SPT Realism Mod

  • Can't get into the game with this mod just after updating to 3.5.7. Stuck on loading player data and keeps spamming "OBJECT REFERENCE NOT SET TO AN INSTANCE OF AN OBJECT". I have reinstalled the mod multiple times. Tried with realism mod as the only mod. Also I have reinstalled tarkov. Tried on new profile aswell.

  • Can't get into the game with this mod just after updating to 3.5.7. Stuck on loading player data and keeps spamming "OBJECT REFERENCE NOT SET TO AN INSTANCE OF AN OBJECT". I have reinstalled the mod multiple times. Tried with realism mod as the only mod. Also I have reinstalled tarkov. Tried on new profile aswell.

    I'm going to make a wild guess and say it's because the mod isn't updated to 3.5.7 yet. Just a guess though. :thumbup:

  • Having issues trying to get the mod to run on version 3.5.5. Whenever I run the server it tells me this:

    [Client Request] /launcher/profile/login

    [Client Request] /launcher/profile/get

    [Client Request] /launcher/profile/info

    [Client Request] /launcher/server/version

    [Client Request] /singleplayer/bundles

    [Client Request] /RealismMod/GetInfo


    I've triple checked and all my folders and .dll files are in the correct locations. Not sure what's causing the problem. The only other mods I'm running are:
    GeffHannigan’s Scope Overhaul

    Amand's Graphics

    Solarint's SAIN

    Skwizzy's Looting Bots

    Platinum's SPT Realism Ammo Stats

    All of these were recommended on the mod page.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • The problem is being caused by not installing the mod correctly.

  • After two successfully loaded raids, game gives error when loading into any raids and goes back to main menu when the "Local game starting" timer appears.

    Server gives error: "Realism Mod: Failed To Fetch Application Context DataTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'inventory')"

    Client gives error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

    Version 3.5.7 (both game and test realism release)

    Tried going in with nothing in inventory but secure alpha, same issue.

    Occurs on loading different maps (tested with Reserve and Customs).

    Issue persists with no other mods loaded.

    Config file output to .txt attached. Will try a clean install of mod next.


    • Raids load without issue with 0 mods loaded (Realism mod removed).
    • Raid does NOT load with fresh mod install on existing profile.
    • 1st raid (additional raids not tested yet) loads without issue with fresh mod install on new profile (realism setting) with only the following error warning:
      • "Realism Mod: Failed To Find Custom Preset For Bot followersanitar At Tier 1
        Weapon 576165642459773c7a400233 was generated incorrectly, falling back to weapon preset see error above"
  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.8.1 for SPT AKI 3.5.7 - TEST RELEASE - Hotfix 1

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT

    TEST RELEASE: there may be bugs!


    • Fixed error that prevented player from entering a raid or hideout if they didn't have a headset on.
  • The bug was caused by not wearing a headset, BSG changed a lot of the audio system related to headsets. Apologies for the issue, you can download latest hotfix to resolve the issue.

  • The bug was caused by not wearing a headset, BSG changed a lot of the audio system related to headsets. Apologies for the issue, you can download latest hotfix to resolve the issue.

    No worries, just wanted to submit the report! I will try out the new version and report back if issue persists. Thanks for updating!

  • Could someone send me what they use for 3.5.7? modlist (server and client) and loadorder list?

    I want to use the mod, but there are some mods that I wouldn't want to do without, but I don't feel like testing my mod list from the beginning one by one again. E.G. morecheckmarks poppies? Svetlana mod? And lots of mods. (see my profile "wall")

  • when i try starting a game with spt realism i just keep getting


    over and over again

    This is few information. Post the log file uploaded version, what spt version, what realism? Any other mods? Fresh install the game and the realism mod? Sometimes solved the issue, when reinstall everything.

  • I followed every instruction on the mod page. Is there anything else I could've missed?

    That error means the mod's client plugin requested info and the server did not provide it. The server files aren't in the right folder or are missing

    when i try starting a game with spt realism i just keep getting


    over and over again

    For bug reports I need SPT version, mod version, mod list, config options etc. However such errors 99% of the time are caused by wrong SPT/Realism version, conflicting mods or bad install.

    Can you add % off scav bosses to spawn? When you force the scav bosses to spawn, I get rogues etc to spawn instead of scavs.

    Not sure what you mean by "add % off scav bosses to spawn" , Rogues count as bosses, if you're talking about the option to force bosses to spawn that's clearly labelled as a Dev option and not supported or intended for general use.

  • That error means the mod's client plugin requested info and the server did not provide it. The server files aren't in the right folder or are missing

    For bug reports I need SPT version, mod version, mod list, config options etc. However such errors 99% of the time are caused by wrong SPT/Realism version, conflicting mods or bad install.

    Not sure what you mean by "add % off scav bosses to spawn" , Rogues count as bosses, if you're talking about the option to force bosses to spawn that's clearly labelled as a Dev option and not supported or intended for general use.

    i just reinstalled spt it works now

  • Hy master! The "Blablabla" bug did you manage to figure out what could be causing it?

    or is this a bug that is built directly into the mod?

    Duble click the munition and load the window the data and the munition picture. But not closed it. only one way, alt+f4


    Your recommended mods the Munition expert mod is problem. Delete the recommended mod list in the mod page, please.

    Edited 2 times, last by deveagle ().

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