)
Waypoints - Expanded Navmesh - SPT Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)
Questing Bots - SPT Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)
The reason that questing bots is required is largely related to where it places bots at the start of raid (evenly accross the map)
You can use QB to format this mod even if you would like to disable "questing" in QB's config to limit QB's handling of bot behaviors
If not using QB, you can expect sporadic and sometimes non-sensical spawns- but it will not cause errors or fails to run the server.
No support if QB is not installed.
Lastly -
The F9 GUI settings related to raid delay, spawn delay, and others are set there for best experience.
If you modify those and experience less than optimal spawns or other errors - I am sorry, but you guessed it - No support.
Highly recommended mods.
For debugging /determining how many bots actually are spawning and where: Dynamic Maps - SPT Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)
To survive horde raids:
Any mod that raises player health - I use realism to boost to 1.4x normal (612 hp), this can also be done with Server Value Modifier [SVM]
Any mod that adds friendly entities to the game such as Friendly PMC - SPT Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com) or anything else you'd like to use
This is extremely challenging and potentially not survivable as a solo experience. I am aware of that, and it is intentional.
If it is too intense for you- I am sorry, but I do not plan to add a slider or variations to select difficulty and requests to do so will not be responded to.
See uninstall instructions below if it is not for you, that is ok, it is not for everyone 
Known Issues / Partial Incompatibilities
In some raids- hordes will spawn but will do so slightly after raid begins - 3-5 min into raid.
Realism - must disable all check boxes on the "bots" tab related to bot spawns and waves.
*Equipment changes and progression areas of realism listed on the bot tab should not affect spawns modified by this mod but TBD / up to user trial and error.
Unicorn - as per what is listed on the Unicorn mod page - WITH ITS CURRENT VERSION AND PERHAPS NEWER VERSIONS*- you should be able to install ONLY the Unicorn zones folder and experience the benefits of both mods. I am not the author of that mod - so if you browse the Unicorn mod page there may be insights listed their for you to read on what to do if you have "modded donutz files" but please DO NOT bombard that author with questions regarding this mod. They are doing their own work and not related to this mod at all.
HOWEVER with that said - I do not currently use unicorn because it was incompatible with this mod in previous versions of Unicorn.
OHM does not change in files in the donutz/zones folder that Unicorn does modify but I believe parts of Unicorn DO modify the donutz/patterns folder... just like this mod does. It may be possible to install portions of that mod separately but that is a question best answered by Unicorn's mod page.
If at the time of reading this there are specific instructions for increasing compatibility on Unicorn's page or elsewhere on this page- I would try those - but this mod was not created to be specifically compatible- it may be in the future - if that author and myself find time to sit down and discuss it- but if you are reading this then - TBD.
Obviously - no support offered for Unicorn or trying to blend the mods.
If you can find a way to make them work- let me know, so I can review / replicate your process and perhaps update the instructions here but as of now I do not have capacity to answer questions related to this.
Requirements for support:
Up to date install of
- this mod,
- Donutz and additional dependencies
with screenshots of:
bepinex/plugins folder
mods folder
Server logs
Strongly Preferred for timely support: a screenshot of your Dynamic Maps view and an in-raid timestamp
It is incredibly helpful to see this information.
Where to ask for support:
Comments here
DM or Ping on the SPT server on discord @s13ndr
Note: Before downloading - it is highly recommended to back up your bepinex/plugins/donutz folder on your desktop or elsewhere than your SPT folder to have an easy removal process.
1. Click link at the top
2. download from Drive
3. Open .zip and locate folder "BepInEx"
4. Drag "Bepinex" into your SPT folder
5. If asked to replace files - do so
IF you receive any server side or in game errors at any point.
5. (Optional) - empty the spt/bepinex/plugins/donutz/patterns folder of its contents EXCEPT for the DLL FILE and "zoneSpawnPoints" folders
6. Re-download this mod and drag / replace files when prompted.
Removal /Restoration to Default Donutz:
If you have a saved copy of your Default donutz folder as has been recommended:
1. empty the contents of plugins/donutz
2. transfer the old donuts folder into bepinex/plugins and replace files
if you did not back up files because you are a G I G A C H A D
and now you do not know what to do to remove this mod:
1. Delete SPt/bepinex/plugins/donutz
2. Go to SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)
3. Download a fresh copy of the plugins/donutz folder
4. If you don't want to also revert any changes you may have made to your copy of SWAG (which this mod did not change) - only drag over Donutz's BepInEx folder
5. Profit
Permissions: / Licensure:
Modifications to the Donutz patterns files were made without input from the original author- though the author was contacted and has given permission for the mod.
As such- if the original author contacted me at any point in the future and petitioned for the files' removal- such removal would occur in a time not to exceed 24 hours of notification.
MIT License provision- as I am not the original creator of Donutz.dll or its JSON counterparts and simply have modified what was previously created. I implicitly give full credit of the original work and by extension the experience generated by this mod to the original mod author as I have listed them here numerous times.
Any further reposts or dissemination of the files linked to here must credit the original author (nooky) and the source where the files were acquired (this mod page).
Mod / SPT Versions:
I may or may not upkeep this file with updated versions of SPT - depending on the future file structure of SPT and of Donutz.
AI disclaimer:
Only the thumbnail used for the mod page is generated by AI.
All JSON file changes were human generated.
I don't have a donations page but if you enjoy content related to this mod you should consider donating to the original / related dependency mod authors via their mod pages if they have one listed:
Please give feedback in the comments- I will review them, but again - lowering difficulty or adjustable difficulty is not planned.