Posts by DrakiaXYZ

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3

    Improved error handling

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version was written to be generic, and support as many future versions of SPT as possible. Currently only tested on 3.7.0-3.7.1


    • Re-organized settings. Note: Some of your settings will have reset because of this.
    • Allow hiding completed quests and objectives
    • Allow setting a max width (Default 1/6th screen width)
    • Quest name and objectives will now wrap if they won't fit on a single line
    • Allow setting panel background transparency
    • Allow aligning panel to the left or right side of the screen
    • Make version agnostic, only tested with 3.7.0 and 3.7.1

    Known Issues:

    • Some daily/weekly tasks may have confusing objectives, such as missing what map to extract from

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This mod is now relatively version independent, but is only tested on SPT 3.7.0+

    • Fix error notification when running on older SPT versions
    • Allow remembering sort state, will be restored on game start and saved between task panel loads (Disabled by default, enable in F12 menu)

    Tested working with SPT Versions:

    • 3.7.0
    • 3.7.1

    DrakiaXYZ added a new file:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1+

    * Huge rewrite to be compatible with my upcoming Quest Tracker mod

    * Mod is now relatively version agnostic going forward (Not known to be compatible with SPT versions prior to 3.7.1)

    Tested compatible with SPT versions:
    * 3.7.1

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1

    - Add the ability to change font size

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1

    • Resolved bots being braindead on certain parts of Streets and Interchange
    • Add rotation to editor panel

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.7.0-3.7.1

    Small bug fix and QoL improvement

    • Add a label on items in the quick equip list to indicate whether they're in the stash or weapon rack
    • Fix a bug on accounts that haven't unlocked the weapon rack yet


    DrakiaXYZ added a new file:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new file:

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1

    Update for 3.7.1 / 26535

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1

    Update for 3.7.1 / 26535

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0

    Update for 3.7.1 / 26535

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0

    Update for 3.7.1 / 26535Update for 3.7.1 / 26535

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.7.0

    Tested and known working SPT versions:

    • 3.7.0

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0

    Update for 3.7.0 / 26282

    DrakiaXYZ added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0

    Update for 3.7.0 / 26282