SPT Realism Mod

  • If it's not too annoying I just was interested to know what part of the recoil_attachment_overhaul / stances change is it that removes/eliminates a majority of the Weapons Sway (when moving Camera or when ADS)
    Trying to stop some custom weapons that I made compatability patches for from the example in the put_new_stuff_here from flying around in my hands when I move the camera around, haha. As well as interest for a small personal project unrelated to aforementioned stuff.

    Regardless of answering on this^ stuff; wanted to say that it's been really fun using your mod and seeing it gain new additions like the Hazard Zones. Can't wait to see what other feature ya might come up with next. With the .15 update coming eventually one day, how do ya think you'll move forward with your current mounting system? The new one seems quite restrictive with the movement and I prefer the way yours is at the moment.

    Anyways, thanks :)

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v1.4.5 for SPT 3.9.5

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Hazard Zone rebalance with additional features. Expanded limited passive regen. Insurance and minor economy rebalance. Various other minor new mechanic, tweaks and fixes.

  • Im having a somewhat weird bug, the armor plates sold by traders are at the modified values from the changes with realistic ballistics, however all the plates being sold on the flea market are at the vanilla durability values.

    Everything was fine for awhile on the profile and the flea market plates were at the modified durability, eventually I went to buy another plate and all the flea market offers were bugged.

    Edit: interestingly after the flea offers refreshed the plates on offer reflect the correct durability values.

    Edited once, last by Chadless ().

  • Heya, I'm making a compatability patch for a custom weapon mod and even though I've got all the correct settings; Weight, Stock has Shoulder Contact, Etc.

    The weapon is still really floppy in my hand and when aiming, not sure why! Have verified it's working and applying changes, but I'm still having that problem!

    I've been tryna figure out if maybe it's something to do with every sight post has to be added as well?
    Sorry if this is something annoying ya have dealt with before, but Im just tryna make something for once to give to others instead of just being a downloader :)

  • Heya, I'm making a compatability patch for a custom weapon mod and even though I've got all the correct settings; Weight, Stock has Shoulder Contact, Etc.

    The weapon is still really floppy in my hand and when aiming, not sure why! Have verified it's working and applying changes, but I'm still having that problem!

    I've been tryna figure out if maybe it's something to do with every sight post has to be added as well?
    Sorry if this is something annoying ya have dealt with before, but Im just tryna make something for once to give to others instead of just being a downloader :)

    You're not giving any context, heavy weapons will have a lot of inertia/sway

  • You're not giving any context, heavy weapons will have a lot of inertia/sway

    Yeah it is a Heavy Weapon, though, I managed to figure it out

    On translating any Ergo on Attachments into a Realism patch I didn't realize the Ergo under any of those items (barrels, grips, stocks) was actually Percentage as well as a couple other Weight modifiers (ergo was way too low otherwise), simple mistake, oops... So had to make a small lil Calculation for each part to get an equivalent Ergo stat to make it so it works out right, as well as I checked the Templates for other Weapons of similar categories to see what their base settings were as well as their attachments/relative parts to set for my small little patch.

    I appreciate the reply nonetheless. Thanks!

  • when i shooting , something breaks my low ready ,high ready and all my keybindings , it making it's functionality not working

    Also when I look up or down the screen gets centered in a weird way, I think it has something to do with the recoil

    Sorry for my English, I use GOOGLE Translate

  • when i shooting , something breaks my low ready ,high ready and all my keybindings , it making it's functionality not working

    Also when I look up or down the screen gets centered in a weird way, I think it has something to do with the recoil

    Sorry for my English, I use GOOGLE Translate

    It doesn't look like you are using google translate at all

  • when i shooting , something breaks my low ready ,high ready and all my keybindings , it making it's functionality not working

    Also when I look up or down the screen gets centered in a weird way, I think it has something to do with the recoil

    Sorry for my English, I use GOOGLE Translate

    if you would like to send me a picture of problem feta photograph possibly a video of the error in action

    helpful, I must be able to solve your problem and this must be understood as that I would like to offer my help to you if you need it。
    not sure why the text looks like that it is from google translate ?。 

  • if you would like to send me a picture of problem feta photograph possibly a video of the error in action

    helpful, I must be able to solve your problem and this must be understood as that I would like to offer my help to you if you need it。
    not sure why the text looks like that it is from google translate ?。 

    I set the recoil smoothness to 0 and Fixed camera centering issue , Now I still have some problems

    1. I don't know why I get infinite tunnel vision Even if I turn off the adrenaline and painkiller effect , (Full of energy/hydration) , It's only 15 seconds at first but you get another 15 seconds and it never stops

    2. when i shooting , something broke my low ready and high ready keybindings , it just doesn't work

    thank u

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