That's Lit - Logical AI Vision

  • 3371 added a new file:

  • 3371 added a new version:

    • Improve Night Factory profile
    • Skip foliage check in Factory or Hideout
    • Scale down the effectiveness at close distance so AIs won't overlook you even when you are basically already kissing
  • Moving issue here.

    2023-09-18 18:37:00.257 -04:00||Error|Default| 
    EXCEPTION: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
      at ThatsLit.Components.ThatsLitMainPlayerComponent.DetermineShiningEquipments (System.Boolean& secondary, System.Boolean& light, System.Boolean& laser, System.Boolean& laserIsIR, System.Boolean& lightIsIR) [0x002ae] in <778da107e58f49b89fdae57e99591de4>:0 
      at ThatsLit.Components.ThatsLitMainPlayerComponent.Update () [0x004d8] in <778da107e58f49b89fdae57e99591de4>:0 
    2023-09-18 18:37:00.257 -04:00||Error|Default|InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
    ThatsLit.Components.ThatsLitMainPlayerComponent.DetermineShiningEquipments (System.Boolean& secondary, System.Boolean& light, System.Boolean& laser, System.Boolean& laserIsIR, System.Boolean& lightIsIR) (at <778da107e58f49b89fdae57e99591de4>:0)
    ThatsLit.Components.ThatsLitMainPlayerComponent.Update () (at <778da107e58f49b89fdae57e99591de4>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class312:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)




    Helmet: GPNVG-18

    Caiman BA

    Sidearm: Tactical Blue Laser

    Primary Weapon: Tactical Blue Laser

    x400 Flashlight

    FLIR RS-3

    Secondary Weapon: Tactical Blue Laser

    Map: Streets of Tarkov

  • 3371 added a new version:

    • Balance close range sneaking with low score (< -50%)
    • Improve detection of flashing environment
    • Fix exceptions when detecting equipment lights
    • Add a HUD hint for people who hate it but don't know it can be disabled
    • Make bots unaffected shortly after perceiving the player (ex: Not affected after just getting shot by player in the shadow)
    • Minor fixes...
  • 3371 added a new version:

    • Fix "Make bots unaffected for a moment after it has vision"
    • Balance extreme darkness at close range
    • Config descriptions
    • Ineffectiveness of darkness against AIs using NVGs no longer scale with distance
  • 3371 added a new version:

    • That's Lit will be disabled by default from now on for maps not yet calibrated because the light detection could be very wrong. But can be enabled in configs.
    • On disabled maps vision randomness and foliages still work, just lighting doesn't affect anything.
    • Streets can not be enabled and may not be supported in near future because the lighting there is kinda craaazy.
    • Lab & Interchange are not yet calibrated because I've never been there.
    • Some calibration to Day Factory (Disabled by default because the lighting there is dead stable), Customs, Woods.
  • 3371 added a new version:

  • 3371 added a new version:


    Fogginess will strengthen darkness impact starting from 10m away.

  • 3371 added a new version:

    • (Visceral Bodies) Deal with high Foliage score everywhere in Lighthouse (Some how on that map your... spine... is on a different layer where VB move all foliages onto)
    • Fix Interchange can not be enabled because It's "Interchange" not "interchange", just like it's "shoreline" not "Shoreline" (Reported by tofu in SPT Hub)
  • 3371 added a new version:

    • (NEW) Lit score from sun/moon light will now be reduced indoor
    • (NEW) Bush rat emulation. Hiding in some types of bushes may make AIs overlook you even when at close distance, if the AI has no idea you are there.
      • This needs more testing.
      • Only the big, wide bush is a reliable choice, other taller or smaller ones are only useful when the AI is far away. Also noted that tall (small) trees and tall bushes may require you stay in standing pose, while some don't work at all when you prone.
      • Prepare to engage anyway, you never know when they stare at the bush.
    • (NEW) At the moment an AI see you:
      • If the AI is sprinting, force a random aiming delay and maybe force a miss by a small chance, because why the fuck can they aim when we can't ADS sprinting.
      • If it's not sprinting, maybe randomly give it a small aiming delay if it's an unexpected encounter
      • If it see you when facing away and you become its main enemy only at the moment, give it some scattering.
    • Some score calibration on Woods, Interchange and Reserve
    • Tweaks and bug fixes
  • 3371 added a new version:

    • Oh my, It's "Shoreline" not "shoreline"... this is awkward.
    • More bushes to rat.
      • Now some shorter bushes may be ineffective against AIs at higher positions.
    • Give AIs a chance to overlook players at higher position, if it has no idea the player is there.
      • This needs more testing.
    • Fix a major bug that locks the lit score near 0.
    • Overlook mechanics now may be disrupted by active equipment lights.
    • Minor tweaks.
  • 3371 added a new version:

    • Grasses. Those grasses swaying on the ground can now be used to hide. Let's go to Woods.
      • Technically it's working. May need be tweaked according to my further play tests and user feedbacks.
      • The only thing to note is only grasses within ~3.5m in the direction to the AI participate in the calculation. Otherwise, common sense applies.
      • Feedbacks are welcomed, will be extra useful if you get videos of them overlooks or discovers you in the grasses.
    • In vanilla, players are visible to AIs not just when players are visible(?). For example, when we shoot an AI, we are set to be visible to them and all their group members even when they are not looking at our direction. For now,randomly some of the SetVisible are cancelled when we are not in front of them. I haven't seen this break anything, so let's see how it goes.
    • Quite some tweaks and fixes.
    • Helpful

    I got this error getting spammed in console on Shoreline:

    [Exception] : KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)

    ThatsLit.Components.ThatsLitMainPlayerComponent.CheckTerrainDetails () (at <33e68d4e6e624eaa8b7e0420cfd84f46>:0)

    ThatsLit.Components.ThatsLitMainPlayerComponent.Update () (at <33e68d4e6e624eaa8b7e0420cfd84f46>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class312:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)



  • 3371 added a new version:

    • Fixed grasses don't work fully on maps except Woods. Every map has different sets of grasses and need a better way to check.
    • Instead of only cancelling SetVisible (1.2.0) for AIs facing away sometimes, now they are told they are spotted from your direction.
    • Distance has been a bonus factor for most of the features, this version introduce a suppression to distance bonus to prevent interrupting long range fight.
      • Get out of sight for seconds to regain the bonus.
    • Active flashlights now may interrupts more features.
    • Properly reduce lit score when indoor.
    • Added more bushes to rat.
    • Tweaks and fixes.
    • Reminder: Mod description gets updated every now and then, please have a look.

    I've seen several patches of some kind of short grasses with blocky yellow petals in Shoreline, but didn't get to record its Id into the grasses system. Failed to find it afterward in a 30 min run across the whole Shoreline. Tell me where it is if you see those.

  • Interesting, Does this always happen? I've done quite some shoreline runs these days but didn't get this, no clue yet.

    I'll keep an eye on this. In the meantime, please try the now upcoming 1.2.1.

    So far I had that error in 4 out of 5 Shoreline runs I did today, gonna check if this error still appears after newest patch.

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