SPT Realism Mod

  • Been trying to track down what I'm doing wrong in the configuration for the mod. I keep getting this category of errors in the server log.

    Currently Realism is the only mod I have installed/enabled and Realism itself received a fresh install today. I don't have any custom presets or anything like that.

    Those errors aren't consequential whatsoever, you can ignore them.

    Hi sorry but i suck at this and i cannot figure out how to stop faceshields and NVG's blocking ADS

    Press F12 in game for advanced config options.

    I'm having issues with this mod, after exiting a low-ready stance the gun resets to a position that is way too high, and takes a few seconds of ADS for it to properly reset.

    delete the RealismMod.cfg file from BepInEx/config

    Edited 2 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • Fontaine

    Hi Fontaine,

    Could you help to advise below errors which I tried to change the bot max level to 100 (same as USEC),

    "bearLO4": {
     "experience": {
     "level": {
     "max": 100,
     "min": 31

    Then the server pop the error like this:

    Please let me know if this level setting is allowed to be modified or not, thank you.

    Edited once, last by Goewert ().

  • this is in the new version of the mod

  • maybe I just downloaded an even more recent mod, but the error is the same

  • im having the same issue as well

  • im having the same issue as well

    Something went wrong between testing and release, will reupload when issues are fixed

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • im having the same issue as well

    Reuploaded with fix

  • Thanks for the quick hotfix! Unfortunately I'm getting a hang on the server now, this is what the error part all says. It never progresses past Finished processing items.

  • Thanks for the quick hotfix! Unfortunately I'm getting a hang on the server now, this is what the error part all says. It never progresses past Finished processing items.

    try redownloading again

    Fontaine looks like you're still uploading the wrong release, take a look into your package.json

    just forgot to change number

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.8.71 for SPT AKI 3.5.8 - HOTFIX 2: Electric Boogaloo

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed bots not spawning
    • Fixed mod not running
    • Fixed Gunsmith Part 21 pistol requirement not working

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