Posts by DrakiaXYZ

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Block barbed wire on Shoreline
    • Fix navmesh break on Ground Zero
    • Instead of copying the cached points to all bots, just reference our cached list directly

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    - Resolve foot level loot check

    - Add new patch to disallow dragging quest items into your inventory. Can be collected with Ctrl+Click

    DrakiaXYZ added a new file:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This mod was written to be generic, and support as many future versions of SPT as possible. Currently only tested on 3.8.0

    - Don't add the current items container to the list of target containers

    This should resolve an issue where items would be quick-moved to the first available slot in their current container, instead of the inventory/stash

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    - Fix a potential issue due to not limiting the patch to just moving items between inventory/stash

    Remember kids, don't program while tired :sleeping:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new file:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:

    • Properly refresh the ragfair price service cache on price update
    • Better handling of original prices for overprice checks

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Attempt to fix stuttering caused by BSGs pathfinding
    • Update Ground Zero navmesh

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    Update for 3.8.0

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    Update for 3.8.0

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    Update for 3.8.0 support

    • Remove the capability to add new patrol points, and all associated code
    • Implement new method of handling locked doors, to work with the new method of navmesh generation
    • Add handling of special door types (Cargo doors on Labs, elevators on Labs, D2 door on Reserve)
    • Add a workaround for the fact BSG doesn't enable door carvers any more
    • Add a workaround for doors on some maps having a NavMeshObstacle instead of a NavMeshDoorLink
    • Regenerate all navmeshes using a new method, will more closely resemble the BSG meshes but expanded for the full map
    • Server mod is no longer necessary

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Update for 3.8.0

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Update for 3.8.0

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.8.0

    Update for 3.8.0

    • Should be more forward compatible hopefully

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version is NOT version agnostic, and REQUIRES SPT 3.8.0

    Update for 3.8.0

    Known Issues:

    • Some daily/weekly tasks may have confusing objectives, such as missing what map to extract from

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:

    • Make sure we don't set the price of non-existing items
    • Allow capping item prices, for when live flea goes crazy. Default to 10x base flea price

    New setting in config/config.json, "maxIncreaseMult". This is the maximum multiplier that can be applied to the base flea price of an item. Default: 10

    For example, if the backend has calculated live has a flea price of 500,000 for an item with a base SPT flea price of 10,000, the new price will be capped at 100,000 by default.

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3

    • Fix issue where multiple loads of Streets would throw an error, causing raid load to fail

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3

    • Locked doors are now usable by bots once they're unlocked
    • Updated Streets navmesh:
      • Lexos mines now properly blocked off, no more suicide bots
      • Upper area of Lexos accessible to bots again
      • Escalator in new mall can be used by bots
    • Doors outside the usual AI cell coverage should now be usable by bots
    • Switch to 7-zip archives for releases