SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

  • scavs are still a bit overtuned, i'm working on them for 3.7.0, all my time currently is dedicated to 3.7.0. if you want you can try swag scavs instead, just delete any scav files from the preset(s) of your choice and use the SWAG SCAV options in the SWAG config, see the mod page for details on this.

    Understood, thanks! I will try your suggestion.

    Thanks for all your hard work on the mod!

  • nooky added a new version:

  • Knight and Co at Radar on Shoreline. Imposibble to assault them. very little cover on that location.

    so I decided to snipe from the radio tower first just to see if theres a chance to take one out first.

    i was in place for less thatn 3 minutes and knight triple shot me from i have no idea where.

    SO, them on that location is challenging, BUT their AIM ESP makes it ridonculous. I hadn't even fired a shot just tracked one of them from afar (its like150-200 meters)

    Easy to turn off BOT AIM ESP? ( they know when you only aim at them and engage you like a heat seeking missile.)

  • nooky added a new version:

  • Hello nooky!

    I think there might be a bug when using the random presets selector.

    After installing your latest version of SWAG/donuts and using the random presets I noticed that I had an unusual amout of PMCs in my raids (around 70% of my kills where PMCs).

    So I edited the ScenarioConfig.json for all the "live-like"-Presets to only have like 2-3 PMCs and 10-11 scavs. But still there were much more PMCs in my raids than scavs.

    Then I noticed your response to rapa in your modpage discussion regarding @DanWs Questing Bots. I checked those PMC spawns an they were disabled.

    So I tried a raid manually selecting the "only Scavs"-Preset and it worked perfectly.

    After that I ran a few Raids manually choosing on of my edited "live-like"-Presets and the ratio between PMCs vs scavs seemed much more resonable.

    Maybe you can look into this?

    Thanks and keep up the great work! <3:thumbup:

  • nooky added a new version:

  • Looks like this version is crashing at the timer screen or within a minute or so of game start almost 100 percent of raids. If i remove this mod things start working again.

    I'm using the following-
    Big Brain
    More checkmarks
    MiraPort gold aks and M16a4
    Auto Profile Backup


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  • nooky added a new version:

  • I think I'm the only sadist who wants more PMC and high level (level also includes the drops they leave as weapons etc... and also the difficulty level of the AI), I'm new to SPT and I don't know where to put hands in the mod to make this happen if you can give me a hand I would be grateful :):)

  • Hello, the spawning works correctly only for the first raid of each game start.

    Subsequent for subsequent raids the mod doesn't spawn the waves ( only the initial number of waves spawn)

    I am using CWX DebuggingTool to see what waves are spawning.


    1st raid: 20-30 bots spawn and keep respawning when they die etc.

    2nd raid and plus: only 14 initial spawn and do not respawn as they die. (until few minutes)

    If I increase the spawn probability of scav waves to 80%. Only the first raid spawns. The other raids spawn zero bots (except boss) initially

    Edited 2 times, last by Gasket#0623: added details ().

  • nooky added a new version:

  • I'm having an issue where the mod will almost exclusively spawn scavs on Interchange. So far I've only done scav runs there, but every time it's absolutely desolate bar the occasional scav.

    Using Tarky Menu, I've tried TPing all Scavs and then all PMCs to me in multiple raids. In 4/5 only scavs TP'd to me, with no PMCs, with the 1/5 times giving me just 2 lonely PMCs.

    It doesn't seem to change based off the raid time either, as I've waited up to 20 minutes in a single raid, occasionally pressing the TP key for PMCs with no results.

    I'm running on SPT version 3.7.6, with the latest versions of SWAG+Donuts, SAIN, BigBrain and Waypoints.

  • Hi, when choosing the live like / random live like preset (I haven't tried another), I have only 3-4 scav and a few pmcs in the raid. Is that how it should be or do I need to set up something else? What settings should I enable so that the number of scav and pmc are as in the online version?

    I have 3.7.5 spt

    Mod: waypoint, big brain, bigger stash, sain.

  • Sorry to interrupt you all, but i had some raiders on Reserve with disabled Donuts+Swag.
    I disabled the mod, before i hit "ready", so facing them down in the bunker was unexpected, because if I understand it right, D+S does overtake all the spawns from vanilla SPT and there shouldnt be any "guests", if this mod is off.
    Am I assuming right?

  • Hello, I'm having an issue with the mod.

    For some reason, SWAG has stopped working today. It had been working fine yesterday, and all days before that. However, today when I loaded the game, the in-game console kept stating the plugin was failing to load. I decided to try and re-install SWAG, but after deleting all old files and re-installing SWAG, I now receive the error below in the console:

    I have installed no new mods, I have made no changes to SWAG or any other mod, I have not adjusted or changes absolutely anything relating to SPT or EFT since yesterday. Whenever I try loading the game, I just get stuck infinitely loading, with the error repeating every few seconds within the console. Is there any way I can repair/fix this issue, or will I have to do a complete re-install of SPT?

  • nooky added a new version:

  • nooky added a new version:

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