Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Hello,

    I'm currently using AKI 3.2.2 and FAIT 1.24.4 and the PMCs are spawning and acting as scavs and rogues, but still have their dogtags when killed. Any help with this?


    EDIT: forgot to mention that I do have both of the scavs fight with pmcs buttons set to true.

    Edited once, last by Brugga ().

  • The mod probably does not work with other mods that has something to do with weapons, which I find very unfortunate. Also the one from Fin that changes the scav inventory. I only use one and the error message from before the update is still there. So also no scavs etc.

    My mot is "FERSHTE'S BALANCE PATCH", The fin mods seem to have problems with this.

  • For what its worth I got FAIT back working it the mod All The Backup Sights was conflicting with FAIT for some reason I really dont know why must have to do with weapon preset generation with the changes to where you can put offset sights and such,

    Looking into this now, I believe I'm able to replicate this bug. -I assume you were getting a server error about .includes and undefined? If so, that's on track to be fixed in FAIT and FiBIT (hopefully) sometime today.

    Edit: The root of the problem is that the backup sights mod adds attachment options that aren't ingame items. I'll try and create a workaround on my end, but this is primarily an All The Backup Sights bug, it seems, that will affect any mod that tries to programmatically alter bot inventories based on what attachment options are available to each item.

    Can you clarify exactly what you mean by this? Are they not counting for quests, not fighting eachother, etc.?

    Edited 2 times, last by Fin ().

  • Looking into this now, I believe I'm able to replicate this bug. -I assume you were getting a server error about .includes and undefined? If so, that's on track to be fixed in FAIT and FiBIT (hopefully) sometime today.

    Edit: The root of the problem is that the backup sights mod adds attachment options that aren't ingame items. I'll try and create a workaround on my end, but this is primarily an All The Backup Sights bug, it seems, that will affect any mod that tries to programmatically alter bot inventories based on what attachment options are available to each item.

    Can you clarify exactly what you mean by this? Are they not counting for quests, not fighting eachother, etc.?

    Yea it was .includes and undefined, thanks for all your hard work this is truly a mainstay mod for me.

    The error Im seeing with assorted weapons armory is

    Error: Could not find preset for weapon with tpl M16A4

    Error: Could not find preset for weapon with tpl M16A4

    at BotWeaponGenerator.getPresetWeaponMods (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:8043:22)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:7986:28)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:7947:21)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:7496:61)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:7192:52)

    at BotGenerator.generate (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:7144:24)

    at BotController.generate (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:3255:34)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:52:61)

    at $de60112e0288ef4d$export$1dd35d19c79daa7c.action (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:15891:42)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\SPT 3.2.2\obj\bundle.js:14788:61)

    in case it helps, results in the same lack of AI spawning. Well actually weirdly the AI spawned after a like 5 minute delay all at once lol it was mass chaos. After several runs, the AI either spawn late or not at all, with similar errors to the one above just on different guns.

    Thanks again Fin

    Edited once, last by Chadless ().

  • Looking into this now, I believe I'm able to replicate this bug. -I assume you were getting a server error about .includes and undefined? If so, that's on track to be fixed in FAIT and FiBIT (hopefully) sometime today.

    Edit: The root of the problem is that the backup sights mod adds attachment options that aren't ingame items. I'll try and create a workaround on my end, but this is primarily an All The Backup Sights bug, it seems, that will affect any mod that tries to programmatically alter bot inventories based on what attachment options are available to each item.

    Can you clarify exactly what you mean by this? Are they not counting for quests, not fighting eachother, etc.?

    Ofc. PMCs, scavs and rogues aren't fighting each other. I'm the only one being shot at all raid. When I kill a "PMC" the dogtag is on their body, but on the kill list they're shown as scavs or rogues. Also, when doing scav runs, killing a PMC aggros other scavs.

    I took two screenshots showing what I'm talking about. Thanks!

  • Ofc. PMCs, scavs and rogues aren't fighting each other. I'm the only one being shot at all raid. When I kill a "PMC" the dogtag is on their body, but on the kill list they're shown as scavs or rogues. Also, when doing scav runs, killing a PMC aggros other scavs.

    I took two screenshots showing what I'm talking about. Thanks!

    Getting the same issue. Does the dogtag say "unknown" for you aswell ???

  • Confirming that I'm getting some weird issue where PMCs aren't counting as PMCs for quests.
    My last raid the two that I killed LOOKED like PMCs and had dogtags and "proper" gear and everything, but in the post-game lobby they showed as "rogue" and didn't count towards my quest. The dogtags showed they were USEC, but were killed by "unknown" with an "unknown" weapon.

    My mods, all latest versions (as of 9/2/2022) in the workshop:
    FAIT (Spawning module DISABLED)
    Server Value Modifier
    Lua Spawn Rework
    See Item Value
    Hideout Architect
    Friendly Scav Extracts
    Ammo Stats

  • I have the same Problem as soon as i disable the default spawn in FAIT i get the same Bug. is it a konflikt with Lua Spawn Rework ?

    if you dont want all pmc to be listet as scav faction you must leave the " Disable all spawn changes in FAIT on the False setting

  • Heyo, am getting the same problem with improper faction names showing for PMC's. They behave like scavs but they do not fight the real scavs. I get their dogtags and such but upon the end raid statistics all those usecs and bears show as either scav, boss or rogue.

  • Heyo, am getting the same problem with improper faction names showing for PMC's. They behave like scavs but they do not fight the real scavs. I get their dogtags and such but upon the end raid statistics all those usecs and bears show as either scav, boss or rogue.

    Look up a little and you'll see a solution

  • No bot spawn

    = =

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    = =

    Error: Items must not be empty

    Error: Items must not be empty

    at WeightedRandomHelper.weightedRandom (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:110:19)

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:14270:33)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7956:42)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7946:32)

    at BotLootGenerator.addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7759:61)

    at BotLootGenerator.generateLoot (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7675:114)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7500:31)

    at Function.regenBot (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2867:51)

    at Function.pmcScavAlliance (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2067:36)

    at Function.generateBots (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:1657:27)

  • Heyo, am getting the same problem with improper faction names showing for PMC's. They behave like scavs but they do not fight the real scavs. I get their dogtags and such but upon the end raid statistics all those usecs and bears show as either scav, boss or rogue.

    You have behaviour changes enabled, and the chance for them to be on 'default' is set to 0. Asside from the current bug with disabling spawn changes, that's what I would expect to happen.

  • Fin added a new version:

  • You have behaviour changes enabled, and the chance for them to be on 'default' is set to 0. Asside from the current bug with disabling spawn changes, that's what I would expect to happen.

    1.24.4a - (August 31, 2022)

    • Fix for PMCs not being counted as PMCs when spawn changes are disabled
    • Fix for certain mods being able to add improper items to weapon slots, and that leaking in to bot loadouts
    • Miscellaneous reordering and small fixes

    Awesome I appreciate it Fin! I'm sure you weren't expecting updating the mod again, for that I apologize if it intruded with anything in life. ^^

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