SPT Realism Mod

  • Bracing state is on no matter the position or location of my character and I am able to mount anywhere I want regardless of whether there is an object to actually mount to or not.


    So far, you can only disable the mount on F12, but you need to restart the game

  • Same problem as some reported already: mounting and bracing are conflicting with the rest of the game: the name of the stance stays written, impossible to check mag or fire mod when it is so.

    Also have a more annoying problem I can't find a fix for:
    while ADS, it is possible to move the mouse to aim and track, but when starting shooting while ADS, the weapon is locked in place, meaning it's impossible to track a moving target (from left to right, works fine on the vertical axis tho). Doesn't happen when hip-firing.

    Video showing the problem

  • For those who have the bracing issue:

    The mecanic is bugged. You have to wait an update. I dont know how, but it happens when bots spawn in your first raid, then it will stay until you will restart your server. So I recommand you to not be in brancing until bots have spawn for the first time. So, don't move and wait 1 minutes far to any cover in your first raid.

    You will not be able to use the mechanic, however, You will not be stuck with the message.

  • Reporting issue with 3.6.1 and Realism Airdrops: Box drops correctly to the ground but items aren't generated, so it's impossible to open the container.

    I will try to disable airdrop option and report again.

    Edited once, last by Shaz ().

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.9.1 for SPT AKI 3.6.1

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT

    Apologies for all the confusion caused by the hotfix version requirements which were out of my control, and for the issues with weapon mounting, that was my bad and I was away so couldn't fix earlier. Going forward I will be more careful to avoid such problems.


    • Fixed all known issues related to mounting (not being able to mount, being stuck mounting, being able to mount anywhere).
    • Made UI indicating whether or not player is mounted or braced appear only periodically so that it does not block ammo and firemode check.
    • Fixed airdrops causing errors and not containing loot.
    • Fixed tiered flea not working without manually setting enableBsgBlacklist to true.
  • how to remove? I can't see the cartridges or find out what the mode is worth
    She's always there

    got this picture from abood but this keeps happening and my gun sways hard left and right some times as well. is this intended as what happend in the picture just got me kill in cqc

    Same problem as some reported already: mounting and bracing are conflicting with the rest of the game: the name of the stance stays written, impossible to check mag or fire mod when it is so.

    Also have a more annoying problem I can't find a fix for:
    while ADS, it is possible to move the mouse to aim and track, but when starting shooting while ADS, the weapon is locked in place, meaning it's impossible to track a moving target (from left to right, works fine on the vertical axis tho). Doesn't happen when hip-firing.

    Video showing the problem

    Bracing state is on no matter the position or location of my character and I am able to mount anywhere I want regardless of whether there is an object to actually mount to or not.

    Update to SPT 3.6.1 and latest version of Realism mod, fixed in that version.

    Try deleting Realism.cfg from Bepinex/configs, I've already increased ADS speed from active aim before. If it's still slow it's because the weapon you are using has bad ergo, is heavy or has bad balance.

    As for it being faster than ADS from normal stance, that wouldn't make sense. Normal/idle stance is the exact same as ADS, except your/the player's head isn't behind the optic. Active aim position has weapon canted and moved to the left slightly, it would naturally be slower to aim from this position and the whole point of the stance is a substitute for ADS under certain conditions (NVGs/Faceshield/CQB/laser/light).

    New headset changes hurt my ears, decided you disable headset changes in the .exe config, and when I got into raid the ambience was really loud in certain areas, deafening loud. And audio still hurts my ears.

    The headset changes have been in the mod for a long time and I haven't changed them much at all recently. You need to disable the deafen mechanic in the in-game bepinex config as the headset changes are required for it to work properly.

  • Also have a more annoying problem I can't find a fix for:
    while ADS, it is possible to move the mouse to aim and track, but when starting shooting while ADS, the weapon is locked in place, meaning it's impossible to track a moving target (from left to right, works fine on the vertical axis tho). Doesn't happen when hip-firing.

    Video showing the problem

    The recoil looks different than standard Realism's so you must have changed config settings and/or are using other recoil mods. Only setting that can stop you from moving your weapon while firing are the sensitivity options which work fine by default. Try deleting config in Bepinex/configs/Realism.cfg. This will reset all your changes though.

  • The recoil looks different than standard Realism's so you must have changed config settings and/or are using other recoil mods.

    Yes, i was stupid enough to download all your mods and put it together without thinking too much, and i didn't realise there was a recoil stand-alone, it was obviously conflicting with the recoil mod from realism. Thank you for the update, and the heads-up!


  • Seems like I got some airdrop errors pointing towards the realism mod folder, I shouldn't have installed any mod that modifies the airdrop, realism seems to be the only one. Can you please have a look? Thank you.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'min')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'min')

    at AirdropLootgen.createRandomAirdropLoot (J:\SPT3.6.1\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\misc\airdrops.js:114:84)

    at AirdropLootgen.myGetAirdropLoot (J:\SPT3.6.1\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\misc\airdrops.js:56:76)

    at LocationController.result.getAirdropLoot (J:\SPT3.6.1\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:136:46)

    at LocationCallbacks.getAirdropLoot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\LocationStaticRouter.js)

    at LocationStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'min')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'min')

    at AirdropLootgen.createRandomAirdropLoot (J:\SPT3.6.1\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\misc\airdrops.js:114:84)

    at AirdropLootgen.myGetAirdropLoot (J:\SPT3.6.1\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\misc\airdrops.js:56:76)

    at LocationController.result.getAirdropLoot (J:\SPT3.6.1\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:136:46)

    at LocationCallbacks.getAirdropLoot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\LocationStaticRouter.js)

    at LocationStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.9.2 for SPT AKI 3.6.1

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed some airdrop types causing errors and causing Raid to hang for some time.
    • Made headset changes require the .dll to be present, and made deafening mechanic require the headset changes, to avoid headsets becoming excessively loud.
    • Fixed issues with bot changes that lead to PMCs using crazy scav event AI type even if SAIN is present which lead to strange behaviour.

    Tweaks & Minor Changes:

    • Buffed PMC spawn chance. Increased Reshalla spawn chance. Attempted to buff Killa loot, still may be some issues.
    • Tweaked Mounting so that recoil behaves normally and cancelling mounting by moving looks a lot less jank.
    • Increased impact of weight and balance on ergo.
    • Nerfed Aimpoint T-1 and Trijicon SRS accuracy stat, buffed Eotech accuracy stat. Lowered stationary weapon recoil.

  • The Realism Mod keeps giving me these errors every time I launch the game. I'm not sure if they're affecting the mod in anyway, it seems to work fine, just want to check if there is a way to get rid of them?

    You fucked something up on your end, wrong version of SPT or Realism

    Seems like I got some airdrop errors pointing towards the realism mod folder, I shouldn't have installed any mod that modifies the airdrop, realism seems to be the only one. Can you please have a look? Thank you.

    Fixed latest

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Hey, it's me again with some more strange bugs, probably coming from some conflicting mods.
    Strange thing is, i updated to last FOV fix (and realism) and played for hours, without a problem. Didn't change anything after that, and i'm unable to aim normally, when i press right click, i'm switching to active aim stance (while i have the standard binds). I tried to switch aim to another bind but nothing happens. Active aim stance stays on right click no matter what.

    Video of the issue

    I'm trying to install the mods one by one to see where it starts to go south, but it takes time... Any idea? should i install / start in a particular order?

    Here is the list of my last downloads, mind that there are multiple version of same mod as i update them daily.

    After some testing, it seems it isn't mod related but tied to my profile:
    old mods, old profile: no problem
    new mods, old profile: no problem
    any version with recent profile, active aim bug.
    I guess i'll try to clean it and i'll report.

    Sorry for using the space here as it seems it has nothing to do with Realism.

    Edited once, last by Shaz ().

  • You have a faceshield on, read the overview page and look over config

  • You have a faceshield on, read the overview page and look over config

    OH MY....

    i kinda forgot there was this feature....

    On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest IQ member on this plateform, i'm probably somewhere in the negatives...

    Thanks for the quick fix! I was using Ops-Core FAST visor for a long time and didn't have any problem, since, well, it's a visor and not a face shield... What really threw me away is the active aim feature, since i don't really understand what use it had (until now), i didn't link it. Everything's clear now!

  • i have a few questions regarding modded equipment. i installed justNU armor retextures and DRIP. armor have same price, armor zones and stats as base counterparts.so they dont need tweaking, or there is invisible (trough ui) stats that might be wrong?

    also,i was looking trough templates and you added combability for some modded guns .why you didn't mentioned on mod page? (do i sound roud?)

    sorry if this was already asked, its impossible to search messages on selected tread

  • I'm not sure what's causing it but I am getting normal sway during Bracing and Mounting, I also tried setting the Sway Intensity to 0.0 and it has no effect. I will try backing everything up and testing with just STPRM, but I don't think I have anything that should cause issues, its all just stuff on the recommended list.

  • I'm not sure what's causing it but I am getting normal sway during Bracing and Mounting, I also tried setting the Sway Intensity to 0.0 and it has no effect. I will try backing everything up and testing with just STPRM, but I don't think I have anything that should cause issues, its all just stuff on the recommended list.

    you probably disabled stam changes. Please try removing all other mods and resetting config before asking for support.

  • Confused as to why the mod doesn't work.

    Downloaded the latest version onto SPT 3.6.1.

    As far as I know I'm pretty sure I have the right things in the right files. [RealismModConfig and the rest of the mod in user - mods, and Realismmod.dll in BepInEx-Plugins.]

    The config opens fine and the F12 menu functions in-game. However I don't seem to see any changes. None of the combat stances work and the med overhaul is not there. Nothing seems to have changed even though I've edited what I want to have within the config before running the game.

    Did I perhaps install something wrong or is there another issue?
    Looked through a few pages of the support thread but couldn't find any support. Maybe I just have bad eyes.

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