Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • First I want to say thanks to Fin, you are THE Giga Chad for making one of the best mods for SPT.


    Playing 2.3.1 with the latest version of FAIT and the PMCs are not hostile to player scavs again, it used to be fixed up until 2.1.1 at least but now its broken again

    Thank you,

    I thought I was the only one. Playing as SCAV, PMCs won't attack me, but other SCAVS, until I attack them. I tried combinations of FAIT+FAIL without any other mods, but also in combination with LUA's Spawn Rework + CustomSpawnPoints. Until I found out that it's FAIT on SPT AKI 3.2.x :)

    A combination that currently works for me, while not using FAIT is:

    But of course missing FAIT

  • Oh i forgot that FAIT is kinda universal, thanks for pointing that out.

  • Game refuses to load into main menu after downloading the mod.

    Simply put the files into my mod folder as normal, toyed with the config (only enabled two settings). Did I maybe install it wrong or have made a mistake? The loading time is absolutely ridiculous.

    I forgot to include the hash, my bad

    = DEBUG HASH!! If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and =

    = paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!: =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =

    xĀā,6924436190181214,17738863ĕ674287Ĕ2ě76Ą7893ĆĬ,Ĉ352ħĒĥ3ĉ9ģĸĘČ80Ĵ75Ď11,īċ3ė29ĺ4ğ72Ĕ50Ĭ1ļ0ğĥijİ565Ŀđ9īŠ8đ,ŊĠőĊ2Ŋ7ċŠ,|0,ŴŶŲassaultŲpmcboſfollowergluharŹŻŽƆƈƊƌƎƐƒrscouƘƉƋƍƏƑƓsecurity,ƇƥƛƨƞsnipeƳƙƦrkojaƺƲƴƚƍŻƺtƓƾƵƍbŽlƲ||ƕżžgrƢp,beǎuƫcŲ-0.5ŵĔ.1Ǫ2.şĔdzņǵǴǷ1ǭŵ.3dzĭŴņ2ȀǫǶŴPMCsǫŴ|ƄtnameshƍƽƫƼƔtetȕmwưhơmmŹŲŒǶȩǸdzŷȃȪŒǽȪŷǗźǙſǖƁƃƅǏljƜƩƔȵƗȼǀƷƪơƣɃƶƝƪƬƮưLJƿɊȿƹƻƽǖǠǢǤ,ǘƗǛǝŲȲDZŨ,Ŕ,2ǪųŨȌɩ1ɫņēǖņǽɱɣēȨdz|ɭŨɨ|4Ǫ8ɼ4ŴĿŲǖɽɿʁʃɫ|IJɦɼŴɰ|Ȱʅ-ǵ6ɠȬŲʅŲŷǶģǨ8,ģɥɥɹʐɫŴ3ɫǽɼǽʑȪɶɸʤɫ5ǪČʅʵ,ʷʆ|ʹʻʽʶʋȂİɫŒʑŒŒǖʕɦȌȅʚǖʜȄǴŴȨʩʃɨǽʗǖŒ˚ɹȫǶʽŴłʅDzɭɫˣŅʋ|˥0˧Ǫ˩ʅʒʬ˅Ŵʥɩ6ɮɣ˛ɤʔȁɰɷɨpumǞƄžʛ˞ˎȮŲ5dijcc5ba4bĬĞʂʀ˭06Œ5cdeb2Ōd7f˭c̛e7ceĕɰņ|ȥpȐȒȔȖ,ȘƍațȝeȟȡȣȥȊɩʝȋ˒ˎǪ̋ų.ʡȪɡ˚ɯ͇ʓɲ˒Œ˔ɦǫˈɤŷǪ͚͋ʪȭ˒ŷȂͣŶ5:ʵ:˭͚aƉɛͰͯlͱʹͳ͵ʙ white blueBG

    = =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    Edited once, last by ya_homeboy_prophet: I forgot to include the hash, my bad. ().

  • Did you put caps for PMC? that might be the issue

  • Lol as always) You have outdated AKI, that's all. Just simple-dimple for me

    Want fait for 3.1.1? Find outdated FAIT, at least it must be 1.24.1a

  • Fin added a new version:


    Hi Fin just found out that the rogues and bigpipe are still not spawning incorrectly. All "rogues" are still spawned as PMCs and bigpipe is still a random pmc. I've isolated all the other mods and disabled all irrelevant settings but difficult changes.

    debug hash is here

    = DEBUG HASH!! If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and =

    = paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!: =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =


    ǫǵǾdzȅǯȌȊŜ3ȋǩŷǘƗſŸ|ƂƄƆǐNJƝƪƕǙƘȝǁƸƫƢƤȤƷƞƫƭƯƱLjǀȫȠƺƼƾǗǡǣǥ,ƖǚtǜǞȪƎBigPȶ,exUȻųǮDzũǪ2Dz|ŷ5ȔɕǫɘɑǗŅȑɝĸĮĔȋųŷİȘ5ɐ0ɘČǫŌȘǗɩɚɬǽɯǗ|ɧɓȘŷēǗȐȘ-ɞȔŵȔȘǧǪŵ7ȈDzʊɖʃʎɻĸɘȑɔɸɢɠŵēǸŸɗŒɬɪɴɮɘǗ9ʠȘɭńʣǼĔɘŜɽ|ʮʀũŜɎǿŸʆəǽdzŷǸǩ8ɔȑ6ȘŜ˂ʘȋŵ|ʝŁʧʦʤɵʣ|ʥɳʧˏɰŧʞ˃ʐǗʼɛɡɾŒʲĮ8ŸŜŜɔpumǟƅȗǗŸʄȎǮˉděcc5ba4bĘŊ4ŘɫĞ˦cdeb229d7fɫće7ce1ňʇ|mapnameshƎƾƬƽƕtet̡mwƱhƢm̙ȄʹʈȌʺ˰Dz̶ǧ.ˣȊʄ.˅ũǩŅɿɞ̴Ŝʼɣ͈˦ǩDz̸ɣĝȓ̵ɒɫ͒05:ɩ:͔ŜaƊȼ͞͝lͣ͟͢͡ȍ white blueBG

    = =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

  • I still have a problem with the appearance of Big Pipe, is there a way to solve it?

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =

    xĀā,4969283467ą2ċ5ă26338ą081ĕ4ē,55801172ĕ0ĨČ,3ěĕ257760948ıĬĕėę02IJ51Ě1ĬġĶ8Ŀķ2ě736,15ĵĭĕ307ĝ652ă7ŒķęěČĦŎ,6ħ61ķŁĖ299Ģ,|ń0,ŵŵ|assaultŲpmcboƀfollowergluharźżžƇƉƋƍƏƑƓrscouƙƊƌƎƐƒƔsecurity,ƈƦƜƩƟsnipeƴƚƧrkojaƻƳƵƛƎżƻtƔƿƶƎbžlƳ|ŹŻŽſgrƣp,beǏuƬcŲ-0.đŵ1.ő,2.ŚŐǴŜǭǶ.Ǹ3Ő.ǻǩđǭǻȁŶǮȀŐĴǵǬŶǴŷ,PMCsȌŲŲńȖǴȗșȓȍȚńŜȂȘȋŸƖǚƀǗƂƄƆǐNJƝƪƕǙƘȫǁƸƫƢƤȲƷƞƫƭƯƱLjǀȹȮƺƼƾǗǡǣǥ,ȤƘǜǞȕȡǩŏǻŒǰđ|ŵŖŲɗŐŸųăɚńǻǗɡɟǶǴųɘɖ|4đĸɚ4ŵűǗǗɬ,ɮɴɱɝ|3đİɚŵ4ɚȟɚ-ńķɏŴȔǗŲȜǴ7Ȅ8,ʏɔɔɨăɝɘɝɓɚǻʁɣȡʁɦ|ʔɝĠ,9ʥđʨɚǗʦʫʭʪɺ2ʀɝŜʞ|ŜŜǗʅăʑɞʉ|ɚʌȋșŵǶʙɶɖʁŏɴŦɠȡȚʣŵŞɚdz10ɝ˔Ĥɺ|˖˘ɚ˚˗ʬəʕʸŵ˥ŵȈʟɪŜˌ|ʼʇʸǴɖpumǟƅſ˂ʿțȡʣdścc5ba4b9ŎŘęŒ˘ŧğcdeb2Ůd7f˘c˘0e7ceĥʞŸmapnameshƎƾƬƽƕteṱmwƱhƢm̥Ȓɛȍ̀Ȣ͂˧˄ɧǩʑȝɐDz˃ʳͅʃɤȊŜˆǰȋʹğȍđǫ͔Ŗ́Ȋȍʳ͝Ŷ5:Ġ:˟ŜaƊɊͪͩlͫͮͭͯȓ white blueBG

    = =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

  • anyone else having issues doing no place for renegades? I ran a few raids and ran into a few highly geared scavs but none counted as raiders,

    I have fins spawn changes turned on btw but not the gear changes

    I know that in vanilla SPT there used to be a problem where the raider spawns on reserve in the bunker were broken and there was a mod to fix it <that's outdated now> but since 3.0 I haven't done this quest so I'm not sure at what point it broke

  • Ich habe diesen Fehler, wenn ich den Server starte:

    TypeError: Eigenschaft 'deserialize' von undefined kann nicht gelesen werden

    TypeError: Eigenschaft 'deserialize' von undefined kann nicht gelesen werden

    bei Function.generateDebugHash (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:5218:35)

    bei HttpServer.getRandomisedMessage (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:207:30)

    bei WebSocketServer.<anonym> (F:\SPEFT\obj\bundle.js:16288:60)

    bei WebSocketServer.emit (events.js:315:20)

    bei Server.emit (events.js:327:22)

    zu emitListeningNT (net.js:1352:10)

    bei processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:21)

    (node:10628) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SyntaxError: Unexpected token N in JSON at position 6195

    bei JSON.parse (<anonym>)

    bei readJsonFile (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\Trap-CustomQuests\src\utils.js:14:17)

    bei QuestsLoader.loadFile (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\Trap-CustomQuests\src\QuestsLoader.js:156:55)

    unter F:\SPEFT\user\mods\Trap-CustomQuests\src\QuestsLoader.js:51:37

    bei Array.forEach (<anonym>)

    bei QuestsLoader.loadDir (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\Trap-CustomQuests\src\QuestsLoader.js:49:32)

    bei QuestsLoader.loadAll (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\Trap-CustomQuests\src\QuestsLoader.js:33:33)

    bei CustomQuests.postAkiLoad (F:\SPEFT\user\mods\Trap-CustomQuests\src\mod.js:56:48)

    bei PostAkiModLoader.executeMods (F:\SPEFT\obj\bundle.js:13831:46)

    bei PostAkiModLoader.load (F:\SPEFT\obj\bundle.js:13820:14)

    (Verwenden Sie `Aki.Server --trace-warnings ...` um anzuzeigen, wo die Warnung erstellt wurde)

    (node:10628) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled Promise Rejection. Dieser Fehler entstand entweder durch das Werfen innerhalb einer asynchronen Funktion ohne Catch-Block oder durch das Zurückweisen eines Promise, das nicht mit .catch() behandelt wurde. Um den Node-Prozess bei einer unbehandelten Promise-Ablehnung zu beenden, verwenden Sie das CLI-Flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (siehe…unhandled_rejections_mode ). (Ablehnungs-ID: 1)

    (node:10628) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unbehandelte Zurückweisungen von Promises sind veraltet. Zukünftig werden nicht verarbeitete Promise-Ablehnungen den Node.js-Prozess mit einem Exit-Code ungleich Null beenden.

    Ist das von dir oder von CustomQests?

    Sorry, tried to translate the quest "The Double Agent", which apparently doesn't work as I thought. So, was not a mistake from FIN

    Edited 2 times, last by WoBra ().

  • anyone else having issues doing no place for renegades? I ran a few raids and ran into a few highly geared scavs but none counted as raiders,

    I have fins spawn changes turned on btw but not the gear changes

    I know that in vanilla SPT there used to be a problem where the raider spawns on reserve in the bunker were broken and there was a mod to fix it <that's outdated now> but since 3.0 I haven't done this quest so I'm not sure at what point it broke

    I think as long as this mod is installed, no matter what settings you enable, rogue and raider's properties will not be as they should be.

  • I think as long as this mod is installed, no matter what settings you enable, rogue and raider's properties will not be as they should be.

    after running reserve a few more times I managed to get one, so yeah, they spawn but it's messy, also sniper scavs appear to be a very rare sight tho that might be due to the fact I lowered max bots alive from 40 to 30

  • Having trouble changing the aggressive behavior of the AI. All of the AI that spawn in don't run at all and they just walk everywhere which leads me to believe that their behavior isn't being put on "aggressive" even though in the config that is the only option with any weight and thus every AI spawned should be "aggressive." They even walk after being shot at even if I don't hit them instead of running to cover or running directly towards me. I have no other mods that modify how the AI behaves other than the "Server Value Modifier" mod, however all of the options that effect how the AI behaves are disabled and I am loading the FAIT mod last whenever I start up the game (I added a bunch of Z's to the beginning of the FAIT folder name in the mods folder).

    I attached my config down below just in case it's an error on my end.

    Debug Hash:

    xĀā,6924436190181214,27173538083đ93ēĐ6376Ą78ġĆġ,ĈęĕĊ42ĥĉ97,3Ļīĝ0ĕ75Ď11į1ĻĿĞ5ĸ049Ĩ,ŋ068Ł4ĝ5ĜĆ2į56řĿċīř8đ,857œ39ŗĜ9Ś9,|0,ŵŵŅ|ųassault,followergluharżžƀƂƄƆƈƊƌƎƐscouƕƅƇƉƋƍƏrsecurityƃƢƘƥƛƨnipeƱƗƤkojaƷưƖƣƊžƷtƐƻDžrbƀlưmƐksǒn,pmcboƂƒſƁgrƟp,beNJuƩc,ǫljntpƭesƂǮǁtwƐƭorǦoŽǎƆưǜŽƚƧǿŽkiƆaȉsƾǀǂȏLJƮNJ|źŴ.5őțįȞ3ȞŅŅ0.8Ŷ.ĹȥȧȥȪ.6,1.ŜȫȨȬ.3ȱȱ6ŸőȽȽȤ,aƆŶɅ|ǜtnamǴhƊƺƩƹƑtetɎmwƮhƞmǒsųȣȺɡŷɅɁȿɅɧɤɁɦŻŽǠƂȘǙǛǝNjƳȇƐǟƔɵƤɷƨƞƠɻƙƦƜƪƬƮǃƲɼʃƶƸƺȘǧǩǫɂɮƔǢǤɠɥȨȰȹ5ŵ2ȜŴĺŵȘŸʣ|ŅēȘŅȹʪĺįĔɢɠŵęų|4ȜŨʵŗŧʦȘʷŧʠʶŵĜʵ|ʴʟʵŵʩ|Ŝʬ|-ȣȰʧȺʣʵʘɣ,ȮȧĹʝȾʲįʦʳʦʜʵȹˋɡʨʰŹ˝˝Ș5ȜČʵ˯,˱Șˮ˰ʦ˳˵Ș2ˊʦŜˋŜŜȘːĔʣ˘șș˨ɢɀɤŁųŜ˒ˌăʵ̋̋|˝̏ʪ0ʥʦ̏ńʽʧ̜ọ̇̄Ș̟1ʽ˽˞˼ŵ˭ʡȼ˥őʵ̑ʵ̅6ʩ̈pumǥǜƁ˖˓˘ɀų5d52cc5ba4bġ67Ůʝ̜6Ŝ5cdeb229d7f̜c̜0e7ceėʩʣǒpɊɌsɎrɐeɒaɔɖeɘɚɜɞųɤɩɨʱʥĔȜȽȚȧɣ.Ų̋ȥ˒ŅĆʯˍŧʰȹȰΑ̲ΙȜΛ̓ȹŅ̅3̣΁΃ʞΣ˔Ŷ5:˯:̣ŜɃlɂɄΰβαδδɁ white blueBG

  • Hi fin, can I take Birdeye and Knight out of the bosses? For me, these are Aimbots and Wallhack on the extreme, can see you over half the map and hit without equal. You never see them, unless you're standing right in front of them. In addition, the are on EVERY map, not only on Shoreline! So on Customs is not so the hit.

    But without this group is the mod Legendary and am mega satisfied with it.

  • anyone else having issues doing no place for renegades? I ran a few raids and ran into a few highly geared scavs but none counted as raiders,

    I have fins spawn changes turned on btw but not the gear changes

    I know that in vanilla SPT there used to be a problem where the raider spawns on reserve in the bunker were broken and there was a mod to fix it <that's outdated now> but since 3.0 I haven't done this quest so I'm not sure at what point it broke

    Having behaviour changes enabled will cause problems with these sorts of quests, because the bot type the quest is looking for is "pmcBot", which that setting can (And often will) alter. Try disabling that setting, and let me know if it fixes it.

    I still have a problem with the appearance of Big Pipe, is there a way to solve it?


    Looks like this may be an issue that pops up when spawn changes are disabled. Working on a fix, hopefully it'll be ready this weekend.

    i keep getting mod fin-aitweaksver 1-24-3a (3) is missing package.json on start up of the server

    Make sure your folder structure is correct

    user / mods / FAIT folder / a bunch of files including package.json

    Hi fin, can I take Birdeye and Knight out of the bosses? For me, these are Aimbots and Wallhack on the extreme, can see you over half the map and hit without equal. You never see them, unless you're standing right in front of them. In addition, the are on EVERY map, not only on Shoreline! So on Customs is not so the hit.

    But without this group is the mod Legendary and am mega satisfied with it.

    FAIT isn't able to selectively remove those bosses, no. -You can, however, specifically lower their difficulty using the advanced AI config.


    Playing 2.3.1 with the latest version of FAIT and the PMCs are not hostile to player scavs again, it used to be fixed up until 2.1.1 at least but now its broken again

    Thank you,

    First I want to say thanks to Fin, you are THE Giga Chad for making one of the best mods for SPT.

    I thought I was the only one. Playing as SCAV, PMCs won't attack me, but other SCAVS, until I attack them. I tried combinations of FAIT+FAIL without any other mods, but also in combination with LUA's Spawn Rework + CustomSpawnPoints. Until I found out that it's FAIT on SPT AKI 3.2.x :)


    Known issue, I'm afraid, but I've no ETA on a fix for it at the moment x.x

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