Yeah, ok. My point is: sometimes bugs like that produce pretty neat mechanics (remember "skiing" in Tribes games?).
And having a boss respawn over and over on the same map sounds like a fun option
Yeah, ok. My point is: sometimes bugs like that produce pretty neat mechanics (remember "skiing" in Tribes games?).
And having a boss respawn over and over on the same map sounds like a fun option
Ahh just add more bosses in that case mate The config now works fully as intended, so if you just overload it with bosses, that's all that will spawn (bosses seem to take priority over scav spawns.)
Having a couple of different bosses isn't as fun as having 2 or 3 Tagillas chasing you with their sledgehammers out
Hi kikirio, I tried to rewrite your script for 3.1.0, which looks like it's working so far (I've yet to implement the new roaming boss but it should only be a matter of finding it's db name and add it in the script dictionnary).
I've attached the build to this message.
Added Knight, I didn't test in-game yet so anyone using this, at your own risk!
Also made it so that the random boss locations are now truly random, instead of picking one location at server start and having a chosen boss only spawn there until next server boot.
kikirio added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreIt's a big one!
Added, shuffleBossOrder: Will shuffle the order of the boss array (adds less predictability with spawn order). (true / false)
Added several example configs to try.
Added Boss Hordes! With the following options
hordesEnabled : if true will apply horde settings. (true / false)
maps :
Has a list of maps with the following options.
enabled : if true, will apply the following settings for the map. (true / false)
addRandomHorde : adds random hordes with the following settings
enabled : if true, will apply the following settings for the map. (true / false)
numberToGenerate : the number of boss hordes to generate. (number)
minimumSupports : the minimum number of bosses to support the main boss (number)
maximumSupports : the maximum number of bosses to support the main boss (number >= minimumSupports)
bossList : A list of each boss, which will serve as the leader for each group, with the following options.
amount : The amount of hordes to add. (number)
chance : The chance for the horde to spawn. (number 0 - 100)
escorts : Here you must put a list of the bosses you wish to spawn separated with comma's with no spaces.
available options are Knight, Gluhar, Shturman, Sanitar, Reshala, Killa and Tagilla
if you wanted Killa and Tagilla as escort you would put "Killa,Tagilla" for example (string)
escortAmount : Here you must put a list of the number of each supporting boss to spawn separated with comma's with no spaces.
following the above example, if you wanted 2 Killa and 4 Tagilla to support you would put "2,4" (string)
kikirio added a new version:
QuoteAdded config option keepOriginalBossZones: Will limit the zones that the bosses can spawn to zones that can normally spawn a boss in each map.
kikirio added a new version:
QuoteAdded config option randomizeBossZonesEachRaid: When keepOriginalBossZones = false, Each boss gets set a single spawn zone, and the bosses are spread over the map. If randomizeBossZonesEachRaid is set to true then every time you complete a raid, the zone that each boss is assigned will be reselected. This will make make the locations each boss spawns different every raid. (true / false)
kikirio added a new version:
QuoteFix for randomizeBossZonesEachRaid conflicting with keepOriginalBossZones. Thanks to DeltaKillsTV and ItzTrasherz for the bug reports. Big
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