Tutorial: How to debug the game client with dnSpy
dnSpy (download [URL:https://github.com/dnSpyEx/dnSpy/releases])
SPT 3.0.0 or newer (guide was tested and verified with SPT 3.7.2)
At least 2 monitors highly recommended (see the Notes and Tips section 3 for an explanation)
Chapter 1 - Preparing the client
Download this prepared archive - download [URL:https://mega.nz/file/zwonHY5L#l5VwUkI4A5G67tTMju8VrUgKNlgPFby4YrYbag2H4XE] (if you do not trust the download, then see Chapter 4 for how to prepare your own)
Backup these game files:\BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg
WinPixEventRuntime.dll (if it exists)
Overwrite all game files with the ones from the previously downloaded archive
Make sure the \EscapeFromTarkov_Data\boot.config file is set to Read-Only. Otherwise, the changes to it might get overwritten on game start
Go to the \user\launcher\config.json file and open it in a text editor (Notepad++ [URL:https://notepad-plus-plus.org/] recommended)
Add "WinPixEventRuntime.dll" to…