Mysterious Bot Behavior Variables
This is a list of mysterious variables in the bot config files and what I know about them so far based on exploring Assembly-CSharp.dll with dnSpy
1. Only used by sniper scavs by default. Fixed with my mod SAIN [URL:]
"WAIT_NEXT_SINGLE_SHOT_LONG_MAX" = only used by sniper scavs
"WAIT_NEXT_SINGLE_SHOT_LONG_MIN" = only used by sniper scavs
"MAX_DIST_COEF" = For every X meters, add 1 sec of wait time for LONG_MIN/MAX, depending on weapon, as set in "Core" section (FireDistancePref)
2. Generic Variables Explanation
"RECOIL_DELTA_PRESS" = How long the AI can shoot before they are affected by recoil
"CHANCE_TO_CHANGE_TO_AUTOMATIC_FIRE_100" - Only used by emplaced weapons (needs confirmation)
"AUTOMATIC_FIRE_SCATTERING_COEF" - Only used by emplaced weapons (needs confirmation)
"BASE_AUTOMATIC_TIME"- Only used by emplaced weapons (needs confirmation)
2. Certain Variables have an upper and lower limit (Found in…