DewardianDev added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreWhat this mod does:
This mod is a bot spawning mod similar to SWAG but it's focus is on performance.
It is a server mod only, meaning that it works great with FIKA.
This uses the old SPT spawning method to produce smooth waves consistently over the length of the raid.
Resulting in less stuttering/lag spikes.
Why this over SWAG/Donuts?
If you are running a FIKA server, have a potato of a CPU, or prefer live-like spawning, this might be a better alternative for you.
Otherwise, I highly recommend you just go ahead and use SWAG/Donuts.
Bot options:
- Configurable quantity and balance of waves (obviously)
The following are disabled by default:
- Expanded spawn locations (not a nav-mesh expansion, but still adds variability)
- If bosses can spawn anywhere
- If all bosses have a chance of invading maps.. anywhere, anytime.
- If Raider or Rogue groups have a chance to spawn on any map.
- If Snipers can have friends... lonely buggers.
All of this and more can be configured, or left alone via the configuration options.
Wave changes:
This mod adjusts the games wave system, instead of removing it.
Quantity of waves is now configurable, and are spaced regularly to provide a smooth, highly performant experience.
What do you mean???
Here's an example:
The BaseGame/SWAG may look something like this:
Game Starts [wavewawawawavewave --------- wave---- wave------------wavewawawa---- wave---------------] Game ends
This mod will do the following by comparison, depending on the "defaultScavWaveStartRatio"/ "defaultPmcWaveStartRatio" setting:
Game Starts [ wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave------wave-------] Game ends (with a ratio of 0.5)
Game Starts [ wave---wave---wave---wave---wave---wave---wave---------wave---------wave---------wave---] Game ends (with a ratio of 0.8)
Basically you will have a smooth wave spread, with a leaning to the beginning or end of the raid.
The above wave behaviour is dynamic, thus true for extended raid times (which is configurable under the map settings).
Though you'd likely want to crank up the waves in such a case.
If you're really digging the mod, consider supporting my caffeine addiction ☕:
So bots aren't dumb
So bots loot and move around more
So bots quest and move across the map
My other mods that go well with MOAR:
So bots level with you (like a real wipe)
So one can adjust the tedium of quests
So we can use all of the seasons in the game
Should work with everything except for OTHER SPAWN MODS
Turn of spawn changes in Realism if using that.
If using SWAG/donuts, choose this or that.
1. Download the zip from the link on this mod page
2. Extract to your SPT folder
3. Play
Feel free to install the mod and play the game without ever looking at the config.
Or change absolutely everything described below! Your choice .
==== Map Wave counts (waveConfig.json) ====
Here you can adjust the wave counts (how many bots) per map for Scavs/pmcs.
==== Main config (config.json) ====
There are example configurations in: config/exampleConfigs
// Enable or Disables the mod
"enableBotSpawning": true,
> Spawning
// Default 0.5 for scav, 0.9 for PMC, valid numbers 0 to 1
// 0.7 would be 70% of all waves in the first half of the game, 30% in the last half.
// 0.1 would be 10% of all waves in the first half of the game, 90% in the last half.
"defaultScavStartWaveRatio": 0.5,
"defaultPmcStartWaveRatio": 0.8,
//This multiplies the number of waves, I'd suggest playing with this for balance
"defaultScavWaveMultiplier": 1,
"defaultPmcWaveMultiplier": 1,
// To turn off, change this to false, 25 is recommended. Vanilla ranges per map.
// This is the max spawned bots allowed at one time
"defaultMaxBotCap": 25,
// Set to false to turn off, recommended 5 for most maps.
"defaultMaxBotPerZone": 7,
// These adjust the max Group size for PMC and Scav waves.
"defaultGroupMaxPMC": 4,
"defaultGroupMaxScav": 3,
// This gives snipers a chance to spawn with a buddy
"sniperBuddies": false,
> Zone Changes
// This makes it so that certain spawn zones can be used at the beginning of the game, instead of having to wait for them to unlock. Think SniperZones.
"noZoneDelay": false,
// Similar to the above, but allows for a bit more gradual release of certain zones.
"reducedZoneDelay": true,
// This allows bots to spawn in any zone (pmc/scav), allowing a more varied spawn experience.
"allOpenZones": false,
// Makes it so that the Main boss of a map can spawn anywhere (not Knight, or Zyrachi)
"bossOpenZones": false,
>Boss settings
// Adds a chance for a raider group to spawn
"randomRaiderGroup": false,
// Controls the above chance
"randomRaiderGroupChance": 10,
// Adds a chance for a rogue group to spawn
"randomRogueGroup": false,
// Controls the above chance
"randomRogueGroupChance": 10,
// Disables all bosses, ALL OF THEM.
"disableBosses": false,
// Gives the main boss, which may be effected by bossOpenZones, an additional chance added to their default spawn amount.
// This works whether bossOpenZones is on or not."mainBossChanceBuff": 0,
// All main bosses can spawn anywhere, on any map, (excluding Zyrachi & Goons)
"bossInvasion": false,
// This overrides the invading bosses spawn chances if set. (false or 0 to disable)
// Otherwise bosses will have their default spawn chances."bossInvasionSpawnChance": 5,
// This spaces out bossInvasion spawning a bit, so that not all bosses will spawn at the beginning of the raid.
// Recommended for performance and spawn balance.
"gradualBossInvasion": true,
==== Advanced Settings (advancedMapSettings.config) ====
This is where you would make changes to a specific bosses spawnChance (BossChance), create custom spawning "HotZones", or adjust the raid time ("EscapeTimeLimit") for each map.
I won't go over every setting here, but you can look at the MAP_SETTINGS_REFERENCE.json from the exampleConfigs for what you may want to change for specific maps.
Note: Map settings will always override the "default" ones if they exist (ie maxBotCap).