SPT Realism Mod

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • You have done a fantastic job with this mod, and transformed the SPT experience in a fantastic way, I have noticed some errors and listed them below. PLEASE do not take this as a slight, I am doing this as my way of contributing to a great mod to help make it even slightly better, to give back in a small way.

    When editing the values for "Bot Tier Odds" and removing a character to change the value, such as changing Lvl 0-4 from "15,1,0,0" to "15,1,,0," I will get an Unhandled exception error https://i.imgur.com/rTaEZOg.png SPT-Aki CodePaste (sp-tarkov.com) - Not sure if this is a me issue or not. Highlighting a number and replacing said number without deleting it does not cause an error.

    Realism and Ballistics tab
    Under "Revert HP to Default" in the description, the word default is spelt "defualt".

    Under "Realistic Ballistics" in the description, the word penetration is spelt "penetatraion".

    Under "Recoil, and Attachment Overhaul" in the description, there are 2 spaces after the word "See", and the word balanced is spelt "balanaced".

    Under "Malfunction Changes" in the description, the word additional is spelt "additonal".

    Health & Movment tab
    The tab has Movement spelt "Movment" not sure if this is due to character limits however.

    Under "Bot Changes" in the description, the word hostility is spelt "hostilitiy".

    Under "Realistic Boss Health, Realistic Boss Follower Health, Realistic Raider/Rogue Health, Realistic Cultist Health" in the description, the word default is spelt "defualt". Also "Realistic Raider/Rogue Health" has an additional period . after the description.

    Under "PMC Difficulty" in the description there is an additional period . at the end.

    Traders & Flea tab
    Under "Tiered Fleamarket" in the description, the word progressively is spelt "progressivly".

    Under "Change Item Loyalty Levels" in the description, the word weapons is spelt "wepaons".

    Under "Add Custom items" in the description, there are two spaces after the word "offers".

    The "Stock Modifer" option has Modifier spelt "Modifer", and in the description minimum is spelt "minium"

    Under "Stackable Item Multi" in the description, the word multiplier is spelt "multilplier".

    Under "Trader Refresh Time" in the description, the word refresh is spelt "refersh".

    Recoil & Presets tab
    Under "Global Recoil Modifiers" in the description of each option, each word starts with a capital letter.

    Dev Tools tab
    In the description at the top you have spelt specific "sepcific" and have two "what" in a row.

  • bro is really mogging me for my bad spelling and typos fr ;( nah thanks for that, I'll try to find a way to make it so that error doesn't pop until pressing save

  • love this mod, cant imagine playing without it now.

    I want the bot changes but not the stance changes until they are more fleshed out - can i just nick the bot changes from 0.75

    (I also dont want to go to 3.5.1 as other mnods have not updated)

    Will .75 work with SP3.50?

  • how to fix the error and items like this, animation occurs during use, but after no effect occurs, just wordless use4514-pasted-from-clipboard-png

    You're not supposed to use those in-raid, only use them to heal when out of raid.

    love this mod, cant imagine playing without it now.

    I want the bot changes but not the stance changes until they are more fleshed out - can i just nick the bot changes from 0.75

    (I also dont want to go to 3.5.1 as other mnods have not updated)

    Will .75 work with SP3.50?

    You can just not use the stances, they're not required, the keybinds by default are out of the way. If you are literally only using the bot changes, then you don't need the .dll and can disable the "Recoil and Attachment Overhaul".

    version 0.7.5 isn't reverse compatible. 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 mods mostly will not work on 3.5.0

  • I found a bug :D it's an interesting one... When I spawn in as a scav, the magazine in my weapon only has 1 ammo.

    Before you say that Realism doesn't alter the player scav, which is fair, I have thoroughly tested this and narrowed it down to realism by creating a fresh install, making a new profile with NO mods installed, editing the profile to make SavageLockTime 1 higher than LastTimePlayedAsSavage so that the scav is immediately playable, loaded in, full magazine, disconnected from raid to kill the scav and generate a new one, closed the game, edited profile as previously mentioned, loading in on the new scav, full ammo. (I also delete the cache each

    With no mods installed everything works fine, scav has all ammo in mag, when I generate a new scav with Realism installed, edit the profile again to make scav immediately playable and load in with said new scav the magazine is ALMOST always empty, there are some circumstances where the magazine does have full ammo in it, which is somewhat confusing.

    Additional information:
    SPT Aki Version: 3.5.2
    Realism Version: 0.7.5
    No error log created
    Server Log: SPT-Aki CodePaste (sp-tarkov.com)

    There is always a chance that I am entirely wrong and it has nothing to do with Realism, i'll keep testing and investigating to see if I can find the culprit, you would certainly know more than I would about this however.

    EDIT: I have narrowed it down slightly by disabling all checkmarks in the config and only enabling every option of the BOTS page. With EVERYTHING unchecked the bug isn't present, with all options on the bot page checked the bug comes back. Will try and narrow it down further.

    EDIT2: Narrowed it down to the Bot Changes option, when enabled the bug shows up.

    Edited 3 times, last by Tinyteeth ().

  • I have this same issue while using the realism mod, I have not done nearly as much testing as you probably have but the issue is still prevalent

  • No idea what could be causing that, will look into it as some point but not a priority right now. Thanks for testing it.

  • No idea what could be causing that, will look into it as some point but not a priority right now. Thanks for testing it.

    All good, i'm going to keep testing it until I work it out, i'll let you know what the issue is.

    EDIT: it's something to do with the scavLO.json file, but i'm not sure why.

    EDIT2: Looks like it has to do with the mods subsection of the scavLO.json file.. when removing "this.scavBase.inventory.mods = scavLO.scavLO1.inventory.mods;" from bots.js & bots.ts in each tier of scav loadout, the bug is fixed.. obviously not a solution but at least gives an idea of where the issue is.

    Edited 3 times, last by Tinyteeth ().

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • I did a couple of factory runs and i noticed that pmc bots of the same faction don't shoot each other and always focusing on me no matter what, i was standing on the stairs and like 3 pmc bots where rushing me at the same time is this part of the mod or a bug?

    Also the Makeshift Medical Kit doesn't remove fractures or bleeding when i use it it makes the animation but then the little symbol loads infinite and i cant use my weapon anymore until i press left mouse button.

  • I did a couple of factory runs and i noticed that pmc bots of the same faction don't shoot each other and always focusing on me no matter what, i was standing on the stairs and like 3 pmc bots where rushing me at the same time is this part of the mod or a bug?

    Also the Makeshift Medical Kit doesn't remove fractures or bleeding when i use it it makes the animation but then the little symbol loads infinite and i cant use my weapon anymore until i press left mouse button.

    Are you using any other mods besides realism?

    The Makeshift Medical Kit is only to be used outside of raids, not in raids.

  • I did a couple of factory runs and i noticed that pmc bots of the same faction don't shoot each other and always focusing on me no matter what, i was standing on the stairs and like 3 pmc bots where rushing me at the same time is this part of the mod or a bug?

    Also the Makeshift Medical Kit doesn't remove fractures or bleeding when i use it it makes the animation but then the little symbol loads infinite and i cant use my weapon anymore until i press left mouse button.

    PMCs of the same faction aren't supposed to shoot each other, that's just how SPT works. Check the description of the medkits, they're not supposed to be used in-raid. They're there to compensate for the fact you can't use medkits to heal out of raid anymore.

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