Featured UI Fixes 2.5.1

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Quality of life improvements and fixes for SPT

UI Fixes

Tarkov's interface is full of annoyances, but it doesn't have to be. This mod aims to fix at least some of them.


If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee

  • Version 2.5.1

    New stuff ✨

    - Open->All context menu flyout that will recursively open nested containers

    - Add/remove items from wishlist everywhere

    - Add keybind setting for Required Items search

    Bug fixes 🪳

    - Fix various issues caused when moving multiple items into the sorting table

    - Fix empty slot linked search keybind getting "stuck"

  • Version 2.5.0

    New stuff ✨

    - Multi-select interop! Other mods can interact with the multi-select functionality. See the readme for details.

    Bug fixes 🪳

    - Fix hideout craft tool return to certain places in upgraded stashes

    - Add more null checks to multi-select preview code

  • Version 2.4.5

    New stuff ✨

    - Enable magazine swapping by dragging a magazine onto a loaded weapon

    - Control split/use sliders with mouse wheel

    - Improve multi-selection box logic to allow clicking buttons without losing selection, e.g. opening the sorting table.

    - Added advanced setting that changes how long before the client syncs inventory changes with the server. This is normally 60s, hardcoded (great job BSG), presumably to protect their servers. Not really needed by SPT - default changed to 15s, configurable down to 0.

    Bug fixes 🪳

    - Fix "Add Offer Shortcut" not working

    - Fix null reference when "Reload in Place" feature can't find another mag

    - Fix rare null reference when auto-switching between buy/sell with trader

  • Version 2.4.4

    - Add option for grid reorder to prioritize smaller grids. For example, quick moving a 1x1 item like a grenade into your rig will place it in a 1x1 grid if possible, rather than a larger one.

    - Add keybind to highlight search in hideout craft, handbook, and flea market. Defaults to Ctrl-F

    - Fix some issues with flea market search bar

    - Fix more compatibility with MergeConsumables, allowing item swapping between different med and food items. This fix also allows med and food items to stack (assuming you have some other mod that changes stack size)

    - Fix null references when flea market back button is disabled

  • Version 2.4.3

    - Add in-menus reload keybind (R)

    - Compat fix for MergeConsumables (requires version 1.1.0)

    - Fix description of Add Offer keybind

    - Fix exception thrown when viewing weapons in handbook

  • Version 2.4.2

    New ✨

    - With Fontaine's blessing, UI Fixes now includes features from his Weapon Modding QoL mod!

    - All weapon parts are now inspectable and have context menus in and out of raid

    - Modify equipped weapons out of raid

    - Optionally modify unequipped weapons in raid, with setting to require multitool.

    Bug fixes 🪳

    - Disable Add Offer context menu if flea is locked, disabled, or user is banned

    - Disable unload ammoboxes in-place if fika is detected

  • Version 2.4.1

    - Quickbind tactical devices now includes headlights and NVGs

    - Toggle/hold setting now applies to respective quickbinds

  • Version 2.4.0

    New stuff ✨

    - Quickbind tactical devices! Use the quickbind to toggle individual tactical devices, or shift+quickbind to switch modes. Modifier key configurable.

    - Add Offer from item context menu!

    - Items growing in size from attachments will now grow left or up, if needed, instead of just giving you an error. Works from modding and preset screens too.

    - Tag dialog autofocuses textbox, and applies with Enter

    - Tagged, narrow containers without enough room to show both tag and name, will now show the tag rather than the name (configurable)

    Bug fixes 🪳

    - Fixed BSG bug: Add offer window's stash scrollbar changes width strangely.

    - Fixed BSG bug: Stop hideout camera from moving for various reasons when you're in an area

    - Improved error handling for hideout craft tool return; will fall back to vanilla behavior if needed

    - Fixed some multiselect bugs

  • Version 2.3.4

    Hotfix for ammobox unloading in fika


    - Disabled Home/End/PageUp/PageDown when a textbox is active

    - Tweak dropdown expansion to not go off screen

  • Version 2.3.3

    - Added Toggle/Hold support to sprinting, tactical devices, headlights, and goggles*.

    - Resolved conflict with Fika to enable reload in-place for users of that mod.

    - Fixed "Always Reload Magazines In-Place" choosing empty slots that precede the swapped mag. Always means always.

    - Fixed context menu clearing multiselect if selection box is bound to right-click.

    - Re-implemented unload ammo boxes in-place, should resolve its issues and work with Fika now.

    * Note that the latter 3 work differently than sprinting and aiming; toggle/hold works to turn it on but also to turn it off. I.e., you can hold the key to turn it on while you hold, but also to turn it off while you hold if it's already on.

  • Support

    If you're having issues, please do one of the following:

    • Post a comment here
    • Open a github issue
    • Tag me on the discord - I have my own thread in #mods-development

    Don't use the support thread, please, I usually don't look at it.


    Please do not reply to this

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Thank yooooou for adding the "required" keybind and the wishlist feature!

  • This mod is indispensable; out of all the necessary features, however, I think my favourite is the ability to control tac devices in a detailed way.

    Heart 1
  • I'm not sure if this is even repeatable and its such a dumb thing to do that it probably doesnt matter but I figured id mention it

    I just had some items, or well just a scav backpack get deleted after stacking items in the sorting tab and then closing it. I think its when I closed it that it went on top of a body armor. The body armor wasn't able to be picked up with my mouse after that, even if I moved the bag. I figured it would just reload back to right after my previous raid if I closed the game, so I alt f4'd. When I reopened it, the game was right where I left off and luckily my armor was back to normal but the scav backpack that was on top of it was gone and some other items where still on top of other ones but accessible. The backpack is completely gone. Hopefully i communicated this well

    • I noticed it said the scav bag is still in my inventory in profile editor so I tried sorting my stash and restarting again and my stuff is back! Sorry for spam.

    • I played around with the sorting table and did find a weird issue that happens when the table grows in size while dragging multiple objects around. It creates a visual copy of the item that can make things get wonky. Nothing is being duplicated or lost, but it's definitely something I'll fix.

      Heart 1
  • Issue: Doing a linked search on one of your empty equipment slots and returning will make the keyboard shortcut "stick" even if you mouseover nothing. This makes doing things like tagging a container with a label that contains "L" or whatever the keyboard shortcut character is set to very tricky because it will go to the linked search and close the tagging popup window. It can be fixed by double-tabbing.

    • Great catch. I have a fix for next release.

    • Fixed

  • If you group select a bunch of items and then grab a small one and move it into the sorting table it will expand the sorting table to make room lol. Not sure if thats on purpose but its useful lmao awesome mod thankyou

  • Версия 2.5 не позволяет игре даже запуститься. Видимо где-то есть конфликт

    • I'd need logs to help you

  • Would you ever consider adding more support for the Add/Remove to Wishlist context menu option? There's mods that interact with your wishlist but it's hard to move items in and out of it because the option is only available in the handbook and hideout.

  • Just dropped back in to play 3.9.x, and I found this mod. By far, this is in my top 3 mods ever. The QOL changes are a godsend. Thank you so much!

    Heart 1
  • Thanks for the mod brother!
    Is it possible to make a "Add to Whishlist" button in tooltips menu in raid, or stash?
    It allways pain when you need to search for the item in flea, and only then you can unmark it ((

    • Probably, I'll look. Don't forget you can always use the handbook too, not much better than flea but it's there.

    • Done

  • Not sure if is already in the mod or someone already mentioned this.

    Is there a hot key for swapping to character, trader, Flea market, preset etc..

    I was not able to find that in F12

  • Awesome mod! There is only one thing i can think of to make it more convenient, is it possible to add the load from preset context menu to magazines while in raid?

    • Unfortunately that would be a lot of work, more than just making the option show up. The code for presets and the code for in-raid mag loading are very different.

    • Thats to bad, no biggie though. Thanks for responding :)

  • Thank you for this fantastic mod! I'm here to ask (dunno if it has been asked alrdy tho) if would be possible to add a function to sort stash/containers with selected items not moving. Example i often put all my stuff at the bottom of the stash to have free space at the top. Thank you anyway :)

    • With UI Fixes if you shift-click the sort button it won't move containers. Not exactly what you're asking for but maybe it'll help?

      IoF offers marking specific items.

    • Oh i missed that thing! It will do, thanks for pointing me to it :)

  • Hey Tyfon, you think there's any way you could add a shortcut or write me a quick custom code to add via VS cause I'm using a barter mod, and I know you can use F for filtering by an item and L for linked searches however I need a shortcut button for required searches. Would be really convenient for this mod as you constantly need to see what's required to obtain an item in softcore mod and barter economy mod.

    • Yeah, I never think about that option which is why I didn't add it, but it's easy to add.

    • Thanks Tyfon appreciate you.

    • Done

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you so much Tyfon!

  • Fantastic mod thank you for all QoL additions.

    Heart 1
    • I don't see UIFixes in there anywhere. Bad quest data from a custom quest mod? I'd ask on the discord.

    • Lmfao, my bad, posted this on the wrong section!! Sorry about that!! :)

  • omg thank you so much for this QoL must have mod! btw is there a feature/hotkey to refresh inventory/containers?

    • What do you mean by refresh? Inventory is never out of date, unless you're talking about a Fika scenario, in which case talk to the Fika devs :)

    • oh am sorry i meant the sorting inventory button, instead of clicking the recycle icon button make an auto-sort inventory hotkey ^^
      Btw, does the in-raid modding weapon vital parts conflict with Props's in-raid modding (PRIM) can i have them both on or only keep one or use a load order? THX

    • It definitely conflicts with PRIM, but load orders don't work for client mods. I would pick one.

  • great mod :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • Hello, I tried to move a medical item, but the above error occurred. I am using MergeConsumables mod. Is it a problem that occurred with this mod?

    • Make sure you're using the latest version (1.1) of MergeConsumables.

      If you're already on the latest version, does this happen all the time with medical items?

    • Yes, I am using version 1.1.

      As I continue to play the game, it seems like this error sometimes occurs when moving not only medicine but also general items. It's not a critical problem, so i think it can be ignored. Thk for your reply

    • Well I'm unable to repro this, so if you ever notice a consistent way to reproduce the error, please let me know.

    • Ok, I will let you know if I find it!

  • "Added advanced setting that changes how long before the client syncs inventory changes with the server. ... - default changed to 15s, configurable down to 0."

    Ill have to be quicker alt F4'ing when i die now to save my gear

  • The latest update is insane. You absolute legend. The king of QoL strikes again <3

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a way to reload a magazine in the inventory while hovering the cursor over and pressing a hotkey? For example, if I have an empty mag it would be cool to be able to press "R" while hovering over the mag and it selecting the best available ammo. I know it's almost as simple to just drag and drop vanilla style, but hey, this is QoL, right? :saint:

    • "best available ammo" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that scenario. That's typically where I draw the line for UI Fixes - making decisions for you. But don't forget the top-up functionality (default: T) if the magazine isn't totally empty.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • This gigachad has made the game better in almost every way that BSG couldn't or refused to.

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • BSG team is still looking at this mod confused "but why they want these things... game is hard"

  • I don't often comment, but you are absolutely the fucking GOAT of GOATS.

    Heart 1
  • :love: new ui fixes version! WOO!!! thanks for adding so many features!

    Heart 1
  • - Added advanced setting that changes how long before the client syncs inventory changes with the server. This is normally 60s, hardcoded (great job BSG), presumably to protect their servers. Not really needed by SPT - default changed to 15s, configurable down to 0.

    does a bigger or smaller number impact on performance?

    • virtually no performance impact either way. I would recommend leaving it above 0, since at 0 there is no batching of requests at all and that *might* cause weirdness, although I didn't see any in my testing.

      Honestly the only impact you'd ever see from this change is before, if you move stuff around and then immediately alt-f4, those changes might not persist. With this change that's less likely to happen.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you for creating this great mod. I was wondering if it would be possible to add an auto-select feature for the key card, similar to how regular keys work?

  • Let me know if this isn't enough to find out what happened here, reported since it said UI fixes in it. (Not related to the other issue lol)

    • Thanks, fixed in next release.

      Heart 1
    • No thank you for the fast response/fix! Keep up the good work!

  • Add Offer Shortcut Bind key is not working X(

    • You're right! Some code got mistakenly disabled in a bad merge. I'll have it fixed in the next release.

    • ❤ COOL !

  • Biggest QOL after SPT as a whole.

    A must, should come as default such as SVM and TarkovIRL.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • So not really sure what is going on here. I was upgrading my hideout. As soon as I clicked on upgrade my workbench to tier 3, it did not work. So I then turned the power on and clicked again, and it did not work again. Then I checked the console log and I noticed I had errors. Now after leaving the game and trying to restart the game I get this on loading profile.

    This was part of the full log here below which all happened when trying to upgrade the workbench to tier 3.

    I appreciate any help that can be provided as the only thing I noticed that connected to any mod was the UIfixes in this. Completely fine if you don't know, thank you for your time :)

    • I think the reference to UIFixes is a red herring, the specific exception you're seeing would be due to two crafts having the same ID. Do you have any server mods installed that add hideout crafts?

      Heart 1
    • I do have multiple craft hideouts. I will look into that. Thank you for pulling me off the red herring XD

    • Just wanted to come back and offer you a grand thanks :)

      Because of you taking me off the red herring and pointing me to a possible craft issue I was able to identify the issue and fix it. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so. Thank you :)