Resources: First Person Control Rig for BSG weapon
Blender Rig file 4.0.2 [URL:]
Rig blend file available to download will be the latest one I currently have to avoid confusion, since this guide will be updated to use the latest revision.
-Rig binding Script
In the text editor there will be 2 python script, Auto constraint and copy transform. You will be using the Copy transform script in order to properly bind your weapon rig to the control rig. The steps on how to do it are this:
1. Select your weapon rig, while holding shift select the control rig.
2. Once selected run the script
If you did it properly all bones from your weapon rig will have copy transform with the target being control rig (bones that doesn't exist in control rig will not be binded)
This is a Control rig. This rig was created to help animator creating animation for custom weapon without directly using BSG default weapon rig.
In general, this rig is best used when…