Tutorial: RETEXTURE for antique teapot.
Conventionally retexture can be divided into several items:
Data research.
Data collection.
Writing a mod for the retexture.
Data research
For example, we will change the texture of weapons, they appear to be quite difficult to change, so it will help to know about the retexture all.
Our test subject will be an AK-74 [URL:https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Kalashnikov_AK-74_5.45x39_assault_rifle].
db.sp-tarkov.com [URL:https://db.sp-tarkov.com/search/] will help us research the data, open this and type AK-74 in the search bar.
There will be many objects with "AK-74" in their names, but we need the one that ends with "assault rifle", because it is an assault rifle object whose texture we want to change.
Click on it and see the result of our search ( data we need is highlighted in red )
We will need the _id to write the mod ( later ).
and prefab-path to locate…