SPT Realism Mod

  • Hi Fontaine, love your mod and all the hard work you put in to making spt feel more immersive. I have a bug that happens rarely with recoil, where the camera recoil looks like its 10x normal. Here is a video I just took showing what it looks like.


    I figure it comes from realism since you overhauled the recoil mechanics. Any thoughts on what causes this? I wish I knew exactly how to reproduce it but it only seems to happen randomly, not sure the trigger. I had this bug on the 3.4.1 aki version with your 0.6.4 realism version too, so it's not necessarily a new thing.

    People on the discord thought it may be greg's uniform aim but it still happens after disabling that. I showed this video on the discord (video after disabling greg's) and they said it looks like aim punch from being shot/suppressed. Thanks!

    After playing a little bit more in that raid, the recoil bug seems to have a higher chance of happening if I get shot.

    Edited once, last by Zarif: additional detail ().

  • Uninstall all other mods, reinstall SPT, reinstall realism completely, and delete reaism's config in bepinex/configs

  • I noticed that on Labs, no PMC bots are spawning. Is this intentional?
    Got no other spawn-related mods running.

    There should be a low chance of them spawning IIRC. It's a low chance because in SPT, PMCs just replace scavs and raider, so you'd end up with Raiders and PMCs wiping each other out pretty quick. Something I'll have to look into improving in the future.

  • I loved your mod when I was playing with 3.4.x versions. Since it's not compatible with the latest version of the SPT (3.5.4), I want to ask a question if you could answer.

    Would it work if I use just the AI behavior of your mod with 3.5.4? Thanks in advance!

  • Me and my friend keep having a weird issue with ballistics. Wearing armor that's classified as class 10 in game, and occasionally just get one tapped straight though the armor with random shitty cartridges, for example basic .366 TKM, or one time even got one tapped with a 9x19 PSO gzh.
    Armor is brand new, never been touched.

    Even tried modifying the Altyn face shield to be the equivalent of GOST 6 / XSAPI, got hit with a single 5.56 RRLP, and died instantly.
    Not really sure whats happening. just seems inconsistent. Also had a few occasions with hitting an unarmored Scav in the chest with .338LM AP, and doing 0 damage. (have hitmarkers so I can see what I hit/how much damage I've delt)

    Let me know if there is anything I can do to try to gather more info for you.

    Edit: thread post #666, epic lmao

  • I loved your mod when I was playing with 3.4.x versions. Since it's not compatible with the latest version of the SPT (3.5.4), I want to ask a question if you could answer.

    Would it work if I use just the AI behavior of your mod with 3.5.4? Thanks in advance!

    It's the AI and Airdrops part that isn't working on 3.5.4

    Nothing I could have done with armor or ammo stats could make PSO randomly pen full durability class 10, it's not something I myself have ever noticed but I've seen people claim such things even in live with Scavs randomly bypassing armor (as well as the whole double bullet bug). Maybe in EFT there's a specific set of circumstances that can cause such a bug, maybe the hitmarker mod itself is interfering with ballistics changes and causing issues, who knows. It won't matter much in the next version because there will be plate zones so get used to it :D

    Edited 2 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • *SOLVED*

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getConfig')


    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getConfig')

    at new LocationController (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\LocationController.js)

    at new AirdropLootgen (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\airdrops.js:31:1)

    at Main.preAkiLoad (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:115:35)

    at PreAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)

    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1984:13)

    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47

    posted in comments, Fresh installs of both SPT and Realism, same outcome

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Moved from comment section to here because I can't read

    Weird little bug I noticed, specifically when in high or low ready, but whenever there's a timer (either extraction or checking the remaining raid time) the screen seems to stutter, which then causes the arms in high or low position to shake. Sometimes it lasts past that but sometimes it goes away, usually goes away after the position is changed, as long as the timer still isn't there. Not sure if that's a realism issue or my PC just being a potato. I think they might have changed some of the graphical settings in this latest tarkov patch that 3.5.5 is based on...

  • Hey Fontaine, want to begin with saying you've made an incredible mod and I really appreciate the changes it brings to Tarkov.

    But I have been having a weird issue where my game from time to time will just close randomly. As if I just ALT F4'd. It happens about every 30-45 minutes and both in raid or in the menu. Couldn't Identify the issue in the logs. I did run with other mods but removed them all except this one and the game still crashes. Game doesn't crash at all vanilla with no mods. Same Profile ported over to Vanilla with no crashes so its not an issue with the save or profile. Some times I can run SPT for a couple hours straight with your mod, sometimes it crashes within 10 minutes of starting the game. Also have task manager up and nothing was too intensive for my CPU, RAM, or GPU. And yes, I installed the mod correctly as everything was working beautifully. Just sucks having so many raids essentially ALT F4 on their own, wasting all that time and never keeping anything because it just crashes.

  • Hey Fontaine, want to begin with saying you've made an incredible mod and I really appreciate the changes it brings to Tarkov.

    But I have been having a weird issue where my game from time to time will just close randomly. As if I just ALT F4'd. It happens about every 30-45 minutes and both in raid or in the menu. Couldn't Identify the issue in the logs. I did run with other mods but removed them all except this one and the game still crashes. Game doesn't crash at all vanilla with no mods. Same Profile ported over to Vanilla with no crashes so its not an issue with the save or profile. Some times I can run SPT for a couple hours straight with your mod, sometimes it crashes within 10 minutes of starting the game. Also have task manager up and nothing was too intensive for my CPU, RAM, or GPU. And yes, I installed the mod correctly as everything was working beautifully. Just sucks having so many raids essentially ALT F4 on their own, wasting all that time and never keeping anything because it just crashes.

    What version of Realism are you using (and SPT Aki version) and is this a recently issue that has popped up with an update or change of game version or is this an ongoing issue that you are having?

    Ultimately this is VERY unlikely to be directly related to Realism or any of the changes that it makes, it may just be that Realism is causing more of a performance impact on your system. Generally instability such that you are describing may be due to overclocking, is your ram, cpu or gpu overclocked? If I had to guess it would likely be related to ram.

  • Uhh..I know there was the body region change, but I started a new usec run(to see the changes from the start instead of reusing my old profile) and scav's are tanking 5.25 buckshot 3 times to the unarmored face within 10 feet and stuff like makarov's taking over 8 shots to the face :hardthink: I'm using nothing but stuff like waypoint mod and a looting bots.

    It must have been something in the most recent patch, as i used 0.7.9 a bit with my older profile and the bots being super tanky like they are now

    Edited 3 times, last by rrrrrrrrr ().

  • I've noticed weird behavior with "Adjust prices" setting turned on in config. So right now I can see new (higher) prices for ammo only in trader interface

    but once I "filter by item" I can see and buy with old prices in flea market interface.

    The same goes with for example helmets, low (old) prices in trader menu and high in flea market.

    I'll attach my config settings below, any idea why it happens?

  • Moved from comment section to here because I can't read

    Weird little bug I noticed, specifically when in high or low ready, but whenever there's a timer (either extraction or checking the remaining raid time) the screen seems to stutter, which then causes the arms in high or low position to shake. Sometimes it lasts past that but sometimes it goes away, usually goes away after the position is changed, as long as the timer still isn't there. Not sure if that's a realism issue or my PC just being a potato. I think they might have changed some of the graphical settings in this latest tarkov patch that 3.5.5 is based on...

    If your PC stutters (frame time spike) then you will see the shake. Not sure why your PC is stuttering when checking raid time but is what it is

    Hey Fontaine, want to begin with saying you've made an incredible mod and I really appreciate the changes it brings to Tarkov.

    But I have been having a weird issue where my game from time to time will just close randomly. As if I just ALT F4'd. It happens about every 30-45 minutes and both in raid or in the menu. Couldn't Identify the issue in the logs. I did run with other mods but removed them all except this one and the game still crashes. Game doesn't crash at all vanilla with no mods. Same Profile ported over to Vanilla with no crashes so its not an issue with the save or profile. Some times I can run SPT for a couple hours straight with your mod, sometimes it crashes within 10 minutes of starting the game. Also have task manager up and nothing was too intensive for my CPU, RAM, or GPU. And yes, I installed the mod correctly as everything was working beautifully. Just sucks having so many raids essentially ALT F4 on their own, wasting all that time and never keeping anything because it just crashes.

    Sorry to hear that but I'm not sure how the mod can cause this. Try checking the BepInEx/LogOutput.log for errors.

    Uhh..I know there was the body region change, but I started a new usec run(to see the changes from the start instead of reusing my old profile) and scav's are tanking 5.25 buckshot 3 times to the unarmored face within 10 feet and stuff like makarov's taking over 8 shots to the face :hardthink: I'm using nothing but stuff like waypoint mod and a looting bots.

    It must have been something in the most recent patch, as i used 0.7.9 a bit with my older profile and the bots being super tanky like they are now

    Well it's very obviously a bug, and one that I haven't encountered in any testing. Try reinstalling the mod cleanly (including the config file in the BepInEx/config folder) and removing all other mods, use default config options and test. If everything is normal then do your usual config changes one by one that are related to ballistics, health and bots and let me know which one causes it if any. Without reproducible steps I can't do anything.

    Thanks I'll look into it. I think the issue is that either Tiered Flea or the dynamic trader options have to be enabled for flea prices to be refreshed.

  • I think the issue is that either Tiered Flea or the dynamic trader options have to be enabled for flea prices to be refreshed.

    Yes, indeed. Just checked with Tiered Flea enabled and now both prices are modified as intended. Maybe there's a way to refresh prices without it though 🤔

    Thanks for great mod and for your help

  • What version of Realism are you using (and SPT Aki version) and is this a recently issue that has popped up with an update or change of game version or is this an ongoing issue that you are having?

    Ultimately this is VERY unlikely to be directly related to Realism or any of the changes that it makes, it may just be that Realism is causing more of a performance impact on your system. Generally instability such that you are describing may be due to overclocking, is your ram, cpu or gpu overclocked? If I had to guess it would likely be related to ram.

    He's running 3.5.5, but also had an issue with it on 3.5.3. I agree that it likely isn't the mod itself as he and i have the same modlist, however, we have been unable to troubleshoot it past it doesn't crash without realism, but does with it. I also thought it might be his ram, but in watching his task manager, the ram never caps out. I don't have answers on the overclocking, but i'm fairly certain that it isn't. I do agree that i think its either ram or a potential dual port collision on a cpu thread, even with task manager never showing it capping out.

    Is there anything else you can think of that it might be though? I've had him try and look at most everything i can think of minus a windows reinstall as i know I've had a few issues with windows randomly deciding that it didnt like certain games and either crashing them or not allowing them to load at all.

    Planning to look through the Bepindex logs tonight as Fontaine suggested. If we cant make sense of it, i recommended he post it to let yall look too.

  • What version of Realism are you using (and SPT Aki version) and is this a recently issue that has popped up with an update or change of game version or is this an ongoing issue that you are having?

    Ultimately this is VERY unlikely to be directly related to Realism or any of the changes that it makes, it may just be that Realism is causing more of a performance impact on your system. Generally instability such that you are describing may be due to overclocking, is your ram, cpu or gpu overclocked? If I had to guess it would likely be related to ram.

    I'm using the newest version of Realism as of yesterday, 3.5.5 with the hotfix. I waited to upgrade SPT to 3.5.5 until Realism released with 3.5.5. My SPT is 3.5.5, but the same issue was occurring in 3.5.3 AKI with 3.5.3 Realism mod. My profile is carried forward from 3.5.3.

    It is not an issue I have had with SPT in the past, I've only recently began using Realism mod though. I would say at this point that it is an ongoing issue from 3.5.3 on to 3.5.5. No data before that as I didn't run Realism on a version prior to 3.5.3. I also skipped 3.5.4 as Realism wasn't updated for 3.5.4.

    I also thought it would be a RAM issue at first, but I have 32GB of RAM and when monitoring performance via Task Manager I don't max CPU, RAM, or GPU during the crash. None of my hardware is overclocked either.

    The crash also happens both in raid or in the menu. And none of my other games share the same problem. A fresh 3.5.5 install with my 3.5.3 profile and no mods experienced no crashes at all in a 3.5 hour session. Most crashes occur around 30-45 minutes of play.

    I don't want it to be isolated to this mod, as I love using it. And I also sure as heck don't want to play SPT without it. I also thought it was highly unlikely to be this mod until testing the game with with other mods removed kept giving me the same crashes. I'm currently limited to high speed Factory runs. Some of those even crash before I can extract.

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