Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.19.0 for AKI 2.0.X servers

    • Added in an option to enable a progressive gear system
      • This is still in its very early stages. The values it uses will need some adjusting, but at the moment the following things are affected:
        • Weapons available to bots
        • Weapon durability
        • Armor frequency
        • Magazine size
        • Helmet frequency
      • This scales entirely off your level, at the moment, but it may be changed to account for other factors in the future
      • PMCs will have better gear than raiders, and raiders will have better gear than scavs, as usual
      • This option currently has no configuration options, it's either on or off
    • Added an option to enable adaptive difficulty
      • Every time you die, the difficulty goes down
      • Every time you survive, the difficulty goes up
      • Difficulty changes can only take effect after the game and server are restarted
        • This means for optimal performance you should restart after every raid
      • The differences in difficulty between different types of bots will be respected, but the base difficulty value will be ignored as long as this option is enabled
      • This option is currently disabled by default, but that may change in the future depending on feedback
    • Added options to affect the maximum and current durability of AI weapons
    • Armor weighting should now be better respected by vests when bots are disallowed from having both an armored rig and armored vest
      • This isn't a perfect fix, but it's an improvement
    • Disabling behaviour changes should prevent any bots from being assigned melee behaviour
    • Improved ability of PMCs and scavs to fight when behaviour changes are disabled
    • Tweaks to the spawning system
      • Somewhat reduced the tendency of the AI to 'clump' into just a few spawn zones
    • Difficulty tweaks
      • Bots should scatter less at close ranges
      • Bots should be less 'wiggly'
      • Increased bot reaction speed by about 18% across the board
    • Changed the behaviour of the "AI aiming time multiplier" difficulty multiplier. This no longer affects accuracy, it's purely how quickly they acquire their target
    • Bugfixes
    • New bugs
  • Love this mod but I'm having trouble setting a value for "Percent of Hi-Pen and Low-Pen ammo to remove from gear list" would setting the value at [1, 1] give the widest possible range of ammo or would there be a better set of values?

    [0,0] would give you the widest possible range of values. -I believe [1,1] would remove both the absolute highest and lowest pen ammo from the range, because it will remove any ammunition with a pen greater than 1% below the pen of the highest pen round, as well as any ammunition with a pen lower than a value 1% above the pen of the lowest pen round.

    ..Typing that out, I'm realizing again how hard this setting is to explain, so I'll just give you a few examples:

    If you had an ammo type where the lowest pen round had 20 pen, and the highest pen round had 50 pen, then a setting of [10,50] would remove anything above 47 pen or below 35 pen. Since the range is 30 (50 - 20), and the first value is 10% of that range (2), and the second value is 50% of it (15), then the maximum is 50 - 3, and the minimum is 20 + 15

    If you had an ammo type where the lowest pen round had 0 pen, and the highest pen round had 87 pen, and the setting was [32,11], then it would remove anything below (0 + 32% of 87) = 27.84 pen, and anything above (87 - 11% of 87) = 77.43 pen

    I hope that helps a bit

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • With the recent update of the mod, my issue still persists. Scavs still aren't attacking each other. Can someone tell me if this is normal? Only mods I have that changes anything regarding AI are CPSRR 1.3 and Ai Tweaks

  • Fin added a new version:


    Hotfix for progressive gear. -If you don't use progressive gear, you don't need to bother, if you do.. You probably should

    • Bot values are not set correctly when it comes to determining weapon options
      • Previously, bots were always being set to their maximum possible range of weapons
  • Hi Fin

    even without progressive gear, the spawn gear system seems to ignore the settings on "min and max value armor class avalible" "primary weapon value" and "armor value"
    I setted my AI to have low chance of a good armor and the max lvl of armor to [1, 2] but most of the scavs still spawn with a slik and high value weapons "val, vector etc"

  • Got the following error after updating your mod, Lua's spawn configuration, and zicoman's AI Configuration.

    In addition, a USEC PMC's arms were spinning around. I saw something similar when a mod was incompatible with a certain weapon from another mod. I can't remember the weapon, so I will go into another raid and look for the same bug.

    ..Looks like I messed up the formatting of that error message. But you're right, it's likely a mod adding in an id somewhere that doesn't actually exist in the item templates database. I'm just getting ready to release the next version, and I'll make sure to update that error printout so that it will actually tell you what ID is the issue, and what bot it's on.

    Hi Fin

    even without progressive gear, the spawn gear system seems to ignore the settings on "min and max value armor class avalible" "primary weapon value" and "armor value"
    I setted my AI to have low chance of a good armor and the max lvl of armor to [1, 2] but most of the scavs still spawn with a slik and high value weapons "val, vector etc"

    So I've tracked the weapon issue down and fixed it as of the latest update (1.19.1f), but I still can't replicate the armor issue on my end. I'll keep trying over the weekend, and hopefully I'll have that sorted out before the next major update.

  • Fin added a new version:


    FAIT 1.19.2 for AKI 2.0.X

    Progressive gear expansion, mods and armor

    • Progressive gear now affects bot armor and mods
      • Bot armor will gradually improve and grow more common as the player increases in level

        • High level armor can still appear early on, but it should be much less common
      • Weapon mods will generally do the same
      • Bot ammunition is still unchanged
      • Armor durability is currently unchanged
    • Changes to bot generation
      • Weapon generation errors should be significantly less common
      • Because of this, the default state of 'Mute weapon generation errors' has been set to false
    • Progressive gear can no longer be enabled when gear changes are disabled
      • The server will print a warning if this is detected
    • Server warnings regarding invalid mods are now better formatted
    • Limiting bot optics should now be more strictly enforced
    • Small changes to a rarity calculations
    • Tweaks to AI accuracy
    • Bots are now slightly more likely to move instead of taking cover
    • Small fix to bot health increases (Thanks Kiobu)
  • OK. I removed all my mods, loaded in (to make sure the game didn't have any errors regarding trying to spawn an item in my inventory that's from a mod I removed and it loaded fine), exited the game, installed your mod, and got the following error.

    At this point, I think there has to be something wrong with the mod, as the game runs fine without it or any other mods.

  • OK. I removed all my mods, loaded in (to make sure the game didn't have any errors regarding trying to spawn an item in my inventory that's from a mod I removed and it loaded fine), exited the game, installed your mod, and got the following error.

    At this point, I think there has to be something wrong with the mod, as the game runs fine without it or any other mods.

    Please could you share your Fins AI Tweaks config file in a spoiler?


  • Still getting the same error.

    I'm going to remove all the weapon/gear mods and then reinstall the one by one to see which mod is incompatible.

    That's actually a slightly different error you're getting, this time not connected to a specific weapon, but to a bot (I suspect that when you go to check it after the fix, it'll be bossTest or followerTest (Actually looking at its index number, 27, I have no idea what it'll be. There are only 26 bots in vanilla AKI), which have no inventory entries by default, and also shouldn't be appearing in the game or to FAIT by default). -I fixed the way the other error displayed, but missed this one. I've just uploaded a small fix that should make it display the name of the bot when that occurs now.

    This error also isn't an error that will necessarily stop your game from running. It's just FAIT warning you that there's something weird going on with a bot, so that if you get weird behaviour happening in raids you have some clue what may have caused it.

  • I used the most recent version and changed nothing, so I don't know what you're asking for.

    The reason why I am asking is to see if you had changed anything in the config but you have answered my question. I downloaded the most recent update and it works fine like you said, but I don't receive the error message so I don't know :/


  • OK. I went in with ZERO mods, messed around a bit so the game would have time to do an autosave or whatever, exited, downloaded the most recent version, and this came up.

    I had just loaded vanilla AKI and it worked fine. I even had to identify a bunch of stuff (due to a setting in a different mod) which is fine. Just means the game loaded properly and didn't look for any mod items or presets. Something I learned to look for and delete in previous error testing.

    At this point, I don't know what to do.

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