SPT Realism Mod

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • i got a bit of a goofy bug going, whenever i wear a face shield i can't ADS. no matter if its up or down, or if i have the ADS faceshield patch enabled or disabled. it lets me "ADS" in the sense that i drain arm stamina and my sensitivity gets changed, but i still have the view as if im firing from point-fire. tested it with several faceshields and they all give me the same issue, nothing game breaking, if anything it just adds another thing to think about if i want face protection :D

  • Figured out it was a bug. It was a hard one to figure out because a new profile doesn't have the issue when you first create it, and my dev profile is high level so it's hard to notice :S It's fixed now anyway, apologies for that.

    I'll need to know what mods you are using, config options (if not running defaults), SPT version.

    Appreciate the kind words :D

    Turns out Sam rewrote his mod a bit for 3.5.0 so it's no longer compatible (it was while I was developing for 3.5.0 ;() Hopefully I can get it working again.

    i got a bit of a goofy bug going, whenever i wear a face shield i can't ADS. no matter if its up or down, or if i have the ADS faceshield patch enabled or disabled. it lets me "ADS" in the sense that i drain arm stamina and my sensitivity gets changed, but i still have the view as if im firing from point-fire. tested it with several faceshields and they all give me the same issue, nothing game breaking, if anything it just adds another thing to think about if i want face protection :D

    The only goofy thing is me, that's fixed and will be in another hotfix ASAP. Thanks for letting me know.

  • I am on 0.7.1, and noticed that Fence could have suspiriously lower level of price he can swing down.
    For you to understand HOW cheap: keytool for 47k, GPU for 24k, map for 10k, nade case for 55k, etc. Technically EVERYTHING you buy from Fence you can sell to him for much bigger price than you wasted to buy.
    Previously I remember Fence only selling for unimaginably higher than default prices. Is it some sort of intended and extremely rare interaction opposite to for example ammo prices skyrocketing or unintended?

  • First of all, I don't think I can go back to any other vision of SPT after trying this. Bots seem to be perfectly deadly, mod compatibility is great and it's very simple to set up. Kudos for the work so far.

    Couple of things I noticed :

    Mastery changes were implemented to lower the overall requirement (Beretta requiring 75 points for lvl 1 for example), however some weapons might have a typo? AK-74x series mastery is at 2000 for first level. I would assume it was supposed to be a 200 to match others.

    Is there also a way we could have an option in the menu for "Old master requirements" alongisde "Mastery changes revertion"? I kind of dig having a bit higher mastery numbers since current ones you could master a gun in 2-3 raids.

    Another thing is quest viability. I got to a point on previous version where some of the quest keys were really hard to get and the only way to farm them was to keep checking PMC inventories and bags. Is there a way Fence could have additional category such as random keys being cycled so that whenever we are stuck with a specific key we could potentially get them from him? At the moment keys are excluded from both Flea and Fence on default config afaik.

    Lastly, has there been made any changes to ensure all standard quests in the game can be completed? I.e spawns for Huntsman Path - Administrator or Easy Job Part 2? Are there any quests you are aware of that would need to be manually completed in the Profile?

  • I am on 0.7.1, and noticed that Fence could have suspiriously lower level of price he can swing down.
    For you to understand HOW cheap: keytool for 47k, GPU for 24k, map for 10k, nade case for 55k, etc. Technically EVERYTHING you buy from Fence you can sell to him for much bigger price than you wasted to buy.
    Previously I remember Fence only selling for unimaginably higher than default prices. Is it some sort of intended and extremely rare interaction opposite to for example ammo prices skyrocketing or unintended?

    AFAIK nothing I do should change Fence's prices, it *might* be an SPT thing in general. Which of the trader config options are you using? (hardocre flea, tiered flea, trader changes).

    Great to hear, thanks for the kind words.

    Sounds like some mod is conflicting with your mastery. 1st level for pistols is 800 and not 75, 1st level for AK family is 400. None of them have a level one XP of 200. There's no way you'd get even 50 xp in 2-3 raids.

    Quests I leave for other people to fix, that's outside of the scope of this mod. Quests are constantly changing, unfortunately I just have way too much on my plate to deal with as it is.

    As for keys, I have some people saying their are way too many keys on bots and others saying they're too hard to find :D I can try to add keys to fence though. I want to change Fence up a bit more but I just didn't have the time yet.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Kinda curious, due to how the combined mastery is, would using a VSS count to quests that rely on AKMs?

    I don't *think* so, as far as I know quests explicitly list the weapons that are valid for the condition, but I could be wrong.

  • Thanks for the kind words :) Can't say I've had issues like this myself. Either way that would be 3.5.0/patch 13 issue and I recommend testing it without mods and if you still have issues to report it to the devs. The switching thing has always been an issue and is also an issue with live's offline mode if I recall correctly

    Hi I need steps to reproduce this, like what map and time at least. What bot config options are you using? And I assume you're using latest version of the mod on SPT 3.5.0? Is it happening every time or some of the time?

    Hello, I am not using any bot config options as I have did not edit anything, and yes im using the latest version. I get this error when I launch the server.exe. This happens every single time unless I remove the mod

    Edit : I have no mods installed except for SPT Realism

  • Hello, I am not using any bot config options as I have did not edit anything, and yes im using the latest version. I get this error when I launch the server.exe. This happens every single time unless I remove the mod

    Edit : I have no mods installed except for SPT Realism

    I can't reproduce this at all. Maybe try uninstalling the mod completely, downloading it again, and reinstalling it. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling SPT itself.

  • Hello,

    In one of your updates you integrated support for some of SamSwats weapons. This is in regards to the shotguns. They all have very low accuracy in the 100s and 70s. I could be wrong but I am assuming they do not normally have accuracy that low. It does pretty much make them unusable except at point blank. This could be intentional, but if not I figured I would mention it. This also could be an issue with his weapons and not this mod, if so I will raise the issue with him.


  • Don't sweat it man, it's a bit of a convoluted mechanic :D just trying to make weapon modding and some weapons more unique and in-depth and true to life, still need to find the right balance for all of it. For an SBR M4 really you need the MK12, you might get by with the standard triangle gas block + a suppressor or muzzle device that has high malf reduction + buffer like the A2 or the new one that came with patch 13. For the next patch or so I'll add better ammo and magazine malf chance stats that actually reflect the odds better.

    Honestly, you do great with it, every build now feels more unique, I feel more invested on building weapons with this mod, I much prefer this type of balance of give and take to the original EFT systems where it's significantly more basic and certain things are straight up better.

    The effort you put in the details is wild, respect.


    In one of your updates you integrated support for some of SamSwats weapons. This is in regards to the shotguns. They all have very low accuracy in the 100s and 70s. I could be wrong but I am assuming they do not normally have accuracy that low. It does pretty much make them unusable except at point blank. This could be intentional, but if not I figured I would mention it.


    2-3 replies or so above they said the SamSWAT mods broke compatibility due to 3.5.0 changes, the FAMAS and such also don't work properly either, they'll fix them in the next patch.

  • Hello,

    In one of your updates you integrated support for some of SamSwats weapons. This is in regards to the shotguns. They all have very low accuracy in the 100s and 70s. I could be wrong but I am assuming they do not normally have accuracy that low. It does pretty much make them unusable except at point blank. This could be intentional, but if not I figured I would mention it. This also could be an issue with his weapons and not this mod, if so I will raise the issue with him.


    Yeah Sam updated his mods in such a way that just broke compatibility for some reason, it is what it is. I'll do my best to work around it and get it working soon again.

    Honestly, you do great with it, every build now feels more unique, I feel more invested on building weapons with this mod, I much prefer this type of balance of give and take to the original EFT systems where it's significantly more basic and certain things are straight up better.

    The effort you put in the details is wild, respect.

    2-3 replies or so above they said the SamSWAT mods broke compatibility due to 3.5.0 changes, the FAMAS and such also don't work properly either, they'll fix them in the next patch.

    Thanks man I appreciate it. My intent is for their to not be a straight up meta for all guns, or meta guns, but for each weapon to be usable and have its own unique builds, problems and mechanics as much as possible

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Fontaine added a new version:

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