Posts by Kippa

    Because you originally had 1.6 installed and then tried to overwrite with 1.5.1 it will not load and if you do load in you will receive trace errors and backend errors, I know this because I did this several times to test things. I would do a fresh install of 1.5.1 with those 2 downgrade patchers 1.3.2 and 1.3.0..

    I currently have 1.6.0 installed with some mods and it seems to be working alright for the moment with the occasional hang or constant loading but it's acceptable.

    Personally I wouldn't go over 75 FOV for the simple reason that it affects overall performance and sightings on your weapons. I've asked this question on other forums and this seems to be the common answer.

    This isn't really something you should write here my dude this sounds something on another forum.

    From what you have described with your issues, personally I would just buy another PC or gaming laptop at this point you will have constant issues because of inundated drivers and 9 years worth of depreciation. Second, have you messed around with any of your installed mods config files?

    I appreciate the help, but I figured out the problem. At some point something got all weird with my actual profile, I have no idea why, but I fixed the problem by just making a new account.

    Not a problem bud, glad you managed to fix your issue. Just make sure you make a back-up of your profile regularly so you can revert back to a safe point if you install/update your mods. Take care.

    Hi I may be able to help here and can I just ask you first, have you modified any of the mods you have installed and are all of the mods compatible with the latest version of SPT-AKI?

    The usual culprit is incompatible mods OR if you have modified/changed anything inside the config of a mod which can cause Trace errors. If you haven't touched the configs I'd suggest going through all of your installed mods 1-by-1 and double-checking to see if they are compatible or conflicting with any of mod(s).

    I'll be here if you need any more advice or help bud.

    Hey Fin as always thank you for this mod. Unfortunely these crazy bot are still too hardcore for me, i really would like to have a casual experience when i'm playing to the game with some challenging moments. I already asked you, previously but do you think, it's possible to modify their rate of fire (of bots), i just need to reduced it by half maybe; that way i can stand a chance, when they're engaging first? Thanks in advance, i really miss the previous AKI versions when bots where stock-configured challenging.

    Hey I may be able to help you,

    - first off go in to the config file and edit the line: "semiAutoFireRateMult": (I have mine set to 1.5 at the minute and it seems to work pretty good but I tend to mix things up between 1.5-2.0, give this a try)

    - next, a little further down in the config, if you don't want the AI just unloading lead towards you on full-auto look for "removeWeaponTypesSemiAutoPumpBolt":[ (and underneath put "auto" or "semi" but not both!)

    - this one might make things easier or more enjoyable for you, at the top of the config look for these line -

    - "aiAimSpeedMult": 1.3,

    - "aiVisionSpeedMult": 1.3,

    - "visibleDistanceMult": 0.5,

    - "aiHearingMult": 0.3

    (these are my custom settings, I personally think the AI are too quick at hearing and seeing things still trying to find that S W E E T spot)

    a little tinkering with this mod and my game is pretty much like online, I have the AI difficulties set to 2,2,1.

    Hope this helps you!

    I'm having a similar issue were any loot in raid is unexaminable, when I right-click on any item I get a notification in the bottom-right telling me "you cannot inspect or use this item whilst examining". It only started happening in the last couple of hours and I haven't messed with any of my mods, very strange indeed :/

    Always make sure to back up your profile before adding/deleting any mods they may or may not be compatible with the latest AKI version and make sure to double check that your mods are up-to-date!

    I see there's a few of the mods you listed above are outdated, incompatible mods tend to cause issues some are visible and some aren't noticed or shown in the logs you just have to dig around until they disappear, that's pretty much what I tend to do and my game runs fairly decently with the occasional error and/or mod incompatibility.

    Sometimes a fresh install can alleviate any issues and problems but like I said most of these issues come from outdated mods, I hope this somewhat helps you man.


    From the client version you have listed, it is possible you have misunderstood upgrading?
    You will need the latest game files and a fresh profile. (install as if you had not installed AKI before).

    I had an update this morning UK-time for the actual EFT game which obviously gives you a new client version with every update but it doesn't show it in the offline game. Could I move my current profile in to a new folder and then do a fresh install?

    Try removing Fin's AI

    I think that's what's causing the error

    You might be right lol I tried removing Fins AI and AllinOneMod and even though they are compatible with the latest AKI version it sends out an error message in the server console. I think I'll just have to wait for them to be updated, appreciate the help nonetheless.

    Since updating to version 1.4.2 I am unable to load my game, any currently used or newly created profiles so that's why I have made this thread I just don't know what to do about it. I have gone through most of my mods, the only ones that needed to be updated was FinsAI and AllinOneMod, nothing else. The error presents itself whenever I try to load the game, after the Server.exe window finishes processing everything.

    (( I will update if anything changes ))

    I will upload 2 screenshots as spoilers, the second is after the game closes and shows in the Server.exe...


    Since yesterday I have been getting this pretty worrying message whenever I try to load this website - ""Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information" and "net::err_cert_common_name_invalid sptarkov". I literally spent a few hours scoping the web for answers and work arounds and I FINALLY managed to get back on to this site, for how long I have no idea!

    I had to use CMD to flush the DNS & DLL certificates and disable and then re-enable certain proxy settings in my default web browser in order to load this website. Before I knew to do all of this I had a message show up screen "Well hello there this website seems to be somewhere else lol" (my first thoughts were have I been hacked? Has this website been taken down or hacked?).

    My question is, should I be worried about this and will this happen again? Has anyone else had this strange issue happen to them? This has never happened before and I really do not want to lose access to this website I love it too much as well as my computer security.

    Okay thank you for explaining it to me. As of right now I have changed the mod.js line 1542, I will do some raids to test it out and let you know what happens :)

    I had an option for that in the config a month and a half or so ago, but it never worked consistently so I ended up removing it. As eastwind has discovered, its fragments live on inside mod.js, and it's possible to re-enable with a few changed lines and by adding the relevant config option back in, but.. Yeah. Personally, I wasn't able to get it working consistently.

    I remember the option being in the mod about a month or so ago and its a shame you had to take it out. I don't suppose you'll be happy to put it back in IF someone will help you untangle the web for you? :)

    I need more variety in my game it was more fun when the same faction as you didn't try and kill you but I have small hope it will come back HAHA!

    So is there a way for the same faction as you to NOT engage you but engage everyone else?

    I'm not an expert by any means but the mods you have installed I have been using for a long time, lemme ask you have you gone in to the config files and changed anything with regards to AI or PMC's??

    I experienced this a few months ago because I changed some of the settings in the config incorrectly but I reinstalled the mods and it worked after that. If you haven't changed anything then there's something definitely iffy with your game, I'm sure some of the helpful people on here will guide you better I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face: