Posts by DanW

    DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.0

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 through 1.3.3 releases are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

    NOTE: This release uses the same code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0 has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.0
    • Removed the root folder from the ZIP

    Config.json files from the 1.2.0 release are compatible

    DanW added a new version:

    • Bug fix for some functions not working after the first raid

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 releases are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Bug fix for dropped items despawning (i.e. items in backpacks that you drop)
    • Removed the root folder from the ZIP

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 release are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Improved compatibility with LootingBots
    • Loot cannot despawn if it's too close to a bot (25m by default)
    • Improved accuracy for percentage of remaining loot
    • If debug.free_labs_access=true, you will also be able to enter Labs as a Scav
    • Fixed delayed door openings when spawning as a Scav
    • Fixed doors constantly opening/closing when using ImmersiveRaids
    • Fixed debug settings being enabled and changed by default
    • Fixed adjust_raid_times.adjust_bot_waves being disabled by default
    • Reduced minimum bot-wave time from 20s to 1s when spawning in late
    • Disabled adjust_bot_spawn_chances.enabled by default anticipating that SWAG/DONUTS or QuestingBots will be used for this instead.
    • Fixed NRE when searching for the bot closest to a point on the map
    • Fixed game freezing when raids end
    • Improved compatibility when parsing EFT JSON data from the server

    config.json files from the 1.2.2 or 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

    I want to express my appreciation for reviewing the log and for your efforts in updating the mod.

    I've hopefully fixed the bug you found in this pre-release:…releases/tag/1.3.1-alpha1. Can you please try it and let me know if it works?

    Unfortunately, I'll be very busy for the next week, so I'm not planning to post the new version until the following week. In the meantime, please let me know if you find any other issues.


    I'm not quite sure why this is happening only when this mod is combined with others, but it's definitely an issue with my code. I should be able to release a new version soon that fixes it.

    Looks like that fixed it, man. Just extracted on factory. I will just avoid Fence.


    It was actually a bug in the SPT code, so it was quite elusive. There was a function that randomly removes stuff from Fence's inventory to simulate people buying from him, and it got stuck in an infinite loop because this mod wipes out his inventory from the beginning. I think Late to the Party manually (inadvertently) calls the method when it normally doesn't run, so that's why it was the combination of these two mods that caused the problem. Whatever the case, it should be fixed in the next SPT release.

    Thanks for your help with troubleshooting!

    Thanks for digging in, man. Appreciate all the help. Great mods by the way. Excited to have everything up and running properly for the new patch.

    Glad you like them!

    I might have figured out the issue. Can you please try setting traders.disable_fence=false in the Hardcore Rules config to see if that fixes it for you?

    Ah, that makes more sense. That mod does a LOT more behind the scenes, so there's a lot more to go wrong. Fortunately I know the guy who made it ;)

    Let me try using No Bush ESP and see if I can reproduce it.

    Did you change any of the default settings in the config for Late to the Party?

    EDIT: Also, I assume you're using v1.3.0 of Late to the Party?

    EDIT 2: Another thing - can you please reproduce the problem but this time setting debug.enabled=true in the LTTP config and then send me the logs again? Also, if LTTP is the cause, we should probably continue this conversation in the support thread for that mod instead. It would be good to keep troubleshooting content there in case other people have similar issues.

    EDIT 3: Nevermind, I think I'm able to reproduce the issue. Here's what's weird... it only happens when you use Late to the Party and Hardcore Rules together, and it only seems to happen in PMC raids. If you only use one or the other, it seems fine, and even with both together, Scav raids seem fine. I'll have to dig more into it. I attached a picture of the errors I'm seeing in the bepinex console.

    Yes I am using 3.6 and I will try to pull these logs for you once I play again.

    I know off-hand I am using Late to the Party and Waypoints. Those are the other two mods I am using. Everything else is a BepInEx plugin.

    The issue will most likely be caused by a plugin, not a server mod. For what it's worth, I'm also using this mod, Late to the Party, and Waypoints at the same time, so I'm not sure what the difference would be. It looks like your config file has all the default settings too (which is what I tested). Very strange.

    Unfortunately, there isn't much in the log files, so I'm a bit stumped. Sometimes not all of the messages get written to the log if the game doesn't exit normally, so that could be working against us. Did you notice if there were errors in the bepinex console before the game crashed?

    I did see in the recent SPT-AKI 3.6.1 HF1 notes that they fixed an issue that was causing freezing at the end of raids, so maybe it was related to this. Could you please try upgrading to see if it still happens? All three mods are compatible with 3.6.1, so that should make it easy to move files around.


    Thank you for responding! Yes, it happens every single raid only on extract. Countdown gets to 0 and game crashes. If I die in raid I don't get the death animation, game just crashes. If I remove the mod folder, it fixes the issue.

    I just double-checked, and this isn't happening to me, so there's likely a conflict with another mod.

    Could you please do the following:

    1) Set debug=true in config/config.json

    2) In BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg, change line 48 to Enabled = true

    3) Restart the server and reproduce the issue in the game. A new console with bepinex messages will also appear when the game starts.

    4) Note if errors appear in the bepinex console when the game freezes/crashes.

    4) Exit the game and share BepInEx\LogOutput.log before starting the game again.

    In addition to BepInEx\LogOutput.log file generated above, please also share:

    1) Your config/config.json file for this mod

    2) A ZIP of your Logs folder in the root SPT install directory

    Also, I assume you're using SPT-AKI 3.6.0?

    I am getting crashes on extract. Is this a common issue?

    I've never heard of that happening with this mod. This mod isn't doing anything when the raid ends.

    How often is it happening? Have you tried removing this mod to see if it stops?

    Hi, thank you for this mod. Just updated to 3.6. Ive noticed a lot of ammos being out of stock always and I also have issue with end of raid where it freezes, I can wait it out or close everything with no issue, this isnt a problem when removing this mod. A conflict with Trader Mods? Thanks again.

    Some ammo types are designed to sell out quickly, but you can adjust that in the mod config. Which ones are you having issues with? I know there are some issues with Fence's ammo offerings.

    In terms of freezing at the end of a raid, log files would definitely help me to troubleshoot. Could you please do the following:

    1) Set debug.enabled=true in config/config.json

    2) In BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg, change line 48 to Enabled = true

    3) Restart the server and reproduce the issue in the game. A new console with bepinex messages will also appear when the game starts.

    4) Note if errors appear in the bepinex console when the game freezes.

    4) Exit the game (normally if possible) and share BepInEx\LogOutput.log before starting the game again.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.6.0
    • Updated server dependencies for SPT-AKI 3.6.0

    Config files from the 1.2.2 release are compatible with this release.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.6.0
    • Added whitelist_only config option (disabled by default) if you want to be REALLY hardcore and only allow traders to sell items that you explicitly whitelist
    • Updated server dependencies for SPT-AKI 3.6.0

    The config.json file from previous versions of this mod is not compatible.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Bug fix for some inoperable doors being opened/closed by the mod (i.e. the door between Old Gas and the train tracks on Customs)
    • Bug fix for trader inventory changes not being reflected in their flea-market offers
    • When debug.enabled=true, the ID of doors will be logged in the bepinex console whenever you hover over them to show their context menu

    The config.json file from previous releases is NOT compatible.

    Thanks to Mark1502 for help with bug reports!

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the mod. I looked at the log file, and unfortunately I didn't see anything unusual. I've noticed that if I force-kill the game, not all of the console contents gets dumped to the log file, so that might be working against us.

    Which console has the errors? The server console or the bepinex console (which you have to manually enable)?

    One thing you could try is zipping the "Logs" directory in the root game folder after reproducing the problem and uploading that. The "traces" and "errors" files in that directory are the ones I'm most interested in seeing. As a backup plan, do you think you could get a screenshot of the errors if you can get them to stop scrolling?

    EDIT: Setting debug.enabled=true in the config.json file will add more messages to the log files, so that should also help with troubleshooting.

    DanW added a new version:

    • Fixed incompatibility with The Blacklist mod
    • Show an error in the server console if it provides invalid data to the client
    • Show a warning in the server console if prices in prices.json and handbook.json are both invalid
    • Prevent items that don't have valid prices in either prices.json or handbook.json from being allowed in Fence's inventory
    • Bug fix for corrupted loot-ranking data causing significant performance issues (Issue #1)
    • Bug fix for the DLL constantly requesting loot-ranking data after it fails to retrieve it the first time (cause of memory leak in Issue #1)
    • Bug fix for many NRE's appearing in the bepinex console when leaving a raid
    • Bug fix for server failing to start when debug.enabled=true and some custom trader mods are used

    Config files from the 1.2.0 release are compatible with this release.

    Thanks to MusicManiac for help with testing!