
  • kikirio added a new file:

  • kikirio added a new version:

  • kikirio added a new version:


    Full refactor so will be no unintended bosses being spawned.
    Added cultists (will only spawn at night)
    Thanks to Fin, bourbon, CanopySheep, ENDR and probably several others that I am forgetting. For all the help in finding bugs, and suggestions for fixes.
    More to come ;)

  • kikirio added a new version:

  • Well that was totally not what i expected to be causing this issue, I had to log the entire output and go through it with a fine tooth comb to spot it. in the last function I missed a .toString() and it caused the bug fml. (first one below)

    function chooseZone(zoneList) {

    if (zoneList.length === 1) {

    return zoneList.toString()


    let rand = getRandomInt(zoneList.length)

    let thisZone = zoneList[rand]

    zones.splice(rand, 1)

    return thisZone.toString()


    I will post an update shortly. Thanks a ton for the help folks.

  • I literally understand nothing there :D But i am glad to help ;)

  • all the bosses spawn on there normal maps with a 50%

    \Aki_Data\Server\database\locations\<location name>\base.json

    look for :

    "BossLocationSpawn": [


    "BossName": "sectantPriest",

    "BossChance": 20,

    "BossZone": "ZoneScavBase",

    "BossPlayer": false,

    "BossDifficult": "normal",

    "BossEscortType": "sectantWarrior",

    "BossEscortDifficult": "normal",

    "BossEscortAmount": "3",

    "Time": -1



    Set "BossChance" to 50

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