Low Budget Bullet Time 1.7.0

Want to slow down time to corner peak a bunch of AI? Now you can... with some limitations


1. Unzip directly into your spt-aki directory and it should install itself to your bepinex/plugins folder as dvize.BulletTime folder with ogg sound files and a dvize.BulletTime.dll within it.

2. You can replace the ogg files with your own sounds, just keep the same name.


1. Jumping is funky in bullet time mode.

  • Version 1.7.0

    Updated for SPT 3.8.0

    • Using bullet time button while moving is now fixed
  • Version 1.6.2

    Updated for SPT 3.7.4


    just extract to your spt folder as it has bepinex/plugins path within the zip already.


    Stamina is now fixed. Please use 8.0 for Stamina Burn Per Second or set to what you want if you were using a prior version of Bullet Time.

    Your character will drop out of bullet time once the characters stamina (not hands stamina) reaches zero.


    Yes you still need to be fully stopped before triggering the bullet time.

  • Version 1.6.0

    Update for SPT 3.7.0 by request

    I uploaded a small fix. forgot to update the version checker build version

    anyways, redownload for the 17 people who downloaded this before.

  • Version 1.5.2

    Updated for SPT 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 Only

  • Version 1.5.1

    Updated for SPT 3.5.7 Only

  • Version 1.5.0

    1. SPT 3.5.5 update only
    2. Added Version Checker

    Edit: Forgot the sound files in the folder.. Its there now.

  • Version 1.4.2

    Updated for 3.5.2

    Drop the folder in your bepinex/plugins as normal

  • Version 1.4.1

    1. Removed the actions that are supposed to happen when the stamina reaches 0. It would never work anyways because of timescale issue so it used to cause things to be messed up. Anyways enjoy infinite bullet time (it will still drain stamina).
    2. Sound files should be included now (my bad).
  • Version 1.4.0

    Updated to use 3.5.0 library.

    1. Still need to fully stop moving to start/end bullettime (couldn't fix this)
    2. Tied it to stamina burn.. (which is configurable in bepinex).. if you use it to long and end your bullettime, you'll have no stamina.
    3. Because of point 1.. basically you have infinite bullettime until you stop it.. whatever i give up.

    I was testing this with mods so the stamina recovery was probably unrealistic.. whatever you guys can configure the stamina burn for this.

  • Version 1.3.0

    Updated for 3.4.1.

  • Tested v1.7.0 (3.8.0) with 3.8.1 and 3.8.3 and it appears to work just fine.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this mod mess up bots aim? Im been observing bots, thay have high chance to recoil up to the skies when in slow mode.

    • I've been using this since 3.5.0 and I have not experienced the bots having issues aiming. Used a "infinite health" mod and let them shoot away at me, and did not notice anything. They hit me just fine.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Nothing budget in this mod, quality work. Thanks

    Heart 1
  • @Props, Thanks for the update. Love the mod. Just letting you know the Versions shows as 1.6.3 for the 3.8.0 update, but the file downloaded was [dvize.BulletTimeV1.7.0.zip]

    Thumbs Up 1
  • This mod makes Scav runs so much fun, thanks for making this.

    Happy 1
  • I apologize, it looks like I didn’t install the latest version of your plugin, so nothing worked.
    I downloaded it again and it worked!!!!
    Thanks for the plugin and wasted time because of my mistake.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • this is one of my favorite mods, I hope its updated soon!

  • if i knew how to update i would! This mod is so fun :(

  • 3.7.1 Update. Literaly unplayable due to severe case of Wheredabulletscomefrome disease.

  • 3.7.1 update please, por favor, Thanks !, Gracias ! :saint:

  • Will this work on spt 3.7.1?

    • no because of the version checker

      Heart 1
    • will it be on that version soon?

  • I'm playing with version 3.7.0 and it didnt work, Are you gonna update to 3.7.0 ? because i feel need to use this mod

  • I installed everything according to the instructions, but the server still does not see this mod. SPT VERSION 3.6.1

    • if you installed correctly, you will have bullettime folder in your :

      X:/;<sptInstall>/bepinex/plugins folder

      you can check your bepinex/log file to see if dvize.bullettime loaded as well

  • Here's (mostly) working version for 3.5.6. And here's VirusTotal, just in case.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • @I dont know JS and Csharp, Thanks for updating it to SPT-AKI 3.5.6. Until Props get time to update it for SPT-AKI 3.5.7, are you going update yours? Thanks in advance,

    • Thanks Props!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • May I get a definition on "funky jumping" when time is slowed down? How funky can a jump get?

  • if possible to make it like hold breath like holding the key to active then releasing key deactivate?

    Thank you this mod <3

  • FYI: Your new version (1.5.0) does not contain sound files. There is only dll file.

    • oh crap lol. thanks

  • Your mod does not work on the latest version. Are you planning to update the mod for SPT-AKI 3.5.5 version?

    • give me a few... was caught up with my other mods :)

    • Thank you for your work and for your good mods, I use almost all the mods of your development, this mod generally saves and helps with boss fights.

      Happy 1
  • Does the slow-mo affect the projectile? I tried lowering the dilation but bullet seems to hit immediately no matter what

    • it should?

    • if make a tracer mod where all bullet tracers to easier see monkasspog ?

  • 02/17/2023 - 4:30am EST - @Props. First off, I love your mods, and have been using a few of them for months. Just saw this Bullet Time one, and played/tested it for 4 hours with SPT-AKI v3.4.1 and v3.5.0 always using a clean/new User profile and NO other mods at all. It could not be a cleaner test. Short version, I found very apparent issues with both versions. I'm exhausted right now and just "STARTED" this summary, and will finish it later this morning. Wanted to get my thoughts down now while they are fresh in my mind. Thanks

    v1.3.0 (For SPT-AKI 3.4.1):

    1) The [Cooldown Period] value (default 120) is NOT functioning as intended. With the values set as below, first time you press the button (Mouse4), it lasts for 5 seconds. However, you can IMMEDIATELY press and activate it again???. It is NOT using the Cooldown value as a "cooldown" time. What it is actually doing is acting as the "next" [How Long Lasts] time. So after the immediate second press, it now lasts for 20 seconds instead of 5. Now after it ends, wait 10 seconds before activating it again. This time now it will last for 10 seconds (i.e. 20 - 10). So if you have the [Cooldown] set to say 120, you really see the issue. First time you use it, it lasts 5 seconds. Then you can incorrectly activate it immediately, and now it is going to last 120 seconds.

    EASY Test:

    - Cooldown : 20

    - How Long BT lasts: 5


    v1.4.0 (For SPT-AKI 3.5.0):

    1) There are no sound files included in the .zip, and copying the ones from v1.3.0 (3.4.1) does not work. Thus there are no sounds for entering and exiting this mod now.

    2) The Configuration Menu (F12) with the options has changed from the previous version, and the [Overview] text still references the old version and has not been updated.

    3) There is an odd issue with the new [BT Stamina Burn Rate Per Second] value (default 140) and how it effects whether you can toggle the mod back off once activated. At 140, the stamina depletes rather quickly like in 1-2 seconds. If you do not press the (Mouse4) button again real fast BEFORE the stamina is completely drained (i.e. past red and gone), then as it starts refilling, pressing the (Mouse4) button does not deactivate it. So to see this, set the [Burn Rate] 5, or 10, or 20. Activating BT will not even drain stamina at all. So I found you need to set the [Burn rate] to about 65 to have the stamina drain take about 3-4 seconds. Now you can test. If you press the button quickly, you can deactivate it, and the stamina will start rebuilding. You can keep doing this on/off as long as you do not let the stamina COMPLETELY drain. Once that happens, as it is building up pressing the button will not toggle it. You have to actually press the button twice in a row really quickly, and before the stamina completely drains. I know I'm rambling, but if you set the [Burn Rate] between 60-70, and just start testing it, you should see what is going on.

    • Thanks for taking the time to test. I will reupload with the sound files (whoops). I was mad and just uploaded whatever i had.

      I'll take another look. I think i had a stamina/energy mod somewhere. I was pretty sure no one even used this mod lol.

    • Sounds good. Thanks so much for addressing this. I will test it out soon.

  • A very useful mod, especially against Bosses with retinue, it's a pity that it does not work on version SPT-AKI 3.5.0. You can update your mod to the latest version.

  • time dilation is not turned off outside the raid, need to fix

  • really great mod, shame about movement restriction for toggling bullet time, makes using it a bit clunky

    is it hotkey conflict? like movement keys act as modifier for a mod hotkey, so it's no longer register properly? cuz i don't think movement itself should matter, it's just changing game's timescale

    don't know much about unity, but i think simple Input.GetKeyDown should work just fine, no?

    • Yeah, i haven't found a way around it. Its a restriction within the game so that physics don't go wonky i guess.

    • yeah, looked at BepInEx.Configuration.KeyboardShortcut, it specifically state about key combos

      i guess dirty crutch could be to allow having multiple binds (five in total) so user can also cover combos with movement keys and then have something like this for Update script

      Plugin.KeyBulletTime.Value.IsUp() || Plugin.KeyBulletTime2.Value.IsUp() || Plugin.KeyBulletTime3.Value.IsUp()

      and so on, but not sure how whole thing will work

  • Good day. I like the concept of this mod, but I think I noticed a bug. For whatever reason, aiming doesn't line up during slow mo. When I aim at the enemy with a scope, the bullets do not travel normally.

    • I'll check. did you use fov mods at all?

    • Nope, got no FOV Mods installed whatsoever. Mods I got ingame are this, SVM, a weather mod and the ammo info mod. I noticed the aim being off using an SKS with a PSO Scope and Ironsights on a 5.45 AK.

      EDIT: The problem I noticed with my shooting was that the bullets are always quite a bit lower then without slow mo active.

    • Can you try again with no camera recoil for me?

      Use Custom Camera Recoil

      and -100% camera recoil reduction in config.

      Then test again.

      I am thinking that maybe because its so slow now that you are noticing the aiming is wierd...to be fair i don't think i can fix it because its physics that i don't have direct control over .

    • Yep, tried it again with no recoil, and on the BelOMO PSO-1 4x24 scope on an SKS shooting at the first blank target in the shooting range, all my bullets hit at the first small arrow beneath where you aim, instead of on the point. This is with max Aim Stamina and holding my breath.

    • So, with me playing with the mod for the past 2 days, I think I noticed what the problem is. If you are in Slow-Mo, and use any scope which forcibly zooms your camera into the scope(So any sniper scope basically), the camera isn't line up correctly to the barrel anymore. You can easily see this for yourself using the VPO Sniper and any SpecterDR Scope.

      Thinking 1
  • It is hoped that bullet time can be entered in a non-stopped state. Thank you!

    Thumbs Up 1