SPT Realism Mod

  • when trying to remap the passive aiming key, it instantly remaps to F13 (idk about you but i dont have that key) and i either only can turn it off or have it on B, which is my select fire modes

    I can't replicate this issue, I can change the keybind just fine. Maybe you have a programmable keyboard that has macros set up or something?

    Hi there,

    having an issue loading into raid, using amands graphics, samswats reflex sight rework, kobrakon;s adrenaline, platinums spt realism ammo stats and trap's path to tarkov

    any ideas?

    Mods change and compatibility may break, you'd have to remove one mod at a time till it works again. Amand's is definitely compatible.

    thanks, should've done that to begin with. i found out it's related to seeitemvalue, KcY - SeeItemValue. should i post in their support thread to see if a fix can be made? anyways, thank you!! :) love your mod btw

    No problem. You can report it to them if you want but it might be something they can't fix.

  • It seems that this mod is causing all items bought from traders and flea market to be FIR. I removed every other server mod except SPT Realism and the issue persisted, then removed SPT Realism (both the plugin and the server mod) for the issue to no longer occur. Here is my config file for the mod.

  • It seems that this mod is causing all items bought from traders and flea market to be FIR. I removed every other server mod except SPT Realism and the issue persisted, then removed SPT Realism (both the plugin and the server mod) for the issue to no longer occur. Here is my config file for the mod.

    34 "remove_fir_req": true,

    This needs to be false instead of true

  • when trying to remap the passive aiming key, it instantly remaps to F13 (idk about you but i dont have that key) and i either only can turn it off or have it on B, which is my select fire modes

    That can be caused by the Geforce Experience overlay if you're using that, try disabling the overlay in the settings of the Geforce Experience app.

  • 34 "remove_fir_req": true,
    This needs to be false instead of true

    Thank you, that seems to have fixed the issue.

    @ dev: The config app doesn't seem to make it clear that the "Remove FIR Requirements" tickbox also makes purchased items (from traders & flea) FIR; could that behavior be added to the alt text description, or better yet, be moved into a separate config option?

    Edited once, last by Sundr ().

  • Sorry for the bad English in advance..

    I found a strange bug in mod (if it is not and I'm just a stupid degenerate, then I'm sorry)

    When SPT Realism is enabled, aiming their weapon with the underbarrel grenade launcher looks something like this (1nd pic) but when I turn off the mod everything is fine (2st pic)
    list of mods in the third picture, if it's so critical

  • Thank you, that seems to have fixed the issue.

    @ dev: The config app doesn't seem to make it clear that the "Remove FIR Requirements" tickbox also makes purchased items (from traders & flea) FIR; could that behavior be added to the alt text description, or better yet, be moved into a separate config option?

    I can make it so bought items and items after death are all FIR, and separately that quests don't require FIR. The former is a SPT config option that can't be separated, and making quests not require FIR becomes redundant because it amounts to the same thing. I can look into it in the future, will update description

    Sorry for the bad English in advance..

    I found a strange bug in mod (if it is not and I'm just a stupid degenerate, then I'm sorry)

    When SPT Realism is enabled, aiming their weapon with the underbarrel grenade launcher looks something like this (1nd pic) but when I turn off the mod everything is fine (2st pic)
    list of mods in the third picture, if it's so critical

    You're somehow activating passive aiming when using the UBGL, check your keybinds or change the keybind for passive aim.


    Is there any quick way of hiding any items that are "Out of Stock" in the trader menus?

    This would make the list a lot cleaner with only the available items for sale being shown.

    I don't think there is, that's how out of stock items behave in live too, pretty sure it's hard-coded.

    Crazy idea I had, why not add some harder turn speed or ergo penalties to having extremely tall backpacks (mystery ranch, 6sh118, terminator, etc)

    BSG are way ahead of you/me, in the latest patch for live they added such penalties. I do want to expand on that though.

  • Hello, love your mod!

    Any ideas on what can I change to make rogues on Lighthouse bearable? They just laser me from 250m away and there is nothing I can do about it :(

  • About Green Flares, I was mistaken, I was talking about RSP-30 reactive signal cartridge (Green) "6217726288ed9f0845317459" item, this should be sold at lvl1 Jaeger.

  • Hello, love your mod!

    Any ideas on what can I change to make rogues on Lighthouse bearable? They just laser me from 250m away and there is nothing I can do about it :(

    Use POOP, and nerf them to hell. SPT's recoil changes makes it so bot's are extremely accurate while firing in full auto, and hardly ever miss.

  • im playing the spt aki 3.50 version with a fresh install

    and I got this


    │ SPT-AKI 3.5.0 │


    │ │

    │ This work is free of charge │

    │ If you paid money, you were scammed │

    │ Commercial use is prohibited │


    ModLoader: loading 1 mods...

    Mod: SPT Realism Mod version: 0.7.4 by: Fontaine loaded

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: TypeError: undefined is not a function


    TypeError: undefined is not a function

    at new BotLootGenerator (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotLootGenerator.js)

    at new BotLooGen (E:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\bot_loot_serv.js:47:1)

    at Main.preAkiLoad (E:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:112:28)

    at PreAkiModLoader.importClass (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)

    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1984:13)

    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47

    Press Enter to close the window

  • I was looking through the files and I saw that you have weapon presets for different bot types. What dictates when they will use one of these presets?

    For example, I see scavs have several presets for the MP18. Where can I see the chance that this preset will be used.

    Thank you!

  • I can make it so bought items and items after death are all FIR, and separately that quests don't require FIR. The former is a SPT config option that can't be separated, and making quests not require FIR becomes redundant because it amounts to the same thing. I can look into it in the future, will update description

    Thank you! The main reason why I ask for the two to be separated is because I'm running this mod side-by-side with Softcore, configured so that Realism mostly handles item statistics and in-raid gameplay while Softcore handles the out-of-raid gameplay, flea market (where it, by default, requires FIR status on items for trading in flea barters), among other things.

  • 52713439813_c9a00cf482_o.png
    Have no idea why this happening, some bots after death just standing or sitting like that,main problem - theu not lootable. Any idea how fix this?
    im using : (but i noticed this bug with SVM and Realism only)

    Edited once, last by Tou1on ().

  • Hello, love your mod!

    Any ideas on what can I change to make rogues on Lighthouse bearable? They just laser me from 250m away and there is nothing I can do about it :(

    Rogues have been aim bots since they were added to the game, you could put the AI on easy for Lighthouse.

    Use POOP, and nerf them to hell. SPT's recoil changes makes it so bot's are extremely accurate while firing in full auto, and hardly ever miss.

    I'm not so sure recoil stats effect bot accuracy, bots have always been able to land every shot in full auto in live and in SPT.

    Send me pictures of all your config options. If you're using SPT 3.5.0 that you got from this website and not some dodgy 3rd party, have a valid copy of EFT, and the latest version of this mod, and you've installed everything correctly, and you're not using any more mods in your user/mods or plugins folder, then I don't know what to tell you because it's impossible to reproduce.

    I was looking through the files and I saw that you have weapon presets for different bot types. What dictates when they will use one of these presets?

    For example, I see scavs have several presets for the MP18. Where can I see the chance that this preset will be used.

    Thank you!

    It's basically random.

    Have no idea why this happening, some bots after death just standing or sitting like that,main problem - theu not lootable. Any idea how fix this?
    im using : (but i noticed this bug with SVM and Realism only)

    Remove other mods till it works.

  • Have no idea why this happening, some bots after death just standing or sitting like that,main problem - theu not lootable. Any idea how fix this?

    Last I checked (about a week ago), it was NoBushESP causing this error, however I thought it has since been fixed. IDK I'm still using 3.4.1 so I can't confirm.

  • Tbh the high player level rogues are kinda insane, by level 33 they're using almost entirely heavy THOR armor, airframes and up armored opscores, hk416s, SCAR-Hs and there's at least 12-15 of them spawning.

    In general I kinda feel the loadouts could be toned down a bit for the high levels. Why not an optional alt loadout system where the bots (PMC specifically) only use specific barter preset guns and more bare bones headwear(less visors and extra armor), so to better encourage looting and leveling trader, so you can't just find insanely tricked out guns and uparmored helmets everywhere, while the rogues could use their base tarkov line up but progressively start using their better stuff like their SCARs and hk416s, and maybe just in general tone the raiders down more to russian surp gear and guns.

  • While I didn't encounter as many rogues as I was sure to make sure they had vanilla spawning behavior, I did feel like the mid to higher level PMCs generally had really high quality ammo and headgear, loot and medical injectors. To the point where it felt like looting anything except barter items was kind of pointless when I could just find some PMCs to farm. Every other PMC I killed was wearing a vulkan with a shield which vendors for insane amounts. In online tarkov, you never find medical injectors on PMCs because its in their secure, and people rarely run faceshields. tbh I have not even noticed the bots use the injectors so I'm not even sure why they spawn on them. I had to go through the loadouts and lower the weighting on a lot of better gear and remove some items from the loot pool. Although I was already rich from the spoils at that point so it didn't really matter.

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