Posts by X3R0S6

    No its not normal, are you running Sptarkov 3.5.5?

    Sain 1.5 only works on 3.5.5, the newest update. You can try a previous version that matches your game version.
    It's essential for client mods to match the client version, so if the sptarkov version was made for a previous game version, most client mods will not work.

    Its 3.5.5 SPT and latest sain 3.5.5 in dedicated folder SAIN(1.4 had only dll file as i know). Idk i re-ran server and went again into Factory, had no errors. i'll test it a few more times and write again xd for sure

    Are you writing about Woods rock sniper and Shoreline's power plant snipers? I've installed that mod. It doesn't work. Experimented with mod order - still nothing.

    Smart guys use SWAG or BetterSpawns , me personally - SVM+Swag(Nooky spawn presets)+FIN AI, works great. But i am kinda skilled in modding my game, so i made my own personal edits - deleted botperzone and maxbotcap into core js-ts files of swag and FIN ai for 100% compatibility, Fin operates only AI changes and bot loadouts.

    Hi Fin, its great to see you again ) Is it bad that i have yellow errors(non-crititacl) about "CODJUICE isnt in cache of base items", same with special Zero weigh car battery. COD was turned off for sure.

    Hi mate, is there any option to turn off AllopenZones only for snipers? They are spawning out of their vanilla zones all the time. I want to see snipers on Customs and Woods on their proper sniper positions, but with BSP they just walk around map or camp in totally wrong place

    Well not sure how you are expecting me to help you then if it is vanilla without any mods.. that sounds like either a 3.5.0 issue or maybe you use an ai disabler.

    I dont have ai disabler and made all tests on Vanilla AKI, when i got sleeping bots with maybe a wrong Bot converting and brainmixing, i installed AmandsHitmarker to check their real faction identity. So I am asking you just about how Ingame difficulty works with POOP logic. It can help me a lot.
    P.S. I have already reduced the number of rat-bots, made a higher chance of spawning PMCs with AI from certain bosses(PIPE, knight etc), and scavs receive AI from bosses through the Poop.

    I believe it only works on AsOnline difficulty. If your bots are 'sleeping' what did you set your chanceScavWIldType percent to in the config? Also did you use poop variety at all? I always recommend installing variety mods over my default config settings.

    Sleeping bots are from vanilla clean installed AKI 3.5.0, i found them spawning without any bot mods(only amands hitmarker and SamSwat Fov). So all server bot configs are default, AsOnline diff and AsOnline amount

    Hi Props, maybe i missed something, but Default ai difficulty may break POOP? I already did a bug report into SPT Pub discord about vanilla AI behaviors, but just wanna try it with poop. In vanilla AKI 3.5.0 a lot of my bots are "sleeping" on AsOnline difficulty.
    Some of them do not react to the damage that I deal with my shots - i installed Amandshitmarker and when i kill this bots, killmarker signals about BEAR frag, but his loadout always have SCAV type. They even talk like PMCS when i hit them) So i decided to switch AI difficulty to HARD and90% of bots began to show more activity, although some scavs are still stupid, they are true "assault" type. My next step - use Poop with swag. But as i know, Vanilla difficulty settings may break mod's settings)

    POOP is not for spawns, it control their AI mind. Want to change how fast will bots spawn? Make it with SWAG or BetterSpawnsplus

    Skilled guys could only change aki-customs.dll (Traveler's hint), cant say anything about it, but he just recompiled it with his skills and made all bots friendly to each other and they attack only player. I dont think its a good solution, but only if you want to play EFT like Doom Ethernal on Nightmare

    Same to me, after i saw killed exusecs by their teammates, i installed clean 3.4.0 (then changed to 3.4.1, misclicked aki release zip), installed cameraunsnap, flew under lighthouse EX. Base, did it for 3 raids and had same result, Rogues just shredded each other) I tested it on 3.4.1 and saw same massacre. Btw when i use SWAG, custom waves of exusec dont attack each other (maybe because their public_type is in scav lines)

    Just tried that and there was no change in which models were missing.

    I am on latest KMC CORE and its all ok with that. Something wrong with your mods\profile. You unpacked mod with 7zip? I can only suggest to reinstall Core by downloading again archive, deleted old one from mods folder and then unpack it, dont forget to delete cache folder again and delete it only with closed launcher and server!!!. 1% chance that you hdd or ssd broken, but in other cases most recent problem is Unzipping AKI MODS archives with Winrar or something old and useless)

    Hey Katto!
    Great to see you're updating KMC! I really enjoy using the 6.5 Grendel that you've added with KMC Weapons. I hope all the new updates and newly added material goes smoothly for you.

    I hate to mention there's a problem, and I've tried looking around to see if there was mention of it already. However, what I've ran into is missing models for most of the ammunition that Gospozha sells from Core, as well as KMC Weapons is also missing majority of their models.

    I've attached two images showing the missing models from Core and Weapons. I hope this helps?

    you tried to delete bundles.cache? Delete cache folder from "your disk with tarkov:\Aki folder\user\"

    Hi Katto. Is it normal, that new 9mm bullets do not fit magazines? Game says that cartridges do not fit) But in ammo.json files it must be suitable. Maybe you forgot somethings about "cartridge" function like in Ronin Vector mod where new pirate explosive ammo have this line(DatabaseServer.templates.items["MAGEX_CHILL"]._props.Cartridges[0]._props.filters[0].Filter.push("BOOM");

    New .45 acp ammo works only for Glock 21 and 17 round mag for G21 only