WTT - Armory - Type 99 Arisaka 1.0.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Tenno Heika Banzai!

  • Version 1.0.4

    Not a huge deal of a patch. Simply adds Mosin tri-rail to the rear sight slot. Credit to nuclearnarcissist for the idea.

    I'm more than happy to oblige because this thing NEEDS an optic, omg, i just couldn't find a model for a scope mount when making it.

  • Version 1.0.3

    - Fixed Unity muzzle smoke console error. :thumbup:

  • Version 1.0.2

    Updated wooden textures for barrels/stocks


  • Version 1.0.1

    • Updated customitemservice staticloot method to the new 3.9 system
    • fixed addtobots
    • added addtohalloffame
    • added addtospecialslots
  • Version 1.0.0


  • Thanks for the fantastic mod, do you plan on adding more ammo types for the Arisaka or even any other military surplus firearms?

  • Oh, been updated so you can but scopes on it! Wonderful news!

  • Awesome work! So much talent, thank god you don´t waste it on pink glocks.... :D

  • Awesome one thing though could you please add the Orignal Arisaka Scope like the one in COD 5 that would be D.O.P.E ❤️🔥

    Edit: My Arisaka has some Weird Offset when i am aim downsight with no Optical Sights , like a bit to the left not realy centered. 🤔

    • are you using a rear sight?

    • Yes sometimes...right now i using a Burris AR Optic Sight or how it´s called ;) 😊 so u mean i shouldn´t use one right ? 🤔

    • I am Stupid i forgot to mount the Rear Sight 🤣now it is aligned right 💪😂

  • https://i.imgur.com/6zGS9h0.png
    It's not counting to The Tarkov Shooter - Part 1
    I'd like to note that I changed the iron sights to the Ariska Large Ironsight this raid.

  • When I shoot with a rifle, errors appear in the console.


    • okay?

      Has your game crashed?

    • Fixed.

      Grab latest.

  • I think that some of the model's normal map is in DirectX coordinate space, but unity uses OpenGL normal space. Maybe you didn't notice that.

    • Tron updated it. it's in Open GL now, check the latest version.

    • Happy to hear that!

  • happy to see the WWII guns in Tarkov

    Will we can see updates to 6.5mm arisaka in the future? Fedorov or Type 11?

    • I think our balancer Moloc wants to make more cartridges for this, but when? idk.

      Happy 1
  • can you make a kar98 too pls ? and can we get a scope for the rifle ?

    Thumbs Up 3
  • When 3.8 realism compatibility patch?

  • Any chance we can get the ability to attach the mosin sight?

    • i'm already working on other stuff.

      Thumbs Up 2
    • other stuff for this mod? or moved on to another mod?

    • another mod.

  • Im suprise that this got release before a Kar98k Mod

    Heart 1
  • i cant load all 5 bullets if im not empty because when you open it, it ejects a round that you dont replace

    • mosin does that too.

    • Pro tip: Switch to your melee/another gun and load it in the inventory. That's how you can have a full mag+chamber!

      Unless you strictly just have that uhh.... just grab a random weapon from a scav/pmc and do that

    • that's what i do tbh. swap hands to something else and drop a bullet on the gun. it ignores the open bolt animation that needlessly ejects a cartridge.

  • no 3. 8 . 2 . 3 version ?

    3 . 9 . 0 is broke

    no one can update ,

    no realism mod .

    • fuck realism, play the game on a new update anyways.

    • I'm going to give you the exact same answer I gave on the mod that you copy/pasted your comment on.

      Amazingly, we can see the first comment you made. - No need to spam it again.

      An older compatible version will be put together at a later time. Right now that isn't the priority. The focus right now is just getting the gun out into the community's hands to help bug test for us and find any issues.

      An older compatible version will be available on the WTT discord in the near future.

      As for Realism, our realism balancer is on vacation for a month. When she returns, the realism balancing can start being incorporated again. Until then, you'll have to sit tight.

    • i will play realism no other mods

      rather than all other mods no realism

    • Cool, get off the high horse. You're the one refusing to move to 3.9 and its actually really easy to do the realism bit yourself. Unless you're just waiting for others to do everything for you

    • It's alright Luna. Bro's been banned like 5 times since that message.

  • So is there only going to be the single Tracer cartridge, or will there be any extra added, especially like homebrew styled ammo? Love me the Arisaka (ya done great work Rexana), but hate the lack of 7.7 variety :(

  • 3.8.0 version ?

  • Rexana makes pizza with a brick oven. Never an electric. Very Good.

    • Never half baked. Always fully cooked, like an italian does it.

    • This comment string is going to be super relevant considering the next weapon i release.

    • LMAO

  • Looks cool. is the bayonet functional?

  • Constantly incredible stuff

    • "The day it isn't is the day i don't extract successfully"

      Heart 1
  • When WTT Modpack will be available ? I mean i suppose it is what's WTT team trying to make, a big modpack adding tone of quality content

    • cant rush quality be patient

    • For starters, it isn't a "modpack". It is one large mod that overhauls the entire game with many moving pieces and different systems.

      The standalone releases you are seeing are little bits and pieces that we are giving to the community so they have something to play with.

      The project has been ongoing for over a year now. I anticipate it will be awhile for an actual alpha release. Considering that just a single gun can take a month (and sometimes longer) to create, you can imagine how long it takes to put everything together. We are still also currently staffing up and training new members so that they can produce more content.

      Estimated release date is unknown. I'd like to hope for sometime in 2025 for an alpha, but that's as good as guessing.

      Heart 2
    • Thx and yeah i was sure it would not come out before 2025 at least for sure, then i hope you the best and thx for your work guys

  • :love: Holy hell! More WW2 weapons! That's an element the base game is really lacking in! Never expected an Arisaka of all things though! And it even comes with a bayonet, awesome. Still no stripper clips though... Really love the bolt sound!

    Oh dear modder, may we please get a MP-40 or StG-44? Oh pretty please dear modder? :saint:

    • i have an stg-44 model and textures on my SSD. so i'm not saying no, but not right at this moment.

  • Are the lee enfield or garand rifles planned too? 8)

    Heart 1
    • not to my knowledge

  • Great work, WTT crew killing it as always. Would love to see a Chinese Type 56, or even a Yugoslav M70 AK variant implemented.

    • i don't like chinese guns or russian guns.

  • Does it count for the bolt action rifle tasks?

  • WTT Thursday <3 8)

    Heart 6
  • Hey, ive been quite inactive since i currently dont have time to play tarov, but ill take a look into the forum from time to time. God damn, your weapon mods are really fucking top notch. Thats one thing i ever wanted and wished for, some really talented modders creating tons and tons of weapon mods. Keep on going, im really looking forward for everything you guys create!

  • Now that is a clean a** skin!
    I want to download all the WTT weapons but i'm going to wait for when the whole pack is merged.
    The polish WTT modders implement into their mods is rivaled by NONE.

    • If i were you, i would stop holding your breath and just download all the WTT weapons.

    • You cant rush perfection. It comes slowly but surely. I will gladly wait as long as it takes.

    • no, for real. you'd be waiting until probably well into 2025.

      Just download the weapons as they come out.

  • Yessssss exactly what I needed

    I can now banzai on some dudes

  • Amazing! WWII-era guns are so cool for scavs/early wipe! Thanks!

    Quick question, Is it 3.8 compatible? I don't think I will be switching to 3.9 anytime soon. :)

    • Nothing from 3.9 will be 3.8 compatible, unfortunately.

      ? 1
    • T-T my banzai will be stayed for now...