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A balanced preset for KMC SERVER VALUE MODIFIER with bigger stash and more

This mod requires KMC SERVER VALUE MODIFIER (SVM) uploaded by The_Katto, developed by GHOSTFENIXX

This mod is a preset, mostly identical to the great FAIR AND BALANCED PRESET FOR SVM but with some modification. I recommend to use with my other mod The crafter

There is a SPT Realism Mod compatible profile too (settings in yellow are disabled in to realism version)


Installation: copy the file in "mods/ServerValueModifier/presets" folder. Run Greed.exe, load the preset and apply


I hope you enjoy this preset

  • Version 1.7.4#2


    -Compatibility fix for SPT Realism 1.4.7

  • Version 1.7.4#1

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    -Compatibility patch for SPT Realism Mod 1.4.5 and the new insurance system.

  • Version 1.7.4

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    Lowered car and coop exit price in both versions

    -Car price is now like live 6500

    -Coop price is now 20000

  • Version 1.7.3#1

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    -Added a version compatible with SPT Realism Mod (I removed settings that conflicted with the mod)

  • Version 1.7.3

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    -Reduced uses of Analgin painkillers from 10 to 6

    -Reduced uses of Augmentin Antibiotic Pills from 4 to 2

    -GP coin stack raised at 100

    -Roubles stack raised at 1000000

    -PR-Taran police baton and United Cutlery M48 Tactical Kukri do +50% dmg as every melee wep in this preset

    -Removed timer for new quests from traders

    -Car ex price raised at 8000

    -Coop ex raised at 25000

    -Now prapor return chance is 85% and therapist 75%, price adapted. (QOL)

    -Tuned skill exp

  • Version 1.7.2

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    Gamma and "scam" gamma size reduced from 4x5 to 4x4

    Kappa size reduced from 5x5 to 4x5

    They were to big

  • Version 1.7.1

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    HOTFIX for compatibility

    Removed the buff at the Scav and PMC HP, they caused too many conflicts with the mods

  • Version 1.7.0

    Works on AKI 3.9.x

    -Cloths are no longer free

    -Insurance storage time from 48 to 72 hours

    -A bit more loose loot in Ground zero

    -The airdrop is rarer on Ground zero

    If you found some bug, tell me.

  • Version 1.6.1

    Works on AKI 3.7.0 - 3.7.6

    -Disabled daily scav pickup quests as they are not functioning correctly

  • Version 1.6.0

    Works on AKI 3.7.0 - 3.7.5

    -Reduced the Heat generation of each weapon by 10%

    -Increased pistol/smg ammo stacks at 80

    -Analgin painkillers has 10 uses

    -Augmentin antibiotic pills has 4 uses

    -CMS surgical kit restores from 40% to 60% of max hp

    -Surv12 field surgical kit restores from 60% to 80% of max hp

    -Every melee weapon does +50% dmg

    -Increased the loot (static/dynamic) on every map except factory and labs

    -Increased the stamina by 10%

  • This seems like a great preset.

    Looking forward to trying it out!!!

  • Quick question for you.

    Did you change the weight at all or keep it the same?

  • I'll looking for a way for insert the HK MP5 in the pistol slot. If it works I'll integrate in the preset. Only for this SMG because is really small

  • nice preset for a normal, vanilla playthrough

  • really, Run GFVE.exe ?! that is first for any mod!!!