SPT Realism Mod

  • We were merely discussing it, to see if it actually was a problem by comparing results. Calling it confirmation bias and acting like we're ignoring other information is pretty inflammatory and not helpful. If multiple people report a certain event happening on a regular basis, SOMETHING is happening. Saying "it's your fault for not paying attention", instead of asking for more details, isn't going to get people to understand let alone enjoy your mod. You didn't even ask for a list of mods that may be conflicting with yours, or if we changed any settings that may have borked the mod. You just assumed your mod is at 100% functionality and that we were wrong.

    You can provide answers without being so rude about it.

    In a separate incident, I was nearly one-tapped in the chest by a PMC using midgrade or lower ammo and I was wearing what your mod considers upper grade armor. It was face to face at 50m and center mass. A second shot would have killed me, while he tanked 6 before finally dying. I was doing controlled semi-auto fire, with an HK416, using Warmageddon ammo. 50's pen range with 120's damage range.

    The experience discussed here is similar to live where we shoot a scav at 100m with midrange quality rifle ammo and he tanks it, while we get a limb blown of by their TOZ using 7mm buckshot. It's that experience that some come here to avoid on some scale with mods, even if only partially. That's why this is so frustrating.

  • The Fontaine’s indignation can be understood since the topic of armor\hit zones mechanics has been discussed multiple times here in the support thread. The point here is the imbalance of the bots themselves, which hit 8 out of 10 bursts from unrealistic distances, but in reality the effectiveness of the fire would be 1-4 hits in such conditions, of which 2-3 will be stopped by armor. I recommend installing the SAIN mod and delving into the bots’ settings so that they behave honestly and realistic.

    Regarding defeating opponents, who in their right mind would count on 1-2 shots in irl? Fire is carried out until the threat is defeated or contact is lost, unless the ammunition shortages, of course. Precision fire is carried out at a distance exceeding the enemy's fire capabilities when using sniper rifles and DMRs, where you can count on a single hit.

    About the fact that there is no mod compatibility sheet, you are wrong, and you clearly didn`t read the mod description page.

  • I don't mean to be inflammatory but I guess frustration came through my post, as Andrew said I've dealt with this topic dozens of times.

    Thousands of people have observation bias when it comes to headshots/head-eyes in EFT/SPT in general and I explained how and why it's indeed observation bias and how it applies here too. I guarantee you when the new wipe drops people will be making near identical comments about the armor zones as they are made about Realism's since they'll function essentially identically.

    As I've said I've spent dozens of hours testing the armor zones in the past including when complaints were raised about something being wrong with it. What more detail is there to add? I've had people in the past say things like "always get one tapped in the chest" and when I ask them to elaborate it turns out they were exaggerating massively and misunderstand how armor hitzones work. No offence but comments like saying it's unusual for a slug to take off a lot of chest HP despite wearing X class of armor makes it sound like you misunderstand how the armor hitzones work.

    I doubt there's any particular mods that will completely break the ballistics or armor, beyond adding new armors that will only have chest protection. I don't have the time to ask everyone who has issues that may or may not be a thing for their mod list to check for incompatibilities.

    Like I said I've addressed this topic dozens of times as you can see in the support thread, and I'm taking time out of my day to write this.

    "In a separate incident, I was nearly one-tapped in the chest by a PMC using midgrade or lower ammo and I was wearing what your mod considers upper grade armor."

    How do armor zones not explain this? This is why I get really frustrated.

    "while he tanked 6 before finally dying"

    6 shots isn't tanking when you're hitting them in the armor for the majority of those shots.

    "The experience discussed here is similar to live where we shoot a scav at 100m with midrange quality rifle ammo and he tanks it"

    Then why is this a mod issue, why is it my issue? I've played live since alpha and I can't recall scavs tanking rounds that wasn't desync or me me whiffing shots, or hitting stomach and arms.

    I can't take every incident of someone being frustrated about dying in a hardcore game seriously when there are thousands of such comments made while playing live, SPT and Realism. Either you have to carefully consider if it's an issue with your gameplay, or you have to believe that there's something fundamentally bugged with EFT in general at which point it isn't my problem.

  • Hey there!
    I love your mod, but it seems like the buy and sell prices of the Scav Box are wrong.

    Therapist sells them for ~250k and I can sell them back for ~750k


  • Hey there!
    I love your mod, but it seems like the buy and sell prices of the Scav Box are wrong.

    Therapist sells them for ~250k and I can sell them back for ~750k


    Christmas makes everything 40% off but doesn't affect sell price. I will release a hotfix to make disabling Christmas in spt config work properly. Right now either disable randomized prices or increase the "randomized price discount" and "randomized price increase values".

  • Continuing on from the mod thread, forgot support threads even exist. The only feedback I get from getting hit is the grunt, no aim punch, sounds, nothing. I'm going to start from scratch and readd mods one by one. Oddly though, I'm running the exact same set of mods I was prior to updating to 3.7.4. I'll report back with any findings.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Figured it out. SPTR is good to go. Turns out Visceral Dismemberment and Bodies causes big issues with bullet and body interactions in 3.7.4. Seems it disabled the physical bullet itself, leading to the game registering damage but not thinking you actually received a hit.

  • Continuing on from the mod thread, forgot support threads even exist. The only feedback I get from getting hit is the grunt, no aim punch, sounds, nothing. I'm going to start from scratch and readd mods one by one. Oddly though, I'm running the exact same set of mods I was prior to updating to 3.7.4. I'll report back with any findings.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Figured it out. SPTR is good to go. Turns out Visceral Dismemberment and Bodies causes big issues with bullet and body interactions in 3.7.4. Seems it disabled the physical bullet itself, leading to the game registering damage but not thinking you actually received a hit.

    Good to know thanks :)

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.14.9 for SPT AKI 3.7.4

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT

    Toned down Christmas for the grinches, fixes for audio changes and some additional config options for traders.


    • Fixed bot Christmas loot not being disabled when setting "enableSeasonalEventDetection" to false in SPT seasonalevents.json config. Toned down the amount of Christmas loot and reduced sale to only 10% off.
    • Fixed some headsets causing gunshots to be louder than if not wearing them.
    • Fixed BSG-blacklisted items appearing on flea, which lead them to having very low cost due to no live Flea data to draw from.

    Tweaks & Minor Changes:

    • More tweaks for headsets: lowered compressor threshold of headsets (they'll reduce volume in response to loud noises like gunshots quicker and are more sensitive). Brought all headsets closer together in terms of the amount of real and simulated hearing protection they give. Upped the gain of headsets with higher protection to compensate for the reduced overall volume.
    • Audio tweaks: there are now config options for tweaking the movement volume of player and bots (footsteps, gear rattle, sprint) and gunshots (when not wearing headsets).
    • Trader changes: added config option decrease to the amount received when selling items to traders. The amount received is now scaled with loyalty level. Added config option to change the categories of items individual traders will accept. Added option for increasing Therapist heal cost.

    Known Issues:

    • Can hit self with melee in the legs.
    • If enabling "Add Keys to PMCs" they will often spawn with multiple keys, and most of the time at least 1. I've tried everything to prevent this.
    • SPT/EFT is cursed.
  • Hello, Fontaine after last realism 0.14.10 i cannot list items on flea and also buy from flea. I normali play with hardcore flea unchecked but in 0.14.10 doesnt matter what settings i have i cannot list single item + buy single item from flea. Pmc lvl 60.

  • Hello, Fontaine after last realism 0.14.10 i cannot list items on flea and also buy from flea. I normali play with hardcore flea unchecked but in 0.14.10 doesnt matter what settings i have i cannot list single item + buy single item from flea. Pmc lvl 60.

    Apologies there's a bug with that update, I will reupload within the next 20 mins

    https://imgur.com/a/cgajZVa what happened with sniper tier 2. He can't choice pick VPO-203 Or DVL Urbana? huh?

    Not an issue

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.14.10 for SPT AKI 3.7.4 - HOTFIX

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed tiered flea not allowing offers, offering anything and tiers not working,.

    Known Issues:

    • Can hit self with melee in the legs.
    • If enabling "Add Keys to PMCs" they will often spawn with multiple keys, and most of the time at least 1. I've tried everything to prevent this.
    • SPT/EFT is cursed.

  • So i installed this mod and i like its concept and it works fine until i turn on bot changes , whenever i do that it starts giving me this error here, TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '5fd20ff893a8961fc660a954') , any idea what could be causing this?

  • Hello, Fontaine! It looks like "Disable Flea Blacklist" in DevTools config options is broken in SPT 3.7.4/Realism 0.14.10 latest reuploaded hotfix, even manual editing fleamarket.ts file in string "this.fleaConf.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList = true" to false, does nothing and AP ammo and top armor/platecarriers are unavailible on fleamarket in lvl60+ and still blacklisted.

    I deleted Realism and manually edited SPT server\configs\ragfair.json file string "enableBsgList": true to false, and blacklisted items became availible on flea again. Assume this is a mod issue, please look into it.

    UPD Removing the header "..this.fleaConf.dynamic.blacklist.custom = [];" strings 28-33 and string 53 in fleamarket.ts helped restore the functionality of the option.

  • Hello, Fontaine! It looks like "Disable Flea Blacklist" in DevTools config options is broken in SPT 3.7.4/Realism 0.14.10 latest reuploaded hotfix, even manual editing fleamarket.ts file in string "this.fleaConf.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList = true" to false, does nothing and AP ammo and top armor/platecarriers are unavailible on fleamarket in lvl60+ and still blacklisted.

    I deleted Realism and manually edited SPT server\configs\ragfair.json file string "enableBsgList": true to false, and blacklisted items became availible on flea again. Assume this is a mod issue, please look into it.

    UPD Removing the header "..this.fleaConf.dynamic.blacklist.custom = [];" strings 28-33 and string 53 in fleamarket.ts helped restore the functionality of the option.

    Thanks for checking that

  • Hi Fontaine, I noticed something weird while playing after some time. I don't remember reading something like this on the description, and since English is not my first language, I might be missing something. Is it a feature or a bug that all traders buy items for the same price? I installed The Broker to make it "easier to trade", but it wants to give everything to Skier, not sure why, it might be mod logic because it sells it to the highest one and since all have the same price it defaults to him, but also using ItemSellPrice shows the same prices for every trader, just Prapor, Fence and Peacekeeper (which is the equivalent in roubles) have a different one sometimes.

    Tried with a new profile, fresh SPT install, Realism and ItemSellPrice and the same happens. Examples

    Even with no mods other that Realism it happens.

    Disabling "Trader Buy Prices" fixes same price.

    Edited 5 times, last by diasiledu ().

  • hello i have this message

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RaidTimeAdjustmentService"


    Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RaidTimeAdjustmentService"

    at InternalDependencyContainer.resolve (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:105:19)

    at Main.preAkiLoad (F:\spt-aki\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.ts:193:57)

    at PreAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.ts:367:57)

    at PreAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.ts:58:24)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:64:3)

    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1980:13)

    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:23:47

  • Hello,

    is there anyway the HP multiplier also applies for SCAVs? when my SCAV spawns hes almost dead and when he taunts he immediately starts coughing and moaning his life out. there is also no way to change it because i want to keep the HP buff for my main. Im confused this problem exists in such a good mod and i really like to make SCAV runs

    probs not, i got all mods and game runs fine, have you correctly configured every mod ?

  • probs not, i got all mods and game runs fine, have you correctly configured every mod ?

    I only use this realism mod and haven't found any options for own SCAVs, the HP buff works fine on my main but the SCAV HP is even lower by a few HP than it was before i installed the mod. I know that its possible to buff only the current SCAV in the profile editor but that only works without the realism mod

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