SPT Realism Mod

  • Try uninstalling Realism, if the game launches then you have a mod conflict, if it doesn't launch then you have an installation problem.

    If it's a mod conflict then it's likely conflicting with a trader mod so try turning off all the trader settings in realism's config tool and see if that fixes the issue.

    If it's an installation issue then you should do a refresh install.

  • Try uninstalling Realism, if the game launches then you have a mod conflict, if it doesn't launch then you have an installation problem.

    If it's a mod conflict then it's likely conflicting with a trader mod so try turning off all the trader settings in realism's config tool and see if that fixes the issue.

    If it's an installation issue then you should do a refresh install.

    Ah yeah i just did a fresh install with the mods and not getting an error, sadly though now im running into the infinite loading glitch..

    (also the infinite loading glitch happens when i put my mods and plugins back into their respective folders)

  • Ah yeah i just did a fresh install with the mods and not getting an error, sadly though now im running into the infinite loading glitch..

    (also the infinite loading glitch happens when i put my mods and plugins back into their respective folders)

    Doesn't seem like a realism issue, uninstall your mods, if the game loads fine then reinstall them 1 by 1 until it no longer loads and you should have your answer.

  • if i remove bot changes it works, my version is 3.7.2

    You have a lot of mods, the first thing to do before seeking support in these situations is to try Realism by itself, if it runs you have a mod conflict.

    alright, this is gonna take a while, also for some reason the SPT Launcher doesn't detect my profile mods, which is a bit strange

    It sounds like you have issues with SPT itself, you should look for general support in the forums or on the discord.

  • any news about gasblock errors? any idea what may be causing that error?
    no idea whether its client side mods or server side, server side mods are:
    optic rework
    fifty shades of boomer/fifty shades of boomer triggers
    jackbrush helmet improvement program
    jackbrush remove higher capacity magazines penalty
    joshmate better backpacks
    realistic night vision googles
    realistic thermals
    refringe easy ammunition
    refringe open extracts
    skizzy no discard limit
    traps aio
    kobras aio
    zsamswat c79a2
    zsamswat leupolddevo
    drakia waypoints

    for client side i got
    minimap sender
    amands graphics
    big brain
    dad gamer mode
    samswat fov




  • You have a lot of mods, the first thing to do before seeking support in these situations is to try Realism by itself, if it runs you have a mod conflict.

    It sounds like you have issues with SPT itself, you should look for general support in the forums or on the discord.

    yeah i got it to work, now im having issues where recoil and audio for guns just vanished, all my mods are mostly up to date so im not entirely sure what happened

    really the only mods that would change recoil was Fontaine FOV, SPT Realism, SVM, Profile Editor, Swat reflex sight rework and SAIN, it's pretty strange because it feels like im shooting an airsoft gun

    also i removed mods that could be making the problem Optic rework, fontaine FOV fix, immersive raids, kawaii weaponsmods, profile editor, server value modifier, still having the airsoft gun issue

    So after fiddling around i came to the conclusion that its either SVM, Profile Editor or Tarky menu

    So many edits.. so after actually removing all my mods and adding them one after the other, i believe Tarky Menu is the reason for my issue and not Realism

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Status report on the infrequent 90° aim bug thing:

    After ~80 hours into versions of this mod after the initial bugfix I haven't had it occur once, which is the longest time without it as far as I can recall. Before the fix it was approximately once per 20 game hours (more frequent when counting only in-raid time but I didn't keep track of that).

  • Status report on the infrequent 90° aim bug thing:

    After ~80 hours into versions of this mod after the initial bugfix I haven't had it occur once, which is the longest time without it as far as I can recall. Before the fix it was approximately once per 20 game hours (more frequent when counting only in-raid time but I didn't keep track of that).

    Hey man thanks for getting back to me on this! Great to hear, sounds really promising. Hopefully that's the end of the issue :D

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.14.8 for SPT AKI 3.7.4

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT

    Updated to work on 3.7.4.


    • Fixed how headsets interact with and affect ambient sfx (wind, rain, birds etc.). Headset gain will now properly affect the loudness of these sfx, and the ambient mutli config option can now be properly used to increase or mute these sfx while wearing headsets.

    Tweaks & Minor Changes:

    • Tweaked headsets in general. Increased maximum possible gain for headsets (use with caution).
    • Buffed 5.45 and 7.62 AK recoil.
    • Buffed Benelli, nerfed MP155.
    • Made shotguns less deafening.

    Known Issues:

    • Can hit self with melee in the legs.
    • If enabling "Add Keys to PMCs" they will often spawn with multiple keys, and most of the time at least 1. I've tried everything to prevent this.
    • SPT/EFT is cursed.
  • Ive noticed every time I die, its a one shot to my thorax, sometimes my armor helps this, but other times it does not, on the other hand pmcs will tank shot after shot with a paca, with me using a high level ammo like bp, I was wondering if this was just a bug or if a normal mechanic, thanks

  • Ive noticed every time I die, its a one shot to my thorax, sometimes my armor helps this, but other times it does not, on the other hand pmcs will tank shot after shot with a paca, with me using a high level ammo like bp, I was wondering if this was just a bug or if a normal mechanic, thanks

    I've had similar feelings about some of my deaths. I've worn (what the mod considers) class 6-7 armor and had 80% of my thorax taken out by a pen20 something slug from a scav.

  • Ive noticed every time I die, its a one shot to my thorax, sometimes my armor helps this, but other times it does not, on the other hand pmcs will tank shot after shot with a paca, with me using a high level ammo like bp, I was wondering if this was just a bug or if a normal mechanic, thanks

    I've had similar feelings about some of my deaths. I've worn (what the mod considers) class 6-7 armor and had 80% of my thorax taken out by a pen20 something slug from a scav.

    That's possibly the armor zones stuff Realism does to mimic real ballistic plate coverage. 20 pen rounds can still get through because they hit the weaker soft armor instead of the class 6 plate, and you might be hitting shots on the real armor on bots.

    You can go into the Bepinex config (F12) and turn it off under RealismMod -> Ballistics Settings -> Enable Armor Hit Zones For Players. This will make YOUR armor cover the entire listed hit zone at full protection, so if you have class 7 thorax armor it doesn't matter if you get hit center mass or from the side, all the same. AI will still have the zones though.

  • Possibly, but still seems weird for it to happen not only so often but to at least 2 people with different mod lists and p[lay styles.

    yeah exactly, please let me know if you find a fix to this.

    Observation bias. You see people on the EFT subreddit claiming every death is a headshot without taking into account probability or statistics. If you record every death in live with the body part, you may find that the majority of deaths were from headshots. This completely ignores every single shot that was stopped by armor, hit legs, arms and chest that weren't fatal. So in reality headshots are in the minority of shots that hit you. The same observation bias is happening here but for the chest. You're ignoring every time you're hit in the armor, arms, stomach or legs.

    Surely this observation "sometimes my armor helps this, but other times it does not" explains it perfectly?

    "I've worn (what the mod considers) class 6-7 armor and had 80% of my thorax taken out by a pen20 something slug from a scav." That's completely normal and expected due to armor hit zones.

    Armor plates cover a relatively small portion of the body, it's very easy for rounds to not hit any armor at all and 1-2 shot you. There's also a neck hitbox that's basically instant death. There isn't any issue or bug here, it's working as intended.

    Bots in PACA armor can't tank 5.45 BP. 5.45 BP does 64 damage, standard bots (PMCs, Scavs) have 120 chest HP. If you hit the bot dead centre in the chest it does double damage so would be an instant kill. If you hit the bot relatively centre it's a 2 shot kill. If you whiff your shots hitting off to the side, stomach or shoulders then you're doing 70% damage, so 3 shot kill in this case. Now consider for a moment if your aim wasn't on point or you hit them in the arms and stomach a few times, it'll probably be closer to a 5 shot kill.

    I've never seen bots tank intermediary calibres (5.45, 5.56) in all my testing when the armor they're wearing is of a low rating. I've gone out of my way and spent time in the past testing to make sure there aren't bugs or wrong armor values.

    My only suggestion to you is to make sure you understand how armor hitzons work by checking the overview page, and either analyse your gameplay and carefully consider if the that's the cause or just disable all the ballistics changes. But these armor hitzones are coming to EFT proper so you'll have to get used to this.

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