DanW added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreREQUIRES: Waypoints (1.6.2 or later)
If you use Fika, an additional plugin is required: LateToThePartyFikaSync
Partially compatible with: Lockable Doors (loot may despawn behind doors you lock during the raid)
If you use both Questing Bots and Looting Bots, setting only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled=true in config.json is highly recommended.
This mod makes the the following changes to your SPT experience:
- Loot (including on dead bots) will be gradually removed throughout the raid to simulate other players taking it.
- Doors will randomly open and close throughout the raid to simulate players moving through the map (thanks to help from DrakiaXYZ!). If you're lucky, locked doors may be opened for you...
- Switches will be toggled throughout the raid to simulate players turning on power switches, using extracts, etc.
- The car extract may leave at some point during the raid
- If you spawn into the map late as a Scav, bosses are less likely to spawn.
This mod is highly customizable by modifying the config.json file. Here are the settings you can change:
- scav_raid_adjustments.always_spawn_late: If there should be a 100% chance that you spawn into the raid late as a Scav for all maps.
destroy_loot_during_raid.enabled: If the mod is allowed to remove loot throughout the raid. If you spawn into the raid late, loot will be immediately removed from the map until it reaches the target amount for the fraction of time remaining in the raid. This is true by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius: The radius (in meters) from you within which loot is not allowed to be despawned. By default, this is set to 40 meters.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots: The radius (in meters) from any bot within which loot is not allowed to be despawned. By default, this is set to 25 meters.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.nearby_interactive_object_search_distance: The maximum distance (in meters) to search for nearby interactive objects that may be blocking access to the loot item. By default, this is set to 0.75 meters.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.only_search_for_nearby_trunks: If this is true, only trunks will be considered when searching for nearby interactive objects that may be blocking access to the loot item. If this is false, all interactive objects (doors, keycard doors, and trunks) will be considered.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.avg_slots_per_player: The typical number of total "slots" worth of loot with which a player will extract. This does not include the starting items for the player. This is 60 by default.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.players_with_loot_factor_for_maps_without_pscavs: If the map does not allow player Scavs to spawn, this factor will be applied to fraction_of_players_full_of_loot to reduce the amount of loot that can be destroyed throughout the raid. This is 0.3 by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.min_loot_age: Loot must be on the map (either loose or in a container) for at least this long (in seconds) before it's allowed to be despawned. This does not apply to loot initially generated on the map. This prevents loot on bots from being destroyed too quickly after they're killed, and it prevents items you drop from being despawned to quickly (if the mod settings allow this to happen).
destroy_loot_during_raid.destruction_event_limits.rate: The maximum rate at which items are allowed to be despawned (in items/s). This is ignored when initially despawning loot at the beginning of Scav raids.
destroy_loot_during_raid.destruction_event_limits.items: The maximum number of individual items that can be despawned at the same time. Child items (i.e. weapon attachments) count as separate individual items. This is 30 by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.destruction_event_limits.slots: The maximum number of slots containing items that can be despawned at the same time. For example, a hand drill is 6 slots. This is 50 by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.map_traversal_speed_mps: The rate at which a typical player traverses the map (in m/s). This should not be the maximum speed a player can run in an open area because not all players are rushing Resort, Dorms, etc. at the beginning of every raid. Increase this value to despawn loot in map hot-spots (i.e. Resort) earlier in the raid. With the default setting, you have 2-3 min to get to Resort before loot can despawn there.
destroy_loot_during_raid.min_distance_traveled_for_update: The distance you need to travel (in meters) before the mod decides if loot should be despawned (from the last time loot was despawned). This shouldn't be changed in most cases.
destroy_loot_during_raid.min_time_before_update_ms: The minimum time that must elapse (in milliseconds) after loot was despawned before the mod is allowed to despawn loot again. If you're having performance issues, try increasing this.
destroy_loot_during_raid.max_time_before_update_ms: The maximum time that elapses (in milliseconds) after loot was despawned before the mod checks if loot should be despawned again.
destroy_loot_during_raid.max_calc_time_per_frame_ms: The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the mod is allowed to run loot-despawning procedures per frame. By default this is set to 5ms, and delays of <15ms are basically imperceptible.
destroy_loot_during_raid.max_time_without_destroying_any_loot: The maximum time (in seconds) after loot was despawned before the mod forces at least one piece of loot to despawn. This is included for compatibility with Kobrakon's Immersive Raids mod. By default, this is set to 60 seconds.
destroy_loot_during_raid.ignore_items_dropped_by_player.enabled: If items dropped by the player should not be allowed to be despawned. This allows you to effectively "hide" items and return for them later. This is true by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.ignore_items_dropped_by_player.only_items_brought_into_raid: If items dropped by the player should not be allowed to be despawned only if they're not FIR. Items in your Scav character's starting inventory are not marked as FIR, just like your PMC's. This is false by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.ignore_items_on_dead_bots.enabled: If the mod should not be allowed to despawn items on dead bots. This is true by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.ignore_items_on_dead_bots.only_if_you_killed_them: If the mod should not be allowed to despawn items on dead bots only if you killed the bot. If you did not kill the bot, items in its inventory are still eligible for despawning. This is true by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.excluded_parents: Items that are children of these parent-item ID's will not be allowed to despawn. Entries in this array should NOT be removed, or the mod may not work properly.
loot_multipliers: [time_remaining_factor, reduction_factor] pairs describing the fraction of the initial loot pool that should be remaining on the map based on the fraction of time remaining in the raid. A value of "1" means match the original loot amount.
fraction_of_players_full_of_loot: [time_remaining_factor, players_full_of_loot_fraction] pairs describing the fraction of the maximum players allowed on the map who will be full of loot based on the fraction of time remaining in the raid. A value of "1" in the second column means that the entire starting (full) lobby of players will have looted destroy_loot_during_raid.avg_slots_per_player slots worth of loot by that time. This value can be greater than one to include player Scavs.
The loot-ranking system uses the following logic to determine the "value" of each item:
- Quest items and items of type "Node" are excluded from the loot-ranking data because the mod will never despawn them.
- The cost of each item is the maximum value for it found in handbook.json and prices.json.
- To determine the cost-per-slot of an item, its cost (determined above) is divided by its size. Items that can be directly equipped (rigs, backpacks, weapons, etc.) are treated as having a size of 1.
- If the item is a weapon, the mod first tries finding the most desirable version of it (in terms of size and weight) available from traders. If no traders sell it, the mod will then find the most desirable preset for the weapon. If there are no presets for the weapon (as may be the case for mod-generated weapons), one with the cheapest and fewest parts possible will be generated.
- When the mod determines the size of a weapon, it's folded if possible.
After the loot-ranking data is generated, it's saved in user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty-#.#.#\db. The ranking data can then be viewed using user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty-#.#.#\db\LootRankingDataReader.exe. The program requires .NET 6.0 to run.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.enabled: If loot should be ranked and destroyed in order of its calculated "value" (which is more complicated than simply cost).
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.randomness: The amount of "randomness" (defined as a percentage of the total loot-value range in the map) to apply when destroying ranked loot. A value of 0 is like playing in a lobby full of cheaters, and loot will be despawned exactly in order of its calculated value. A value of 100 means that the worst loot in the map has a small chance of despawning first, and vice versa. A value of >>100 is like playing in a lobby full of noobs who have no idea what to pick up (in which case you might as well simply disable loot ranking). This is 200% by default.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.top_value_retain_count: The number of highest-value items (after applying destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.randomness) that will be prevented from being despawned each time loot is despawned. This ensures you always have a small chance of finding high-value items regardless of how late you spawn into the raid. This is 5 by default.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.alwaysRegenerate: If the loot-ranking data is forced to generate every time the game starts. If you tend to check out new mods that may adjust item values, add new items, etc., you should make this true to ensure the loot-ranking data is valid for your specific SPT configuration. If you tend to install a few mods and stick with them, it should be safe to leave this at false. If any of the following loot-ranking parameters are changed, the loot-ranking data will be forced to regenerate.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.child_item_limits.count: The maximum number of items and child items allowed to be despawned at one time. This is to prevent full backpacks from being despawned instantly.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.child_item_limits.total_weight: The maximum combined weight of an item and its child items above which they will not be allowed to despawn. This is to prevent full backpacks from being despawned instantly. If the item has no child items, this limit is ignored.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.default_inventory_id: The ID of the default inventory for the player, which is needed to see what items are allowed to be equipped. This should NOT be changed, or the mod may not work properly.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.cost_per_slot: How much the calculated loot-ranking value of each item should be affected by its cost-per-slot. If the item can be directly equipped (backpacks, weapons, helmets, etc.), it's treated as occupying a single slot. Otherwise, the mod takes the price of the item (the maximum found in handbook.json and prices.json) and divides that by its size (length * width) to determine its cost-per-slot.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.weight: How much the calculated loot-ranking value of each item should be affected by its weight.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.size: How much the calculated loot-ranking value of each item should be affected by its size (length * width).
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.gridSize: How much the calculated loot-ranking value of each item should be affected by the number of grid slots it has (for rigs, backpacks, etc.).
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.max_dim: How much the calculated loot-ranking value of each item should be affected by its maximum dimension (either length or width).
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.armor_class: How much the calculated loot-ranking value of each item should be affected by its armor class (which is 0 if not applicable).
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.parents.xxx.name: If xxx is a parent of the item, its calculated loot-ranking value has an additional value applied to it. For each entry in the parents dictionary, name simply exists for readability. You can make this whatever you want to help you remember what the ID (key) for the dictionary is.
destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.weighting.parents.xxx.weighting: If xxx is a parent of the item, its calculated loot-ranking value is adjusted by this value.
The mod uses the following process to determine which loot is accessible:
- If the loot was previously determined to be accessible, it will always be considered accessible for the rest of the raid.
- If the loot is in a locked container, it's considered inaccessible.
- If destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled=false, all other loot is considered accessible, and none of the other conditions below are checked.
- If the loot appeared on the map after the raid started, assume it's
accessible. That means it was dropped by the player, is on a dead bot, or is in an airdrop.- If the loot is more than destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.exclusion_radius meters from any locked/inaccessible doors, it's considered accessible.
- If the accessibility of the loot is still unknown, the mod finds the nearest location on the map from the following:
- Spawn points (both Scav and PMC)
- Human players
- Alive bots
- If the loot is within destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.max_path_search_distance meters of any of the locations above, the mod checks if the one nearest to the loot item is within destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_search_max_distance_player meters from the NavMesh. If either check fails, the mod assumes the loot is inaccessible.
- The mod checks if the loot is within destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_search_max_distance_loot meters from the NavMesh. If not, the mod assumes the loot is inaccessible.
- The mod tries finding a path via the NavMesh from the selected location in the list above to the loot. If it fails to find a complete path, the mod assumes the loot is inaccessible.
- If a complete path is found, the mod checks if obstacles exist between the end of the path and the loot item via raytracing. Obstacles that have a height below destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_obstacle_min_height meters or have an overall (bounds) volume below destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_obstacle_min_volume cubic meters are ignored. Foliage and bots are also ignored. If there are any remaining obstacles detected via raytracing that aren't ignored, the mod assumes the loot is inaccessible.
- If all checks above pass, the loot is considered accessible.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled: Check the accessibility of loot to determine if it's allowed to be despawned. If this is false, all loot will be considered accessible unless it's in a locked container. See the description below about how accessibility is determined. If you're having performance issues, try disabling this.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.exclusion_radius: All loot that is at least this distance (in meters) away from locked or inaccessible doors will automatically be assumed to be accessible. The larger this radius is, the more false negatives are likely to occur when determining loot accessibility, and the more computation time will be required. However, a setting that is too small will result in false positives if the loot is positioned within a locked room but far from the door. This is 25 by default and should work for larger locked rooms like the KIBA store in Interchange.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.max_path_search_distance: Do not check accessibility for loot that is within the destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.exclusion_radius of a locked door but more than this distance (in meters) from you, a bot, or a spawn point. If this value is small, the accessibility of some loot will never be checked by the mod unless you or a bot walk near it, so it will never be eligible for despawning. If this value is large, most (if not all) loot will be checked, but it may be computationally expensive.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_search_max_distance_player: If the mod needs to check if loot is accessible from a location on the map (spawn point, player position, etc.), that location must be within this distance (in meters) from the NavMesh. If this value is small, the accessibility of some loot will never be checked by the mod, so it will never be eligible for despawning. If this value is large, there may be a small performance impact. This is 10 by default.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_search_max_distance_loot: If the mod needs to check if loot is accessible, it must be within this distance (in meters) from the NavMesh. If this value is small, the mod will not be able to calculate a NavMesh path to it, so it will never be eligible for despawning. If this value is large, the mod will be more likely to try and access the loot through floors and ceilings (thanks to a Unity quirk), and there may be a performance impact. This is 2 by default, and values much larger than this are not recommended.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_height_offset_complete: When a complete NavMesh path is found to access loot, the points in the path will then be offset to be this distance (in meters) higher. This is done to make the path easier to see when debug.loot_path_visualization.enabled=true, and it reduces the number of obstacles that may exist between the final NavMesh point and the loot item. This is 1.25 by default, which is approximately shoulder-level.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_height_offset_incomplete: When a valid NavMesh path cannot found to access loot, the points in the path will then be offset to be this distance (in meters) higher. This is 1 by default, and it's done to make the path easier to see when debug.loot_path_visualization.enabled=true.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_obstacle_min_height: Obstacles that are less than this value in height (in meters) will be ignored when checking the accessibility of loot. Obstacles are detected via raycasting from the last NavMesh point in a complete path to the loot item. This is 0.9 by default.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.navmesh_obstacle_min_volume: Obstacles that have an overall volume below this value (in cubic meters) will be ignored when checking the accessibility of loot. The volume is determine by the overall bounds of the object, which can be visualized via debug.loot_path_visualization.enabled=true, not the actual volume of the object mesh. Obstacles are detected via raycasting from the last NavMesh point in a complete path to the loot item. This is 2 by default. Values below 1 are not recommended because some loot in filing cabinets will be considered inaccessible by the mod.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.max_calc_time_per_frame_ms: The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the mod is allowed to toggle NavMesh obstacles (namely for locked doors) per frame. By default this is set to 4ms, and delays of <15ms are basically imperceptible.
- destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.door_obstacle_update_time: How frequently (in seconds) the mod checks if any NavMesh obstacles (namely for doors) should be toggled. This is 2 by default.
open_doors_during_raid.enabled: If the mod can open/close doors throughout the raid. This is true by default.
open_doors_during_raid.can_open_locked_doors: If the mod is allowed to open locked doors. This is true by default.
open_doors_during_raid.can_breach_doors: If the mod is allowed to open doors that can only be breached. This is true by default.
open_doors_during_raid.exclusion_radius: The radius (in meters) from you within which doors are not allowed to be opened/closed. By default, this is set to 40 meters.
open_doors_during_raid.min_raid_ET: The minimum time (in seconds) that must elapse in the raid (not necessarily from the time you spawn into the raid, namely as a Scav) before the mod is allowed to begin opening/closing doors. By default, this is set to 180 seconds.
open_doors_during_raid.min_raid_time_remaining: The minimum time (in seconds) that must be remaining in the raid for the mod to be allowed to open/close doors. By default, this is 300 seconds.
open_doors_during_raid.time_between_door_events: The time (in seconds) that must elapse after the mod opens/closes doors before it's allowed to open/close doors again. By default, this is 60 seconds.
open_doors_during_raid.percentage_of_doors_per_event: The percentage of eligible doors on the map that should be opened or closed per event. By default, this is 3%.
open_doors_during_raid.chance_of_unlocking_doors: The chance (in percent) that the mod will be able to unlock a door when trying to open it. By default, this is set to 50%.
open_doors_during_raid.chance_of_closing_doors: The chance (in percent) that the mod will close a door instead of opening a door. By default, this is set to 15%.
open_doors_during_raid.max_calc_time_per_frame_ms: The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the mod is allowed to run door-event procedures per frame. By default this is set to 3ms, and delays of <15ms are basically imperceptible.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.enabled: If the mod can turn on switches throughout the raid. This is true by default.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.time_between_events_ms: The mod will check for switches to toggle at regular intervals of this many milliseconds throughout the raid (3000 ms by default).
- toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius: Switches will not be allowed to be toggled if they're within this distance (in meters) of you. This is 75 m by default.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.min_raid_ET_for_exfil_switches: If a switch controls the ability for players to use extraction points (i.e. the power switch on Customs or elevator buttons on Labs), it will not be allowed to be toggled until this many seconds has elapsed since the beginning of the raid (before its shortened for Scav runs). This is 600 s by default.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.delay_after_pressing_prereq_switch_s_per_m: After switches have been initially toggled for Scav raids, the mod will not toggle any switches if prerequisite switches must be toggled before them (i.e. the elevator power switches on Labs). In this case, the mod won't attempt to toggle the switch until a certain amount of time has elapsed after the prerequisite switch is toggled. This delay is calculated using this parameter (in seconds/meter) and the distance between the switches. The purpose of this delay is to simulate the time needed for a player to toggle the prerequisite switch and then travel to the first switch. This is 1 s/m by default.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.raid_fraction_when_toggling.min/max: The minimum and maximum fractions of the overall raid time (before they're reduced for Scav runs) that switches are allowed to be toggled.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.fraction_of_switches_to_toggle.min/max: The minimum and maximum fractions of switches that will be toggled throughout the raid. These values are fractions of the total number of switches on the map that can be toggled by players.
- toggle_switches_during_raid.max_calc_time_per_frame_ms: The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the mod is allowed to run switch-toggling procedures per frame. By default this is set to 3ms, and delays of <15ms are basically imperceptible.
adjust_bot_spawn_chances.enabled: If the mod is allowed to change bot spawn-chance settings. This is true by default.
adjust_bot_spawn_chances.adjust_bosses: If the mod is allowed to reduce boss spawn chances based on the time you spawn into the raid. This is true by default.
adjust_bot_spawn_chances.excluded_bosses: The names of bot types that should not be included when changing boss spawn chances. Entries in this array should NOT be removed, or the mod may not work properly.
- boss_spawn_chance_multipliers: [time_remaining_factor, reduction_factor] pairs describing how the boss-spawn chances should change based on the fraction of time remaining in the raid. A value of "1" means match the original setting.
- car_extract_departures.enabled: If the mod is allowed to make the car extract leave at some point during the raid.
- car_extract_departures.countdown_time: The countdown-timer length (in seconds) before the car extract leaves. By default, this is 60 s, which is the same as base EFT.
- car_extract_departures.delay_after_countdown_reset: If the countdown timer is reset because you come too close to the car, the car won't be allowed to leave again for this many seconds (120 s by default). This is to prevent the car extract from constantly cycling between enabled and disabled if you keep getting too close and then far enough away from it.
- car_extract_departures.exclusion_radius: The car extract will only be allowed to depart if you're more than this distance (in meters) away from it (150 m by default). This minimizes the chances of you seeing it leave without a bot leaving with it.
- car_extract_departures.exclusion_radius_hysteresis: If the car extract has been activated by this mod, it will be deactivated if you come within this distance (as a fraction of car_extract_departures.exclusion_radius) of it. This is to prevent the car from leaving by itself when you're near it, and it prevents you from possibly getting a free ride. This is 0.9 by default.
- car_extract_departures.chance_of_leaving: The chance (in percent) that the car will leave at some point during the raid.
- car_extract_departures.raid_fraction_when_leaving.min/max: The minimum and maximum fractions of the overall raid length (before it's shortened for Scav raids) between which the car may leave. For example, if min=0.25 and max=0.75, the car will be allowed to leave between 10 and 30 minutes remaining in a 40-min Customs raid. If you spawn into the raid as a Scav later than the time randomly selected for the car to depart, it will depart immediately.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled: Only allow changes to be made to only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems for only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid. This is highly recommend if you use Questing Bots and Looting Bots. If you're having performance issues, try enabling this.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit: The number of seconds that changes are allowed to be made by only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems after you spawn into the raid.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.loot_destruction: If loot destruction should only occur for only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.opening_unlocked_doors: If unlocked doors should only be opened for only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.opening_locked_doors: If locked doors should only be opened for only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.closing_doors: If doors should only be closed for only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.car_departures: If car extracts are allowed to depart after only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid.
- only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.toggling_switches: If switches are allowed to be toggled after only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit seconds after you spawn into the raid.
- debug.enabled: Enable debug mode.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.enabled: Enable visualization of loot items and NavMesh pathing to them to view which ones the mod thinks are accessible. Most visuals require destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled=true.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.points_per_circle: The number of points to use for drawing a circle. This is 10 by default. Considering this is only used for debugging, higher values might result in rounder-looking circles, but there isn't much benefit.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.outline_loot: Draw a spherical outline around loot items and loot containers that are not empty. The center of the sphere should be in the center of loose loot, but it will be somewhere around the perimeter of loot containers (and varies by the type of container). The color of the outline will change based on the loot's accessibility as determined by the mod. Green = accessible, Red = inaccessible, White = undetermined (cannot find a valid NavMesh path to the loot).
- debug.loot_path_visualization.loot_outline_radius: The radius (in meters) for the circles used in debug.loot_path_visualization.outline_loot.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.only_outline_loot_with_pathing: Only draw outlines for loot that requires the mod to determine its accessibility by finding a NavMesh path to it. Many items will be excluded because their accessibility is automatically determined from other parameters.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.draw_incomplete_paths: Draw failed paths created when the mod tried to find a valid NavMesh path to the loot. The line color will be white.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.draw_complete_paths: Draw NavMesh paths that successfully reached the loot. The line color will be blue.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.outline_obstacles: Draw boundaries around the obstacles detected between the final point in completed NavMesh paths and the loot item (determined via raytracing). If the outline color is magenta, the obstacle was ignored. If the outline color is red, the mod thinks that obstacle is making the loot inaccessible.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.only_outline_filtered_obstacles: Only draw boundaries around obstacles for debug.loot_path_visualization.outline_obstacles if they caused the mod to consider the loot inaccessible. The outline color will be red.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.show_obstacle_collision_points: Draw a spherical outline at each point where a collision with an obstacle was detected between the final point in completed NavMesh paths and the loot item (determined via raytracing). Collisions with obstacles that are ignored will not be drawn. The outline color of each point will be red.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.collision_point_radius: The radius (in meters) for the circles used in debug.loot_path_visualization.show_obstacle_collision_points.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.show_door_obstacles: Draw an ellipsoidal outline around doors that should block NavMesh pathing either because they're locked or something is currently interacting with them. Outlines are updated every destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.door_obstacle_update_time seconds. The outline color will be yellow.
- debug.loot_path_visualization.door_obstacle_min_radius: Ensures the radii for ellipsoids drawn for debug.loot_path_visualization.show_door_obstacles are at least this value (in meters). Otherwise, the outlines may be hard to see.
If you're using this mod along with Kobrakon's Immersive Raids mod, please change the following in config.json:
- destroy_loot_during_raid.max_time_without_destroying_any_loot to any value you want. This is the frequency (in seconds) at which an item is removed from the map. If this value is small and you stay in the raid for a long time, you'll eventually have no more loot on the map.
Known issues:
- Any locked door on the map is equally likely to be opened, including those locked with rare keys and those nobody ever really opens/closes in live Tarkov.
- Some items have no price defined in handbook.json or prices.json, which makes the mod rank them as being extremely undesirable (i.e. the AXMC .338 rifle). This will hopefully be fixed as the data dumps available to the SPT developers improve.
- If destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled=false, loot can be despawned behind locked doors or in locked containers. If destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled=true, some loot is falsely considered inaccessible and will never be despawned.
- If you approach the car extract without taking it and this mod instructs it to leave later in the raid, you'll see the countdown timer when you check your extracts.