Hello, I wanted to ask - I have a version of the game 3.5.8 and I want to make a long raid, my raid lasts only 46-50 minutes. How to increase the time of the raid, otherwise there is a batch and I already have to go out. --
I can see by your config that you want all maps to last exactly 90 minutes. Try the below config. I've adjusted the mater_time_override setting to be true, and the master_time_minutes to only have one option with the time set to 90 minutes. If you want it longer then feel free to adjust the 90 to something higher.
// Enables the use of the mod.
"enabled": true,
// Enables verbose logging.
// Will print out additional information about raid times, train schedules, and spawn wave adjustments.
"debug": false,
// Override raid times for all locations regardless of any custom times set below.
"master_time_override": true,
// Number of minutes to override all raid times to. Only used if master_time_override is set to true.
// This example has three options for a raid time value:
// - The first setting (60 minutes) will be used 10 times more often than the third setting value due to the difference in the weight options.
// - The second setting (30 minutes) has a random weighting chosen between the min and max settings. It will be used 2-5 times more often than the third setting value.
// - The third setting has a random raid time value chosen between the min and max settings (15-20 minutes). Due to the weighting, it will be used 1/10th as often as the first setting.
"master_time_minutes": [
{"minutes": 90, "weight": 1},
// Number of minutes for specific locations.
// These will only be used if the master_time_override option is set to false.
// These values follow the same rules as the master_time_minutes option.
// (Additional settings, and min/max values may be used).
"custom_times": {
"customs": [
{"minutes": 40, "weight": 1},
"factory_day": [
{"minutes": 20, "weight": 1},
"factory_night": [
{"minutes": 25, "weight": 1},
"interchange": [
{"minutes": 40, "weight": 1},
"laboratory": [
{"minutes": 35, "weight": 1},
"lighthouse": [
{"minutes": 40, "weight": 1},
"reserve": [
{"minutes": 40, "weight": 1},
"shoreline": [
{"minutes": 45, "weight": 1},
"streets": [
{"minutes": 50, "weight": 1},
"woods": [
{"minutes": 40, "weight": 1},
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// This mod will adjust regular bot spawn waves to ensure that bots continue to spawn throughout the entire raid.
"adjust_bot_waves": false,
"maximum_bots": 30, // This is on the high-end. Adjust lower if you encounter preformance issues.
// A spawn wave is defined as a semi-random number of bots that spawn at the same time at the same location.
// The following settings control the number of spawn waves that happen at once (per spawn group).
"maximum_wave_per_group": 4, // At most, how many locations can have a spawn wave at the same time.
"minimum_wave_per_group": 1, // At least, how many locations can have a spawn wave at the same time.
// A spawn group is a collection of spawn waves that happen in roughly the same time frame.
// The following settings control the timing between spawn groups. Larger numbers will generally result in more time between spawns.
"maximum_group_gap_minutes": 8, // At most, how many minutes between spawn groups.
"minimum_group_gap_minutes": 4, // At least, how many minutes between spawn groups.
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Additionally, you can change the debug value to true to see how long the raid time is being adjusted to in the server console.