Tutorial: Intro to Client Modding and Mod Examples
This tutorial is up-to-date as of AKI ver 3.2.1, and will only work for AKI 2.3.0 onward due to the implementation of the BepInEx Injector (which is far more objectively better than the Module system)
=== Client mod examples here [URL:https://github.com/kobrakon/ClientModdingExamples] ===
Client modding is a powerful skill, granting nearly endless possibilities for mods, but, most do not understand C#, Unity, or Tarkov’s workflow, and as I know, C# and client modding can be pretty intimidating at first, but now that I have it down, I figured that I’d make a tutorial into the basics of creating Client Mod plugins using examples from my CamUnsnap mod and UCNVG mod (along with others) to demonstrate how to get into client modding. Thankfully if you already have intermediate knowledge of TS, the transition to C# shouldn’t be that painful as they have common similarities, and the main learning curve will just be understanding Unity and EFT’s workflow.
Of course, you won't…