Better Spawns Plus

  • PreyToLive added a new file:

  • Hello!

    Want to say one thing

    This mod makes impossible to buy GP-25 for AK-family

    I make an investigation and remove all mods except this one - still got this bug

    Can't buy GP-25 in Store or even look at it in weapon craft

    It's simply dissappeared from game, even from store

    Hope this will be solved

  • I really want to use this mod but I found it was causing my game to crash quite often both in 3.4.5 and 3.5.0, and I couldn't tell if it it was actually functioning. Anyway, I believe this was due to mod conflicts (Valen's Progression, POOP, or maybe some of the mods that include similar functions like extended raid timers, open extracts etc). Any chance of getting a list of known conflicting mods, and/or how to identify them? Also the ability to adjust spawn wave timers and such like with SWAG would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi mate, is there any option to turn off AllopenZones only for snipers? They are spawning out of their vanilla zones all the time. I want to see snipers on Customs and Woods on their proper sniper positions, but with BSP they just walk around map or camp in totally wrong place

  • I could use some help with this mod. In all my raids it only seems that regular scavs are spawning, and only the initial spawns - I've yet to come across a single PMC when using it in 3.5.0. I've tried it with BetterSpawns Variety as well as dushaoan's config options. As far as mods that might conflict go, I'm using POOP, Valen's Progression and Normalisedbots, though afaik (which isn't to say much) they don't touch the actual spawn logic. I'm also using extended raid times which might have some bearing, but I've never been able to tell.
    That said I've mostly been testing this in scav raids, maybe that has something to do with it as well, but for the few PMC runs I've tried the result's been the same.

  • This is awesome.

    I kind of wish this was a thing two weeks ago.


    The custom router, is that something that causes any kind of performance hit?

    I was considering using it, but wasn't sure if rebuilding my waves (lots of inefficient code on my side) at the start or end of each raid would be a noticeable hit.

  • Thanks man! Sorry I've been kinda silent on here that past few weeks. I've been really focusing on finishing this update. But, besides slightly increasing the loading times between raids and the main menu the router shouldn't have any preformance hit while in-game.

  • Neat.

    I'll have to tinker.

    Feel free to yoink any code from the MOAR BSP config code if you'd like.

    I'm likely going to abandon that now that you've made this update.

    Most of of the configs added are no longer needed with this version.

    I'll continue to develop my standalone wave mod and maybe compare how this feels next to that.

    I'm interested to see how we coded the same thing differently. Lol

  • Hi,

    i have a view questions regarding.

    "brainType": {
    "enabled": [true/false],
    "randomize": [true/false],
    "bear": {
    "bossKilla": [0->5],
    "bossKnight": [0->5],
    "bossGluhar": [0->5],
    "bossSanitar": [0->5],
    "bossTagilla": [0->5],
    "followerGluharAssault": [0->5],
    "followerBully": [0->5],
    "followerBigPipe": [0->5],
    "followerSanitar": [0->5],
    "assault": [0->5],
    "cursedAssault": [0->5],
    "exUsec": [0->5],
    "pmcBot": [0->5]

    first Question is about "randomize": [true/false],

    True = randomize spawn with the below Values

    or does it mean completely randomize and the below values are only used when randomize is set to false?

    Second Question "bossKilla": [0->5],
    0= Less Likely to spawn
    5= More Likely to spawn

    Kind Regards,

  • The brain type option only affects the pmcs. So a brain type of "bossKilla" will make the pmcs act like Killa. You can either set the brain type (0 = will not spawn with "brain type", 5 = most likely to spawn with "brain type") manually to whatever you want or you can use the randomize option to have them all be randomized before and after each raid. The randomize option has nothing to do with the actual spawn waves though. It just assigns a random number (0->5) to the pmc brain type that the bots can be spawned with. Hope that kind of makes sense.

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