WTT - Armory - Cheytac Intervention 1.0.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

No, you're not dreaming.

  • This is awesome! The intervention is my favorite sniper rifle too!

  • What's the weapon ID for this gun? Trying to add it for the modded trader Scorpion's Weapon Proficiency quests

  • Hello, thanks for such a great mod, the gun works perfectly with the realism patch. However, whenever I try to mod the gun, I can only put a sight and pistol grip on it. But I can't install a suppressor or change the handguard like in the photos. Is there a reason for this? Thank you for a great mod and bringing some fond memories back!

    • you broke something or you're only in the modded screen, not the preset screen.

  • excuse me, where is the gun attribute file (such as recoil)?

    • What for? Realism patch?

    • I want to customize some of the gun's properties, especially the recoil

    • the items.json for the gun

    • i tried to open "WTT-Armory-Cheytac\src\references\items.js" with Notepad, but there were only codes like:

      "use strict";

      Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

      exports.ItemMap = void 0;

      exports.ItemMap = {

      "AMMOBOX_127X55_PS12B_10RND": "648983d6b5a2df1c815a04ec",

      "AMMOBOX_12G_AP20_25RND": "64898838d5b4df6140000a20",

      "AMMOBOX_12G_RIP_5RND": "5c1127d0d174af29be75cf68",


      //# sourceMappingURL=items.js.map

      maybe I found it wrong, but which directory is the value of the recoil attribute? sorry to bother you.

    • go to the database folder, it's inside the database folder.

  • is there any info/plans about WTT mods coming SPT 3.10?

    • is 3.10 out?

    • nope, but i just ask are there plans to update those mods or not. not asking for details, just want to know if WTT mods will be lost to 3.9.x versions

    • of course we'll update. we updated our stuff from 3.8 to 3.9 didn't we?

    • thanks for info, sorry i didnt follow situation with mods before 3.9

  • So this may be intentional, however, I was building my own Realism compatibility patch for the M107 and noticed that for the Cheytac you have it almost entirely disabled. The only item that is actually patched for Realism is the ammo. It seems like you removed "TemplateType" from most of these items.

    • I did not, that would be Senara. I do not make/touch/breath on the realism compatibility patches

    • Ah gotcha thanks.


    • When i own a Lambo IRL.

    • I hope that's sooner than later XD

    • yo me too.

      in all honesty, if we resize it, it'll probably be just for the WTT supermod when it finally comes out.

    • That would be cool!!! I can't wait ^w^

      The gun is great though, 880m shoreline tower to tunnel extract, one tap after test shot-
      Right on the head :3

    • beautiful shot, good job.

  • Hi, (I'm using Realism) when I ADS my gun swing around and it's getting crasier every time I ADS. I know that it's kinda realism fault's but I was wondering if it wasn't because of the values in the mod that makes realism do majorettes to my PMC. I don't know anything about modding but maybe the fix has to come from your mod ?

    Thanks for the mod btw, have a nice day.

  • Would it be possible to have an optional sub-mod that adds 10-round magazine that is the same size as the 5-round magazine? A little bit of suspension of disbelief never hurt anyone, right?

    • already said
      there will be no 10round mags coz there is no suitable animation to avoid clipping

    • I am aware...?

      That's why I suggested having it be the same size as the 5-round magazine.

    • "667b6a1e035c41fb2dfb17cc": {
              "itemTplToClone": "5c503ad32e2216398b5aada2",
              "parentId": "5448bc234bdc2d3c308b4569",
              "handbookParentId": "5b5f754a86f774094242f19b",
              "overrideProperties": {
                  "ExaminedByDefault": true,
                  "weight": 0.058,
                  "Ergonomics": -1,
                  "Prefab": {
                      "path": "WeaponCheytac/408magazine.bundle",
                      "rcid": ""
                  "BackgroundColor": "yellow",
                  "magAnimationIndex": 0,
                  "Height": 1,
                  "Cartridges": [
                          "_name": "cartridges",
                          "_id": "5c503ad32e2216398b5aada4",
                          "_parent": "667b6a1e035c41fb2dfb17cc",
                          "_max_count": 10,
                          "_props": {
                              "filters": [
                                      "Filter": [
                          "_proto": "5748538b2459770af276a261"
              "locales": {
                  "en": {
                      "name": "5-Round .408 Cheytac Magazine",
                      "shortName": "408 Mag",
                      "description": "A 5-round detachable box magazine for the Cheytac Intervention. Normally the Intervention comes with a 7-round magazine, but this is the only Intervention magazine that has been seen in the Norvinsk region. Whoever the previous owner was seems to have marked it with a trademark of sorts. Whether this was for 'morale', or to better locate dropped mags is up for debate."
              "clearClonedProps": false,
              "addtoInventorySlots": [],
              "addtoModSlots": false,
              "modSlot": [
              "ModdableItemWhitelist": [],
              "ModdableItemBlacklist": [],
              "fleaPriceRoubles": 16000,
              "handbookPriceRoubles": 8700,
              "addtoTraders": false,
              "traderId": "SKIER",
              "traderItems": [
                      "unlimitedCount": true,
                      "stackObjectsCount": 99
              "barterScheme": [
                      "count": 1,
                      "_tpl": "ROUBLES"
              "loyallevelitems": 1,
              "addtoBots": false,
              "addtostaticlootcontainer": false,
              "StaticLootContainer": "LOOTCONTAINER_WEAPON_BOX_4X4",
              "Probability": 250

  • Have a weird bug, not sure if is caused by other mod (only one I can think of is maybe realism mod?)

    When I ads, my character start to swing the gun like a mad man, and it gets more ridiculous longer I ADS.

    • yup, that'd be realism.

    • any idea where should I start looking into try to fix it?

    • i thought fontaine had released a testbuild that fixes this

    • Sorry, I could not find that build, I am currently on 1.4.1 build with realism mod, could you point me to the download link? Thanks.

  • i m just curious...
    you said previously that you didnt want to implement larger mags becouse they would clip through hands while reloading, understandable
    but i wonder myself if that could be overcomed
    i guess you have chosen already existingt animations for already existing weapons. which one?
    i m curious if it would be possible to use m700 animation coz m700 has access to bigger mags so it would avoid clipping.
    just proof of concept, i dont require you to do anything :P

    • This gun was made ontop of the m700.

      we tried the other animations with a bigger mag.

    • thats what i thought... shame
      would you tell me what was wrong?
      buggy nature of extended mag animations or clipping mayby?

    • the extended mag clipped even when using the magindex animation that 12 round m700 mags use.

    • thanks for clarifying king

  • gotta ask does the gun now count towards bolt action kills?

  • Hi Rexana, I´m still on the sniping trip... Would there be a chance to get a Schmidt & Bender PM II 3-12x50 (which is my favourite) matching the colour of the rifle?

    • I don't do reskins, sorry. Might grab EpicRangeTime's Weapon AiO for more black scopes. his are better than BSG's scopes anyways.

    • Thank you! Found some wich match perfectly with your great gun! :love:

  • Good mod thanks, How do I deploy and use bipod though?

    • you.. can't

    • Ok no worries just seen one of your showcase pictures with it unfolded assumed it was functional.

    • it's the windrunner "handguard"

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I would first like to state that I love this mod and how it works, The gunplay with it feels clean, crisp, and powerful and I am able to top feed it which I love. After saying all that I would like to bring up 1 point, it does not work for tarkov shooter. I am not sure if this is just because the gun is modded or if that is a mod error. Note I am new to this stuff and dont know too much about it. The gun is very fun and I feel like im there when it fires. Very good mod keep up the work.

    • In terms of the WTT project it is not worth or a viable usage of resources to address this. But as my compatriot has linked above its an excellent way to expand your abilities and skill set. There are guides available and the scope of our project is better explained in the WTT tab in the overview section.

      Thank you for your concern, It has been duly noted.

  • i have placed mod in the mod folder just as all mods should be...
    peacekeeper doesnt have it in his inventory and when starting a server console says 1 mod folder lacks Json file...
    are there some dependencies on this mod or am i doing something wrong?

    • do you have loyalty level 3 with peacekeeper?

    • yup

      i ve read the description

    • tried loading the cheytac before everything else? can just add a capital "A" to the beginning of its folder name.

      "AWTT - Armory - Cheytac"

    • thanks it worked

  • 10 rounds magazine plz!

    • You can edit the mags to be 10 or more rounds in the config file.

    • but 10 rounds mag look better than 5 round magzine

    • so you want a bigger magazine for aesthetics....

      you know it's going to clip through your hands when you reload it right? and it's going to look fucking stupid?

    • maybe there's a reason i didn't make a 10-rounder. hmmmm?

    • damn why so aggressive about a simple request? he asked nicely and you just tell him his idea is fucking stupid and act patronizing... Just simply say "I am not interested in making that" or ignore him?

      Heart 4
  • This mod looks amazing! question, can these weapons be found in raid? like do the Ai pmc use it, or can i loot it in cases? or can i only buy this from trader?

    thanks in advance!

    • unless you're running something like ALP, it's trader/flea only.

    • oh okay, thanks for clarifying! keep up the awesome work!

  • Heyo, I'm on 3.8.3 (if that matters) and I was wondering if something could be done so bolt rifle kills can be made with the Cheytac? I figured I just add the item ID to the whitelist in the quest.json file but I'm not 100% sure so I figured I'd ask here real quick.

    Also, amazing job on the mod! <3
    I was very pleasantly surprised when I used the rifle for the first time!
    I'm not a modder so my big gamer brain was very happy.
    Allthough the chamber check sound is at the edge of being earrape for my ears, but I'm sensitive to some specific frequencies <__>

    Sorry for the rambling :)

  • Hey i wanted to use the mod with Project Fika i can install it no problem and it works when i start the game and loads bundels but when other people try to open the game it pulls bundels but very slow and at the last piece it stops and does not keep going we are not using the realism mod i know its probably not made for the multiplayer mod but i wanted to try ask anyway cause i really love this mod and maybe you know why it does that
    thx in advance

    • send them the bundles in your cache folder.

      also, this is not really the place to ask for Fika support, try their discord server next time.

    • thx ill try that yea i tried but they said they dont offer any mod support and that i should ask the mod author thats why im here

  • Does the mod add the Intervention to the loot pool anywhere and can PMC's spawn with it or does it have to be bought to acquire it?

    • not in static loot or on bots. has to be purchased. 3.9 messed up static loot anyways.

      i've seen cheytac parts on fence but that's about it.

      other than that it's peacekeeper or flea-market.

    • Is that statement still accurate after tonight's upload revision?

    • afaik If it's on a trader it can be on a PMC.

  • uhh could someone help and tell me where all the files are supposed to go? i have no clue lmao

    Edit: ohh just in the mods folder lmao i thought it had to go somewhere special bc it wasn't packaged like i was used to from other mods. Thx

  • fun fact. there are no 10 rounds mags for the m200 as the 5 round magazine itself weighs nearly 10 lbs loaded irl

  • Thank you for the 3.9.0 version!

  • thank you!!! was literally waiting for the WTT mods to update before i updated to 3.9. you guys are the best

    Crying 1
    • let me clarify: not that i was waiting on you guys to update your mods. but i was waiting to update to 3.9 and wipe until WTT mods were updated, cuz these guns totally change the game

    • i know what you meant, don't worry

  • the mode its great but its not compatibile with 3.9.0 version :(

    • oh jesus fucking christ

    • 3.9 hasn't been out for much more than 24 hours and people are already asking "when update"

    • Hahahahahaha don't take it to seriously, since the last couple of months there are Sooooo many new players in the spt community.
      So a bunch of people asking for "when update", even though the page CLEARLY states that people shouldn't bother mod authors...

      To clarify, your reaction was hilarious, no offense! <3

  • Now someone needs to make a quick scoping mod for all bolt actions

    Happy 1
    • nooooooooo

    • I thought about that as well after Rex posted this lmao

  • @Rexana first i just want to say this gun has become my favorite gun in the entire game, it is sick!

    any thought on reducing the MOA for the rifle though? the mod description says: "This thing is in all ways superior to the AXMC" which i agree. but the MOA of the M200 is about 0.9 (depending on the attachments) and the MOA of the AMXC is 0.37. the M18's MOA is 0.57 and its semi auto and semi auto rifles are less accurate than bolt action rifles.

    now i dont know what the "+20% accuracy" modifier actually does in game, and what the difference between MOA vs "+ accuracy" is. but with the current MOA statistic vs the AMXC, and my limited testing of the in game accuracy, it would be nice it if was equally as accurate as the AMXC.


    Thinking 1
    • tl;dr: "Rex, you idiot you made it less accurate than the AXMC"

      Got it. :D

      I didn't even check it against the AXMC, my bad.

      Happy 3
    • i'd be curious if MOA actually does anything in this game tbh. I've hit a 1300 meter headshot on lighthouse with it.


    • not a big deal i was just wondering. the "+accuracy" does impact the MOA stat of the gun, dont know if its just a multiplier of the MOA or if it has any other impact on accuracy.

      i do notice that less accurate guns miss slightly more often when aiming right on someone. i use Amand's hit marker mod which helps to tell when its me vs the gun. but ya, idk how much of a difference in tarkov MOA actually does....

  • seems like when i directly load a bullet into chamber with empty mag the movement stuck , and also normaly like DVL sniper rifle if i empty my mag , when i directly load bullet it'll unload mag first then load bullet

    • You can use this mod to remove animation crash. Until the creator resolves the issue, this is the best there is.


      Thumbs Up 1
    • fixed

      Heart 1
    • wow it worked ,thanks , both of you

  • Any changes in the new update other than realism compatibility? I have the first version installed but I don't use Realism so was wondering if I need to update or not.

    • no changes outside the realism patch, you are fit as a fiddle and ready to fly.

      Heart 1