SPT Realism Mod

  • Gunsmith Unstuck isn't really unstucking. Even when having the 12.12 builds straight from the wiki

    Builds from base EFT won't work in a mod that overhauls how attachments work and weapon/attachment stats. You're either missing a requirement or have another mod that changes quests. I've checked GS nearly 10 times now and every time it's been the user getting the requirements wrong or using another mod that changes quests, there's nothing more I can do. If you can't get it working then I recommend using Profile Editor to complete them.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • Hey there, I've realized that I've been getting spammed with errors and I haven't been able to figure out the cause:

    2023-02-01 10:58:42.804 -05:00||Error|Default|
    EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    at RealismMod.Plugin.Update () [0x01109] in <3e6c7289a00a41d491bb42025256d145>:0
    2023-02-01 10:58:42.804 -05:00||Error|Default|NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    RealismMod.Plugin.Update () (at <3e6c7289a00a41d491bb42025256d145>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class296:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Mods being used:
    - SVM
    - Realism
    - AllOpenZones

    SPT 3.4.1

    Unfortunately these have been making the game unplayable as the errors seem to spike resource usage and basically crashes the game the longer I play it.

    These errors start showing up in the in-game console once the raid starts to load in, at the same time I see these from the server console as well, is this relevant?

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  • The first error is because the mod is installed or configured incorrectly, you probably have the realism/attachment overhaul disabled but still have the .dll present. The second set of logs aren't errors or an issue, it says exactly what it is doing: it's just getting presets for bots. This can't spike resources or cause the game to crash, that's an issue with EFT/SPT or your PC. This mod already has an option for adding openzones, AllOpenZones is unneeded and may conflict.

  • Gunsmith PT4 Troubles, I modded the weapon as needed, however I can't turn it in, am I missing something?

    Weight requirement, check the quest description. You have ammo in the magazine, and you'll need to change a few parts to bring the weight down. Or just use the "unstuck GS quests" config option.


  • Grear mod.

    I'm just wondering why in the pmcTypes.json file the boss spawns are different based on if you are playing as Bear or USMC?

    Example factory day

    As sptUSEC there's a 15 chance for Sanitar spawn

    As sptBear there's a 20 chance for Killa, Knight & Pipe

    Am I reading it wrong or is it intentional?

  • Those aren't boss spawn chances, those are PMC Types (behaviour) odds. I don't recommend changing those files.

  • Hey guys, is there a way to activate "bot tiered loadout" without touching the spawn ? I'm using Lua-CustomSpawnPoints and i think it make spawn bugging sometimes

    Check the config's tooltips, they explain what each setting does. Having said that, Lua's CSP is compatible, any weirdness of bots spawning dead or inactive is due to presets giving them bad spawn points

  • Check the config's tooltips, they explain what each setting does. Having said that, Lua's CSP is compatible, any weirdness of bots spawning dead or inactive is due to presets giving them bad spawn points

    thanks for the answer. Yes i checked, i use realism since a long time. Problem is, when you check "bot" it selects a lot of things like AI behavior for exemple. Since i'm using poop too, i was trying to just get the "bot tiered loadout" without touching anything about IA or else.

  • thanks for the answer. Yes i checked, i use realism since a long time. Problem is, when you check "bot" it selects a lot of things like AI behavior for exemple. Since i'm using poop too, i was trying to just get the "bot tiered loadout" without touching anything about IA or else.

    "Bot Changes" does just loadouts, loot, durability, hostility chance and that sort of thing. It should work with POOP.

  • pretty sure i did this all right, here's my spt realism config, the issue, and my list of mods.



  • How exactly do the normal Quest unlocked trader items function(or is meant to), from what I could tell while playing they're always unlocked by trader tier instead of quest, is this intended?

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.7.0 for SPT AKI 3.5.0 - TEST RELEASE

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT, likely won't be for future versions (3.5.x).

    Mirror in case you can't access Mediafire: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sc9a…0.7.0-SPT-v3.5.0.rar?dl=0

    Test release of the update to 3.5.0 with fixes and new features. There will be bugs and issues that will be ironed out later. It hasn't undergone full testing and not all changes and features are in yet. These will be coming over the next days or weeks. To come are more config options, better airdrop filters, adding Streets keys to bots, adding UBGLs to bots, and an overhaul of how armor durability, blunt damage and penetration is handled which will change shots to kill, and more to come in the future.


    • Fixed sold-out trader offers being able to be bought via weapon preset builder, which resulted in bugged weapon mods being added to the inventory.
    • Fixed flea offers causing errors when bought if it was one of the last items listed.
    • Fixed trader offers not being displayed correctly on the flea market.
    • Fixed errors that prevented some bots from spawning, raids should feel a little more alive now.
    • Fixed jankyness with faceshields. You can no longer force ADS with faceshield in various ways, you will automatically un-ADS. Some masks can now block ADS too.
    • Fixed some errors when calculating attachment stats.
    • Fixed the display of armor class on nested armor items (like helmet + faceshield).
    • Various minor fixes and corrections.


    • Config App Options: added global camera recoil multi, ability to change the odds of the 4 bot tiers per every 5 levels, and to change the hostile chance of same-faction PMCs.
    • In-Game Config Options: added options for convergence curve , recoil intensity, sway intensity, disabling recoil climb, deafen mechanic, malfunction changes (check the tool-tips for explanations). Added option for partially restoring the "stat delta" display mechanic, where the stat loss/gain is previewed when hovering over or dragging attachments. This comes at the cost of performance and is disabled by default (stutters when dragging/hovering over attachments).
    • 3.5.0 Update: added stats for all the new gear and weapons added to the game. Added new loot items, weapons, armor, clothing and gear to bots. Added boss and other new spawns to Streets of Tarkov. Tweaked and adjusted Lighthouse spawns in light of new boss.
    • Deafen Mechanic: the player's hearing will be reduced and distorted while firing (or if bots are firing close to him, or by nearby explosions) and will become tunnel versioned. This effect can be reduced or prevented with hearing protection, some helmets, subsonic ammo and suppressors. The effect is increased or modified by calibre, barrel length/velocity, muzzle device (via its Loudness stat), if it's a bullpup and ammo. The gain of headsets will cut off while firing. There's an option to change the sound profiles of headsets to make their audio less distorted and to rank their noise reduction according to their real life dB reduction. Reduced the volume of gunshots in general slightly. This feature can be disabled via the in-game config. Thanks to Kobra for helping with this. The intensity of this mechanic is still in the tweaking phase.
    • Gear Reload Speed: tactical rigs, armored and unarmored, can now have reload speed modifiers. Check their stats.
    • Quick Reload Speed: significantly increased the speed of quick reloads (double tap R) compared to default EFT. It's now a useful option.
    • Repairs: repair kits (for weapons, not armor) and Mechanic (both weapons and armor due to game limitations) can now repair with no durability loss. Mechanic is now much more expensive. It's now possible to run weapons indefinitely if you have the money or repair kits.
    • Hipfire: hipfire now works like ADS recoil, it increases per-shot and reduced mouse sensitivity. This makes controlling hipfire more challenging.
    • Malfunctions: added various new mechanics related to malfunctions and changed how durability affects malfunction chance. Malfunctions can happen at any durability, but above a certain configurable threshold the malfunction chance is halved (overheat and ammo ignores this). Some subsonic ammo (5.45 and 7.62x39 US) cannot be cycled reliability without the right attachments (PBS suppressors). Some short-barrelled rifles will be unreliable without the right modifications (direct impingement weapons like the M4, and short AKs). This can be mitigated for M4s with right gasblock as the expense of increased wear and recoil. For AKs, this can be done with muzzle boosters. Suppressors and some muzzle devices reduce the malfunction chance, and other attachments can now also affect malfunction chance. Weapons using the DI system have increased wear from suppressors. The "hotness" of ammo now improves reliability, offsetting their misfire chance to some extent. Check the descriptions and stats of weapons and attachments for explanations of these mechanics. This can be disabled via the in-game config. These features require the config app to have "Malfunction Changes" enabled.
    • SamSwat Weapon Compatibility: added compatibility for SamSwat's FAMAS, L85, M1014, and Vepr 12. You just need to install his mods and make sure they are loaded before this mod (add an 'a' to the start of their folders).
    • Mechanic Gunsmith Quests: all requirements except for specific parts or types of parts needed (suppressors, lasers etc.) have been removed.
    • Player Tweaks: reduced arm overdamage.
    • Bots: doubled the odds of Raiders spawning on Reserve via triggers (switches), but still not guaranteed till higher player level. Raiders can now be converted to PMCs on labs. Tweaked PMC type/behaviour template odds. Corrected Rehalla spawn from old gas to new gas, and other bots vice versa. Tweaked Birdeye weapons based on map type, reduced faceshield chance for Goons while on outdoor maps.
    • Attachments: tweaked 'Loudness' stat of muzzle devices in light of new Deafen mechanic. Added accuracy stats for handguards and some receivers. Free-floated handguards will be much more accurate than those that aren't. A new attachment property, Malfunction Chance, has been added (only works if all malfunction changes are enabled). Added malfunction chance, durability burn and recoil stats to barrels and gas blocks. Buffer tubes have been rebalanced in light of new malfunction mechanics. Shotguns with pistol-grip/stock adapters now have a small bonus to chamber/rack speed, increased bonus from having a foregrip on the pump.
    • Weapon Mechanic Tweak: increased the effect of weight and balance on sway, aim inertia, reload speed, ergo and recoil. The difference in weight/balance should be more noticeable now. Rearward balance now has a negative effect on pistol chamber speed, reload speed and fix speed.
      Weapon Stat Tweaks: various tweaks and rebalancing of weapons. Made DMR's less accurate compared to bolt-action rifles. Tweaked various weapon's accuracy stat. Changed how accuracy stat is handled in the game so that the difference in MOA is more noticeable between weapons. Added base reload and chamber speed stats for weapons that can be tweaked. Buffed AK and 416 balance (resulting in better ergo).
    • Weapon Recoil: generally increased recoil overall: less convergence on semi-auto making it less spammable, increased dispersion (spread) and rearward recoil on all weapons, adjustments to how recoil is handled and calculated. It is recommended to fully reset all in-game config options related to recoil.
    • Fleamarket: in light of the fixes to the flea market, the amount of available offers have been reduced. Added missing filters/exceptions for certain types of items.
    • Armor: corrected the armor stats and classifications of several armor's to match their real life counterparts. Thanks to those who provided info. Armor repairability has been nerfed hard, it's not much more expensive to repair armor and often isn't worth it. This encourages more scavenging and looting.
    • Ammo: corrected 5.45 PS and PP stat ranking. Increased the ballistic coefficient of all ammo (this means less damage/pen/etc. reduction over distance). Various small tweaks to ammo stats.
    • Mastery: reduced the XP gain needed for weapon mastery overall, tweaked it per category.
  • Great work putting out an update for the newest SPT version so fast, you need to take a break or something :D

    One question:
    "Raiders can now be converted to PMCs on labs." Is this automatically enabled for labs from the get go or does the user have to manually change it within the mod config files? If so, which config file/line determines raider conversion on the labs map? I remember in the previous versions, pmcbot conversion had no effect on labs leading to raids with just nightmare amounts of raiders when bot population was set to high (unsure if conversion rate ever took effect on other maps).

  • Great work putting out an update for the newest SPT version so fast, you need to take a break or something :D

    One question:
    "Raiders can now be converted to PMCs on labs." Is this automatically enabled for labs from the get go or does the user have to manually change it within the mod config files? If so, which config file/line determines raider conversion on the labs map? I remember in the previous versions, pmcbot conversion had no effect on labs leading to raids with just nightmare amounts of raiders when bot population was set to high (unsure if conversion rate ever took effect on other maps).

    Well, I've set it the conversion chance of Raiders on labs to change to PMCs, but if it doesn't work on base SPT it won't work on this mod either unfortunately, I'll try to test it and get it working if not. And you're right I do need a break ;(

  • Here's a crazy idea, why not take it a step further and add ergonomic and speed debuffs to chest rigs, as it is now its overall superior to pick some armor and a chest rig combos instead of a plate carrier, so I feel there should be some downsides.

  • Hello, I'm getting one-shot malfunctions on modded M4s, stock works fine, AKs also work fine.


    edit: bepinex

    Edited 3 times, last by veritatis ().

  • You're using the malfunction changes, and you've built one of the least reliable M4s possible. I recommend reading the patch notes on the new features related to malfunctions, read the attachment's descriptions and stats.

    The mechanics mimic how short barrels on M4s work IRL. Short barrels have shorter "dwell time". The shorter the dwell time, the less reliable, they need more gas to run reliably. The gas block you have on there is adjustable IRL, so I made it mimic being set to the lowest gas setting. So while it reduces recoil a lot, it is less reliable and on a short barrel it'll not work. The buffer tube you have on there also increases malfunction chance, there are buffer tubes that increase reliability. The descriptions of these mods will state these mechanics or show the malfunction stats. The MK12 gas block will make the short barrel run reliably at the expense of recoil, dura burn and a higher ROF.

    That buffer tube and and gasblock you're using are for min-maxing recoil at the expense of reliability.

    The malfunction chances of all these mechanics and attachment will get tweaked over time, I'll tone down the effect of that gasblock and barrel combo probably. These changes can be disabled with the malfunction config option.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

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