Better Spawns Plus 2.0.3

Are you tired of bots swiftly eliminating each other at the beginning of each raid, leaving the maps desolate and devoid of life? Do you find it disappointing that Labs does not offer encounters with PMCs? Fear not, for your worries end here!

*** If you would like to support me and my work you can donate to me here. Thank you! ***

DISCLAIMER: BetterSpawnsPlus (BSP) is a bot spawning mod, so to ensure proper compatiblity with other mods please disable or turn off any settings in the mods that may also change bot spawns. For example, mods such as Realism and Questing Bots are compatible with BSP but the bot spawn options within these mods need to be disabled. Mods such as SWAG+Donuts and MOAR are not compatible with BSP.

IMPORTANT: To ensure proper functionality, please make sure that bosses are enabled in your in-game settings. If you wish to disable bosses, please do so only within the mod's config files.

  • Version 2.0.3



    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Bosses will no longer block other bots from spawning in the same zone they are in.


    • Updated all open zones for all locations primarily Ground Zero, Shoreline, and Streets of Tarkov.
    • Updated and rebalanced spawn wave presets for Factory, Lighthouse, Shoreline, and Streets of Tarkov.
    • Added 2 "like-live" main presets and 3 "like-live" spawn generator presets for Ground Zero.
    • Added a new "event-like" preset for Ground Zero that spawns only Kollontay and scavs (All "event-like" presets are disabled by default and can be enabled in the 'locations' file).
    • Added a new spawn wave chance multiplier for every bot type in the global overrides options of the 'settingsManager'.
    • Removed the miscellaneous options and related files for 'custom trader avatars' and 'custom launcher backgrounds'. I have improved these and uploaded them as stand-alone mods on the SPT-AKI mod page.


    Note: All presets from previous versions of BetterSpawnsPlus are not compatible.

  • Version 2.0.2

    --- BETTERSPAWNSPLUS VERSION 2.0.2 --- COMPATIBILE WITH SPT-AKI 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3, & 3.7.4 ---


    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Fixed an issue with all spawn generators that would cause the initial and interval time for waves to sometimes be generated incorrectly.


    • Changed the spawn method for main presets to force bosses, cultists, and rogues to have spawn priority over other bot types.
    • Added 7 more launcher backgrounds to the mix.


    Note: All presets and settings from BetterSpawnsPlus v2.0.0 and v2.0.1 are compatible with v2.0.2.

  • Version 2.0.1



    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Fixed an issue that was causing the time interval to be compounded into the random time upon every iteration when generating spawn waves from spawn generator presets.
    • Fixed an issue with Fence's inventory being empty.
    • Removed main preset "MAIN_PRESET_FACTORY_EVENT_THE_NOTORIOUS_SAVAGES" due to bot type errors with "followerTagilla".
    • Removed main preset "MAIN_PRESET_INTERCHANGE_EVENT_THE_NOTORIOUS_SAVAGES" due to bot type errors with "followerTagilla".



  • Version 2.0.0


    Thank you all for your patience with this update. Work has been quite demanding, leaving me with limited hours at night and weekends to dedicate to it. If you'd like to support and keep me caffeinated, please consider making a donation over on my ko-fi. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! <3


    --CODE CHANGES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • I've completely overhauled the source code to enhance maintainability, making future updates easier to implement.
    • All preset config file options are now neatly divided into individual config files within a dedicated settings folder. This restructuring brings a new level of organization and ease of navigation.
    • The familiar "presetManager.json" from BetterSpawnsPlus-v1.1.6 has undergone a name change to "settingsManager.json."
    • To streamline accessibility, each option has been thoughtfully re-categorized into specific config files within the settings folder, covering bots, hideout, items, locations, loot, misc, player, raids, and traders.
    • Presets and config files from BetterSpawnsPlus-v1.1.6 are incompatible with BetterSpawnsPlus-v2.0.0.

    --LOG CHANGES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Map-specific logs now reside in 'spt/user/mods/PreyToLive-BetterSpawnsPlus/logs/'. These logs document raid time, maximum bots per map, chosen preset(s) for spawn waves, the overall count of potential spawn waves for each bot type, and a comprehensive breakdown of spawn wave details, ordered by their spawn time.

    --SETTINGS CHANGES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    • Added a global override option in the settings manager for setting individual boss spawn chance and spawn difficulty.
    • Added a global override option in the settings manager thats forces all pmc and scav spawn waves to stop after a specified amount of time.


    • Added over 1000 unique bot pmc names (including all 151 Pokemon names, gotta catch 'em all!). pikapika
    • Added brain type selection and randomization for scavs.


    • Added options for generator, air filter and gpu rates.
    • Added options for scav case rewards.


    • Updated all spawn presets for Streets of Tarkov to include pmc and scav spawn waves for all new open zones.
    • Updated all boss spawn rates to be in line with Live Tarkov.
    • Added boss Kaban to the spawn generator presets.
    • Added a new main preset that spawns Tagillla and Killa together on Factory.
    • Added a new main preset that spawns Tagillla and Killa together on Interchange.


    • Added randomization and spawn chance modifier for containers on each map.


    • You can now easily replace the launcher background images with your own ".jpg" image. Place your images in the '/res/launchers/' directory within the mod and then type the names of the images into the images array. Do not remove the image 'bg.png' from the launchers folder as it is required for the mod to work correctly.


    • Added an option for MIA on raid end.
    • Added an option to keep anything in secure container "found in-raid" upon death.
    • Added an option to choose which equipment is lost upon death, as well as, quest items.
    • Added an option for day and night time acceleration.


    • Added an option to make all trader purchases "found in-raid".
    • Added an option to remove trader repair random durability loss.
    • Added an option to set the stock update time for each trader.
    • Added an option to set the insurance storage time for prapor and therapist.
    • Added item amount, weapon durability, and armor durability options for fence.

    --KNOWN ISSUES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • If you enable the custom trader profile images feature, make sure to clean the temporary files within the launcher settings to ensure the trader profile images are updated.
  • If I want the bots the be Easy, I need to swith to Easy in the Config File ?
    But what difficulty do I need to choose in-game when starting a raid ?

  • I encountered a problem to generate bot:

    [Client Request] /QuestingBots/GenerateBot/0Required slot 'mod_reciever' on weapon_izhmeh_pm_9x18pm Holster was empty on sptusec

    Weapon 5448bd6b4bdc2dfc2f8b4569 weapon_izhmeh_pm_9x18pm was generated incorrectly, falling back to weapon preset see error above

    Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you very much.

  • Thanks a lot for all your effort!

    I was trying to use it with questing bots, and did as instructed and disabled the spawning from questing bots, however when I do that, nothing spawns for me at all, no PMC's no SCAVs no nothing. I checked on the launcher and on the server console, and it seems BSP is loading fine.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • This mod could be intricate to customize for new users or ones don't know much about code. Yes the mod is already adjusted but some people might want to change parameters like pmcs only, scavs only,... but your overview kinda out of details since the configuration of this mod needs some skills, and also there's a few missing explanation here:

    - How does the main preset impact to the game ? As far as i've read in your overview, there's no explanation about the different of the main preset and spawnGen preset, i've spend 2 hours trying to edit SG_PRESET_FACTORY_LIKELIVETARKOV_3 to my favor but when i open the log, the game also load the main preset, and this cause the match to spawn hundreds of bot

    - Mentioning about normal preset, take the file SG_PRESET_FACTORY_LIKELIVETARKOV_3 as an example, i see there's multiple types of bots like pmcs, scavs,... So when i enable all of these bot and a wave started, are these different type of bots will spawn together and take the "botChange" parameters of each type as a decision ?

    And also, you should disable those Plus by default because some functionality will impacts other mods like air drop spawn rate, player PMC's health

    That's all i want to conclude. Apart from these, your mod have better performance than swag + donuts and let players configure more

    • I would suggest creating a new profile in config, or if you would like to use the default "settings_LikeLiveTarkov".

      Change main: enable to "false" and spawnGenerator: enable to "true" for maps. This way only spawnGenerator preset would be used.

      But of course you need to set preset weight in config > profile > location.

      Does this mod takes time to set to perfect, yes. However I would take this over swag donut for its customization capability.

    • I agree, this mod is better than swag for both customization and optimization aspect, but the mod requires a specific skill to dive deep into the customization, younger age would take hours just to figuring out what tf is parameter from 0 to 5 xD.

      Thanks for your advice, yesterday i overwritten liveliketarkov_3 preset just because im to lazy to create new one, and the bot cap in config folder doesn't seems to work cause hundreds of bots keep spawning in even though i have set bot cap to min 9 and max 14

  • Would be useful to see a compatibility explanation here. Can you use this with mods like realism if you disable some of the bot functions in it like you can with SWAG?

    • Yes, BSP is compatible with all other mods that don't solely deal with bot spawns. Mods such as Realism and Questing Bots are compatible if the bot spawn options are disabled. SWAG+Donuts and MOAR are mods that woudln't be compatible with BSP.

    • :thumbup:

  • Hi! I don't really understand how to create my presets, my English is not so good, I didn't understand much from the ReadMe. I wanted to create a preset so that only bosses would spawn, but I didn't understand in which files and how it is done

  • hello. First of all, thank you for making this mod, and I would like to ask you a question.

    When I checked in 'CWX DEBUGGINGTOOL' mode, I confirmed that spawning actually worked well.

    However, it seems that 'AssaultGroup' is spawned instead of 'Assault'. I'm asking because I'm curious if this phenomenon only occurs to me.

    thank you

  • Hello ! Thanks for your work, I'm actually trying your mod :)

    Can you help me to set your mod to :

    - Far more bots on each maps.

    - Ratio 80% of SCAV’s and 20% of PMC

    - SCAV's spawn immediately / 0 to 5 on each hot points + random spawn

    - PMC's comes after

    - Your mode can work as usually to generate waves

    I like to play like a PMC that come in a hostile zone to disturb locals ^^

    I beggin by modifying MAIN presets.

    Now I'm on spawn generator and since a long time I cant understand "interval Spawn Waves" ... :

    "waves": [integer], is the quantity of bot to spawn ?

    "wavesPerInterval": [integer], is the quantity of bots spawning waves ?

    "time": [integer] is the time during the mod will spawn waves ?

    Because for me the README is wrong :

    For example, setting "interval" waves to 30, "wavesPerInterval" to 3, and the "time" to 120 will generate 3 waves every 120 seconds for a total of 10 times.

    That means the waves will stop spawning after 20 minutes since 2 minutes * 10 = 20 minutes.

    2*10 = 20, sure, but where the 2 and the 10 come from ??

    • waves as mention in the overview is the total of wave that will last for the rest of your match, wavesPerInterval is the amount of wave will be taken for an INTERVAL, and time is how long will one an INTERVAL occur, that means if you set PMC to 300 waves, and 1 wave for an INTERVAL every 60 secs, then it will spawn PMC one time every 60 seconds and stops until the wave reach 300.

  • Hi there, thanks for the mod.

    How do I modify the quantity of bots in every map? Do I have to manually edit each file?

  • Hello good evening I just want to know on how to put my costum preset in the config file I am new to this so I don't know how to, in the readme it doesn't specify on what what I should do to add and assign a weight to the config file when I only have in it is settingsmanager and folders of likeliketarkov, preytolive, and template.

    • settingsmanager decide which folder is used to control the spawn. For instance, you choose "test", then inside test folder the locations file decides which preset is used and weighted. The readme is long but i can assure most of the info is there.

  • I attempted to use your mod with multiple other mods that had been working great prior. My mod list includes SVM. After using your mod, I quickly noticed that AI only spawned into my first raid after bootup. I deleted Better Spawns Plus from my user/mods folder because I assumed it was conflicting with SVM. However, the issue is still persisting. AI only spawns for the first raid not for any following raids unless I close the program and reboot. I include the first bit of the error that persists even after I removed BSP from my mods folder. Im not sure if I did something or not. Any help would be appreciated.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')

    at BotGeneratorHelper.itemAllowedInContainer (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\BotGeneratorHelper.ts:691:32)

    at BotGeneratorHelper.addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\BotGeneratorHelper.ts:593:27)

    at ExternalInventoryMagGen.process (C:\snapshot\src\generators\weapongen\implementations\ExternalInventoryMagGen.ts:61:63)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.addExtraMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:445:102)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:558:33)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddWeaponsToBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:486:22)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:81:14)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:196:52)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:117:20)

    at BotController.generateBotsFirstTime (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:224:54)

    • did you find a fix for this?

    • No. I deleted all mods and re-added, testing after every other. That gave me hope because everything seemed to run great with SVM, SAIN, and Algorithmic Level Progression all installed. I also have a few mods that deal with equipment.

      After a few games, however, I started seeing the same error again. I deleted SVM again to see what would happen and I still got the error over and over throughout the spt server log. For maybe 3-4 raids I was getting the error, yet, Id have some AI spawn after maybe 5-10 minutes in the raid. And it didnt seem like many AI either. I went into the mod and configured what I hoped would change the AI to spawn in within 15 seconds but that didnt help.

      I am now, again, going into raids and no AI are spawning. Not really sure whats up.

    • Most likely that is an issue with the Algorithmic Level Progression mod. BSP just deals with spawning bots and doesn't mess with generation of bot inventories or weapons.

  • Would like to report an issue/incompatible bug. When I enabled the forceStopSpawn in minutes settings, the game would stop loading the raid with the infamous error: "An attempt to was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already been completed."

    At first, I thought it was a typo in the preset but then I reduced the suspects and found this single setting caused the issue. I use SVM to extend the raid time and the stop spawn time is 60 minutes (raid time is 5 hours, lol). I wonder if this is a bug or caused by incompatibility. On the other hand, this setting can be handy.

  • Как сделать чтоб респавнились только чвк?

  • Great mod man! Does not have any stutter like I experienced in swag.... However, I realized there are only two default spawn points in ground zero. Is it the official client setting or the spt does not support more?

    • Thanks, glad to hear! SPT and the official game have the same spawn zones for bots. Factory and Ground Zero are the only maps that have what I would call a "global" spawn zone, so just one zone for the entire map. The other zone on Ground zero is for the scav sniper on one of the rooftops.

  • Is there a reason this mod sets the raid time multiplier to 7? It overrides the settings in SVM / raids.json in the normal server.

    • I'm not sure what you mean by the raid time multiplier being set to 7? All raid times should be set to default within BSP or whatever you have set in SVM. Are you getting into raids as a scav that only last a few minutes? SPT 3.8.0 introduces late game scav times so is that maybe what you are experiencing?

    • Time in a raid move 7 times faster than normal time. This is the default value, found in "raids.json", called "daynightacceleration." In SVM, we can set this to "1" for a real time raid.

      This mod overwrites the settings from SVM, and seemingly for no reason.

  • Does this respect to the in-game AI amount setting? I feel like Horde is not Horde anymore :notlikethis:

    • No. It will overwrite the settings. Default horde only spawn scav.

      Crying 1
    • You can still create a similar spawn preset like horde. Just give the spawn generator wave high number and lower time interval. Also you can choose whether it is PMC or cultist or even boss horde.

    • You're right. But I after trying this and the other spawn mod I feel like stock preset suits me better 😂

  • I'd like to slow down the passing hours in game.
    How can I do that ?

    Is it with the DayNightAcceleration item ?

    • You can try that option. However, it is not tested well by me so decrease the acceleration at your own discretion (Make a backup of your profile before doing so). May I ask why you want to slow down the passing hours in the game?

    • Because, using your mod for a while, I usually set the Raids Time at 2 hours long but doing so often brings me to late afternoon/evening in-game and I dont really like evening/night time.

      In addition, in terms of realism, I dont really like that 2hours pass in game for like 30min real time.

      I know, I'm weird ;)

    • Server value modifier has a similar option and it worked for me.

  • I've tried few raids on factory and encounter a problem

    there were spawns of PMCs only

    there were no SCAVs spawns ((

    how to fix it?

    • Did you check the log file for Factory during the raid? please check the log file while in a raid and if you see spawns with "BossName" called "assault" then scavs should be spawning in the raid. Also do you use any other mods that affect bots? Might be something else causing scavs to not spawn.

    • I have SAIN and DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression installed

      while in raid I see smtng like this "/client/game/bot/generate"

    • The log file for Factory is in your mod folder at 'user/mods/PreyToLive-BetterSpawnsPlus/logs/logs_factory'. Open this file while in a raid and see if it shows the "assault" type bots like this: "BossName": "assault"

    • sorry, my bad

      this was the last entry in the log for the last raid in factory


      "BossName": "assault",

      "BossChance": 75,

      "BossZone": "BotZone",

      "BossPlayer": false,

      "BossDifficult": "hard",

      "BossEscortType": "assault",

      "BossEscortDifficult": "easy",

      "BossEscortAmount": "1,1,1,1,2",

      "Time": 2626,

      "Supports": null,

      "TriggerId": "",

      "TriggerName": "",

      "Delay": 0,

      "RandomTimeSpawn": false,

      "ForceSpawn": true,

      "IgnoreMaxBots": false


  • I am using the Raid Overhaul mod by DJLang, which enables an almost unlimited raid timer. How would BSP work with this? Do I need to edit the configuration, for it to not stop spawning waves at some point, or is the waves infinite?

    • Waves are not infinite. Currently the larger maps (everything except factory or labs) have spawns that last about 60 to 90 mins. Factory and labs last about 45 to 60 mins. You would need to edit the spawn wave presets to extend the amount of waves.

  • Alright guys. If i want to increase fps should I use better spawns plus or swag+donuts? (What mod has the least fps hit)

    • I don't have enough raids under my belt with BSP yet to say 100% conclusively but so far BSP is using way less RAM and the bot spawns are totally smooth with no stutters and I have had slightly better FPS. SWAG & Donuts i am sure will get improved even more as it already has been since the 3.8.0 release, but I am still getting some small performance issues and stutters with that mod.

      Advantage is SWAG & Donuts has an in game menu you can change on the fly between raids while BSP does not but BSP has been the better experience so far for performance for me with 3.8.0. I forgot to say I have used both mods extensively in the past.

    • Thanks for the reply! I have used both a few years ago and BSP was always the better option for fps IMO, but swag+donuts just has more polish and those clean WTF spawns that I live for.

    • @Maddog to be fair I get quite a lot of stutters / fps drop when bots are spawning with BSP, and I don't really know how to fix that.

    • Everyone's hardware is going to be different and their performance and experience will be too. I can only speak for my experience that if i switched back to SWAG & Donuts right now i would be getting small stutters and significant FPS drops with spawns and very high RAM usage. With BSP i am getting basically none of this except for small FPS drops with spawns which are normal anyway.

      I have made performance optimisations to both windows and my boot.config for the game so that is runs much better. Maybe this is the difference? For reference i have a 7800X3D, 32GB DDR5 RAM, RTX 4070 Ti and game running off a NVMe drive.

      3.8.0 just runs worse than 3.7.6 at the moment. I am sure it will get fixed but right now it is a far less smooth experience even before any mods are added.

    • Just putting in my two cents here... bots are bots in SPTarkov. Bots will always eat performance. No bot spawning mod is going to provide much of a significant difference in performance. There is one exception however and that is how the bots are spawned into the raid. As more and more bots spawn into a raid performance drops and drops, right? Well, to mitigate this issue we can be selective in the time that bots spawn, the zones they spawn in and the type of bots that spawn.

      @RagingMadMatt you mention a lot of stutters. Well this is most likely because in BSP you are experiencing bots spawn in smaller waves throughout the duration of the raid rather than all at once in big waves where you might get one big instance of stutters. Spawning bots into a raid always causes stutters, nothing we can do much about.

      I've found that spawning smaller waves of bots over greater time throughout a raid, evenly distributing them between open zones, and alternating between scav/pmc/scav/pmc spawn waves helps keep raids "flowing". Its not a perfect solution but it does help with fps to some degree.

  • is it works with swug$donuts?

  • 3.8.0 update. Lets go! 8o

    Happy 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • Any plans to update this? 3.8.0 bot spawning is pretty shite.

    Heart 2
    • Yes, I just got done with a long work week and didn't get much time to work on it. I will try to finish it this weekend. :)

      Heart 6 Thumbs Up 1
    • Lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • Hell yeah.

    • BSP is THE spawn mod to have imho. Glad to see you plan on bringing it to 3.8.0! Take your time no rush :thumbup: 8)

    • Cant wait, loved your Mod for 3.7.4! :)

  • Pardon me sounding stupid, but the two settings that are built in to the mod "LikeLiveTarkov" and "PreyToLives", what is the difference between them?

  • Im not noticing any difference. Still see bots in the same area as in live tarkov. Am I doing something wrong with SVM ?

  • Love this mod, been using it for awhile and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience/config flexibility. My only question is, is there anyway to make the rogues on lighthouse behave more like they do in regular tarkov. Currently no matter what there are only a few rogues in the entire camp, and when I kill 1-2 of them sometimes they'll just spawn on the roof behind me on the mounted guns in areas i've already cleared. Really struggling to find a way to make this are more like base tarkov. Tyvm for the mod!

    • Yes I understand your concern here with the Rogues. Through my countless hours of designing and testing the spawn waves for all these maps I found Lighthouse to be on the more challenging side when it comes to balancing the pmc/scav/rogue ratio across the entire map.

      First off, rogues and bosses are programmed to block all other bots from spawning in the same zone they spawn in. The Rogue base has about four spawn zones. Since I also wanted to have PMCs be able to spawn in the Rogue base the only option/solution I had was to stagger the rogue spawns with PMC spawns which is why they sometimes spawn later into a raid than they would in live tarkov.

      Another issue that made the spawns difficult to manage is the "maxBotCap" or the maximum number of bots that can be living on the map at the same time. If "maxBotCap" is set too high then you get worse performance/FPS, if you set it too low then the map becomes dead/unlively. The sweet spot for semi-large maps was about 18-24 bots, anything more and FPS starts really dropping. In live tarkov all Rogues spawn at raid start like bosses do, as you are probably already aware of. However, unlike live tarkov, SPTarkov also has PMC bots that also take up performance and slots within the set "maxBotCap". The Rogues all spawning at raid start take up like 8-12 slots which means the other half of the map only has 10-12 slots available for additional bots. The goons(3 bots total) and zyrachiy(3 bots total) take up 6 slots. So you really have like 6 slots left for just PMCs/scavs. Which all it takes is a scav and pmc to spawn in the same zone and kill each other making the map become dead again. So, I found staggering the rogue spawns helped prevent this and kept the map flowing. Hope that makes sense.

      If you want to change this though you would need to turn off the spawn generator presets for lighthouse and use just have the main presets enabled. Then you will need to also go into the two main presets for lighthouse and change all rogue spawn times to -1.

      Thinking 1
    • Wonderful response, thank you so much! Clarifies exactly what I was feeling was the issue and honestly a work around isn't needed for me at this time as the map plays challenging enough as is and now that I understand they are intentionally staggered I can adjust playstyle. Thank you for the response/great mod!

  • In the SettingsManager.json what does the line "globalOverrides" exactly do? if i set it to true then does it effect everything such as boss spawn chances in the same file?

    • Global overrides basically "override" or "overwrite" presets that are generated/selected for each location.

      The "enabled" option under "globalOverrides" is effectively an on/off switch for all global overrides. If you decide to use any of the overrides then you must have this option set to true as well or any overrides will be skipped when the code runs.

      The "forceStopSpawnWaves" option will stop the pmcs/scavs at the set time for each raid. So for example you can set pmcs to stop spawning on customs after 25 minutes and set scavs to stop spawning after 35 minutes. Note that this is an override so it will only stop spawn waves that are within the selected preset. So, if you are hoping to stop spawns after 90 minutes then this will not work becuase the presets I've made that come with the mod only spawn bot waves until about 60-70 minutes into a raid. It doesn't add more spawns, just remove spawns. If you want more though you would have to add them within the presets.

      The "botChance" option will force the bots to spawn with whatever "chance" you have entered. Again, these are just overrides. So, for example if a selected preset for Customs doesn't have the boss Sanitar then even though you have Sanitar set to 100 in the global overrides he still won't spawn on Customs. I designed it this way so it doesn't affect the "default" tarkov spawns for bosses. If you ever wanted non-default bosses on their non-default locations then you would have to add them in the presets, similar to how you would add more spawns for pmcs/scavs like I mentioned above.

      Lastly, the "botDifficulty" option works the same as the "botChance" option. You can test how all the global override options work by viewing the logs within the mod too.

  • I got the mod running on my Windows Server. But on my Linux Server with docker the mod is not running. Other mods like Sain, etc. are running fine.

    Does anyone know how i could fix it?

    • Why exactly are you running this on a server to begin with, never the less. Some things won't work on linux based systems due to how things are coded. So it could potentially be that. Another possibility is that you goofed something on the install to the linux based server.

  • is there a chance that you can just turn off the pmc spawns so no pmcs spawns only scavs?

    • yes. follow this order

      Prey to lives mods folder > config > Settings Manager > and at line 42, "bot chance" for PMCS change enabled from "false" to "true", chance from "100" to "0"

      Please not at the top of the page mod needs to be enable along w/ global overrides

  • Anybody else getting only bosses spawning with no guards or followers?