SPT Realism Mod

  • Currently, I'm using the following mods:

    Recommended mods:

    • SamSwat's Increased FOV mod
    • GeffHannigan’s Scope Overhaul

    As well as:

    • KCY - SEEITEMVALUE 1.3.5
    • PATH TO TARKOV 3.2.3

    Without FAIL, these mods are all working together just fine.

    I tested FAIL with only:

    • PATH TO TARKOV 3.2.3
    • SamSwat's Increased FOV mod
    • GeffHannigan’s Scope Overhaul

    Once I removed FAIL, it worked.

  • Not sure why FAIL wouldn't work anymore, unless Fin decided to rewrite it significantly. Path To Tarkov is a very intricate mod so that could make things unstable with certain combinations of mods. I'll look into FAIL in the future but unfortunately I don't have the time to dive deep into mod compatibility at this stage.

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod TEST VERSION for AKI 3.1.0

    Just an update to v 3.1.0. Let me know if there are any issues:thumbup:

  • no, was 100/2, I was trying to use it but never heal me
    remember only scav
    and yes, I close the server in every mod update

    The only way it's possible to get 100/2 is if you go from the med changes being disabled, to being enabled, if a P. Scav was available prior to you disabling the med changes. It only effects the first P. Scav you use after med changes are enabled/disabled.

    Either way, I just made a config option that will restore all your meds to default values, and your P. Scav will also have their meds corrected now. I will put it in a future update.

  • Hi again :P

    Is there a way to avoid almost the error with bastion dust cover? (red font)

  • Hi again :P

    Is there a way to avoid almost the error with bastion dust cover? (red font)

    I'd have to know that level you are, what config options you're using, what version of my mod and what version of SPT, what other mods you're using, what map, what bot it was etc. The issue is that the dustcover requires a scope, but whichever bot that was, does not have any scopes listed for that dustcover in their loadout file. My PMC and Scav files do not use bastion, so it's some other bot out there. Not something I can fix until I end up redoing all the bot loadout files which isn't a priority ATM. It's not a big deal anyway, all it means is that bot will use a preset from traders.

  • hello first of all very good mod, I don't play tarkov without this mod since it's not very fun to see how the vests absorb 7.62x51 and x54r bullets in the base game, one question I have is if the .357 magnum cartridge has been implemented the penetration and damage system of your mod or is it like in the base game?

  • hello first of all very good mod, I don't play tarkov without this mod since it's not very fun to see how the vests absorb 7.62x51 and x54r bullets in the base game, one question I have is if the .357 magnum cartridge has been implemented the penetration and damage system of your mod or is it like in the base game?

    Hi, thanks for the feedback! Yeah, .357 is implemented, but it feels a bit weak ATM with how BSG handles blunt damage. The game takes into account penetration stat when calculating blunt damage, to the point that lvl 10 armor will receive barely any damage from shotgun slugs.

    I'm currently overhauling ballistics to correct this and many other issues, so pretty much all the ammo and armor stats are going to have to be redone from scratch anyway. It will take a long time, but hopefully it'll be worth it!

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Fontaine added a new version:



    Fixed server crashes happening with tier 2, bots causing no bots to spawn.

    For some reason, the PP-9 Klin was causing Bears to crash the server. This seems specific to SPT 3.2.0, no way I could have foreseen. Apologies for the inconvenience!

  • I just realized my dude is getting into the "yellow" on encumbrance status at like 15.1kg: is that normal for the mod?

    Only SVM and No-ESP installed and brand new profile.

    At first I thought it had something to do with turning off the med changes, but turning off server, turning on meds in config, and then starting a brand new profile and the dude still gets weighted down at about 15.1kg instead of about 21.1 or so in the past.

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