
  • The 3.0 version isnt working for me. I tried Extracting directly into the mods folder and I get this on startup;

    I had this same problem, and then i saw what CWX said and i tried to put the files in SPTINSTALL/user/mods/ereshkigal-allinone/files
    But now my Server just shuts down right after i start it.. anyone know why?

    This is what the log says:

    [2022-07-01T18:31:52.325Z] info: Importing configs...

    [2022-07-01T18:31:52.434Z] info: ModLoader: loading mods...

    [2022-07-01T18:31:52.449Z] debug: Mod ereshkigal-allinone hash stored in ./user/cache/modCache.json

    [2022-07-01T18:32:00.855Z] info: Importing configs...

    [2022-07-01T18:32:00.954Z] info: ModLoader: loading mods...

  • Is your file structure correct? You should have a normal folder in the "mods" folder not a zipped one, nor should the files be in the "mods" folder itself they need to be a folder titled "$modname$".

  • Just deleted all the files and re-extracted them from the compressed file, and it works now, tried to add my old config file and its broken again, so it seems to be an issue with one of the settings i changed in the config file.. i will try to make some changes again and see what happens :)

  • To fix the issue with inraid item restrictions such as max number of bitcoins, SICC cases, etc.


    Line 83 change "removeInRaidsRestrictions" to "removeInRaidRestrictions"

    The extra 's' is the problem


    Line 92 change"removeInRaidsRestrictions" to "removeInRaidRestrictions"

    same problem there is an extra 's'


    The config variable needs the extra 's'


    Change "removeInRaidRestrictions" to "removeInRaidsRestrictions" on line 73

    Edited once, last by Tuhjay ().

  • Just deleted all the files and re-extracted them from the compressed file, and it works now, tried to add my old config file and its broken again, so it seems to be an issue with one of the settings i changed in the config file.. i will try to make some changes again and see what happens :)

    did you find out where the issue is?

  • hello, thanks for the great mod. just wanted to let you know when extracting the mod i had to create a new folder. before it would just extract everything into the mod folder without the ZEreshkigal folder. i saw one other recent post talking about missing package.json in the server log. that was the same problem i ran into. but anyways just wanted to give you a heads up.

    simple fix if anyone else encounters that problem, just create the folder ZErshkigalAIO folder and extract. thanks again

  • so ive got everything working , did some messin around and had turned on all extracts. In raid , i actually have the exact amount of 0 extracts. ive ran around the map 2x and not a single one works.

  • Is there supposed to be an additional syntax regarding the weightChanger command? Because the PDF suggests there's supposed to be a weightOption listing in the config, but it's not there. Do we need to manually add that in? I'm currently trying to review an older version of your mod to see if it was just removed and needs to be manually added.

  • Is there supposed to be an additional syntax regarding the weightChanger command? Because the PDF suggests there's supposed to be a weightOption listing in the config, but it's not there. Do we need to manually add that in? I'm currently trying to review an older version of your mod to see if it was just removed and needs to be manually added.

    It looks like from the code that you just type a number in to multiply by.

                    // Weight Change, only Multiple possible
                    if (typeof this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges !== "boolean" && typeof this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges === "number" && this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges >= 0)
                        //Exclude nodes, inventory and pockets from the weight changer
                        if (base._type !== "Node" && base._parent !== BaseClasses.POCKETS && base._parent !== BaseClasses.INVENTORY)
                            this.editSimpleItemData(id, "Weight", (base._props.Weight * <number> this.configHandler.getConfig().items.weightChanges));

    I have "weightChanges": 0.1, and everything appears to be 90% lighter.

  • i dont understand the flea market level 1 option, it says it needs to be a number to active but it i replace false with 1 or any other number i get the error "ChangeFleaMarketLvl option is incorrect, it must be a number to activate or false to disable. check the readme.pdf for more info." i dont see what im supposed to do as where else dose the number go?

  • i dont understand the flea market level 1 option, it says it needs to be a number to active but it i replace false with 1 or any other number i get the error "ChangeFleaMarketLvl option is incorrect, it must be a number to activate or false to disable. check the readme.pdf for more info." i dont see what im supposed to do as where else dose the number go?

    it must look like this:

    "changeFleaMarketLvl": 1,

    comma and spaces included

  • Hi, I really enjoy this mod and want to keep using it but it does not seem to work for the current build, and I understand you won't be working on this mod anymore so I was wondering how would one be able to update it to work with the build? I'm using the newest build 3.1.1

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