Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Hey Everyone,
I spend my all day to make some mods compatible with the lastest Realism 1.5 + release.
Obviously, it's just a patch, so you need Realism mod and one (or as many as you want) of these original mods.
This is the list of all compatible mods:
- EpicsAllInOne 3.0 (only 1 scope is missing)
- ATLAS Custom Weapons & Equipment 1.3.0
- Artem 2.1.1
- Boreal Marauders 1.1.0
- MoxoPixel - GreenCore 1.0.9 (NEW)
- MoxoPixel - WhiteCore 1.0.7 (NEW)
- MoxoPixel - BlackCore 1.1.6
- MoxoPixel - Mag tape 1.0.7
- MoxoPixel - SandCore 1.0.5
- MoxoPixel - TacticalGearComponent 1.1.9/1.2.0
- Raid Overhaul 2.6.3
- ShAK-12 Kit 1.5.1
- RheddElBozo's Item pack 1.0.1
- Wolfik's Heavy Trooper Masks - Reupload 1.0.7
- WTT- Armory - Auto 5 1.0.1
- WTT- Armory - Ak5c 1.0.3
- WTT- Armory - ČZ-75 1.0.6
- WTT- Armory - IWICarmell 1.0.1
- WTT- Armory - SVD 1.0.7
- WTT- Armory - Wages of Sin 1.0.1
- WTT- Armory - WilsonCombat 1.0.5
- WTT- Armory - HK417 1.1.7
- WTT- Armory - M76 1.0.1
- WTT- Armory- M249 1.0.3
- WTT- Armory - PackNStrap 1.0.9
- WTT- Little Drummer Boy 1.0.6
- WTT- Armory - Prodigy 1.0.0
- WTT- Brügger & Thomet APC556/APC9 1.0.1
- WTT- CZ Scorpion Evo 3 1.1.3
- WTT- Heckler & Koch G3 1.1.4
- WTT- Remington Adaptive Combat Rifle 1.1.3
- SamSwat's- BENELLI M4 SUPER 90 [M1014] 1.0.4
- SamSwat's- L85A2 and GIAT FAMAS 1.0.6
- SamSwat's- VEPR-12 "MOLOT" 1.0.4
How to Install:
Drag and drop user folder into your SPT root
Realism have to be last in load order.
Don't ask me for specific patch, I don't have time.
Version 3.6.0
- DevilFlippy
If you update from 3.4.0 or below: Delete user_templates before installing
- GreenCore 1.0.9- WhiteCore 1.0.7
PS: Huge thanks to Kaczy and his wonderful tool ! -
Version 3.5.1
- DevilFlippy
If you update from 3.4.0 or below: Delete user_templates before installing
directory: user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates
Fixe:- Malfunction chance that I forgot to update
Version 3.5.0
- DevilFlippy
If you update: Delete user_templates before installing
directory: user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates
- WTT- Brügger & Thomet APC556/APC9 1.0.1
Update:- Epic's All in One (Pre-release version on WTT discord)
- Refined various Items stats
- reworked some muzzle device from EpicRangeTime to be (imo) the perfect balance between Realism and this test
Version 3.4.0
- DevilFlippy
- Boreal Marauders 1.1.0Update:
- For Realism Armor Economy Rework
Fixe:- Artem Headphone
- Maybe some other stats, I don't remember
Version 3.3.1
- DevilFlippy
- WTT- Heckler & Koch G3 1.1.5- Epic's All in One 2.2.0 + Scope update Mod is on WTT Discord or Fika Discord
-Clear all ConflictingItems array (Easier to maintain and avoid error)
Version 3.3.0
- DevilFlippy
Version 3.2.1
- DevilFlippy
Fixe: WTT- Heckler & Koch G3 1.1.3 modding and reduce his camera recoil
Version 3.2.0
- DevilFlippy
If you update: Delete user_templates before installing
directory: user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates
New: WTT- CZ Scorpion Evo 3 1.1.2
- Famas stats
- Files name
Version 3.1.0
- DevilFlippy
- WTT- Heckler & Koch G3 1.1.2
- WTT - Remington Adaptive Combat Rifle 1.1.2
- SamSwat's BENELLI M4 SUPER 90 [M1014] 1.0.4
- SamSwat's L85A2 and GIAT FAMAS 1.0.6
- SamSwat's VEPR-12 "MOLOT" 1.0.4
- this fcking Auto 5 is really fixed, tested and approved
Version 3.0.6
- DevilFlippy
Fixe: Auto 5 C recoil
DevilFlippy Author
Don't ask me for specific patch, I don't have time.
Hello, seems like something's broken with the latest Realism. Whenever I put into order.json any WTT mod before Realism, say
the client crashes with
Something must be changed in how Realism processes the user templates
Oh I found, it was Realism somehow loaded twice, and its method addGasFilterSlot added the slot twice as well. Just modified the method to exit if the slot is not empty and it helped.
Find a bug,Artem's tactical bump helmet(alpine) only calss 4 protect,but in handbook is class 6.
Not sure if this is an issue with Realism/Realism compatibility or the MoxoPixel - BlackCore, but for some reason, some PMCs spawn with a tactical rig instead of headwear. Has anyone seen this before?
DevilFlippy Author
Realism issue, I didn't touch loadout
Realsim Mod + MoxoPixel's tactical gear and gas masks often doesn't work and leaves me an empty Painter Trader and all of his goods are inaccessible. (Can you please take your time and fix this error?)
DevilFlippy Author
How can you assume this issue is due to my patch ?
I singularily examined every single patch and that's the one it gives me an mod_equipment error on launch or gives me an empty Painter when i click. (it affects Fence too)
(p.s. I load Realism first)
DevilFlippy Author
Realism have to be load after all your gear/weapons mods. So every single mods covered by my patch have to be above Realism mod.
Thanks, i didn't figure it out at first glance but i managed to fix later. you're a lifesaver.
Hello, easy question... Do we still need this mod even though the only thing enabled in Spt realism is the flea market and the rest is all disabled...
DevilFlippy Author
Hi, I have a bug report for Artem
When I try to equip RAC headphones and load to raid, I get object reference error, and afterwards I believe the save bricks, although I did not test that, as I used backups.
I also noticed that RAC headphones don't have any noise related stats, so that's probably why it references nulls, I am not sure if it's Artem's or patch's problems so I informed you both, sorry for disturbing you if it's not issue from your side
does it fix? in the newest patch RAC headphones still don't have any noise related stats
DevilFlippy Author
really ? It should have the same stats as the vanilla RAC. I will check again
DevilFlippy Author
Replace your mods>SPT-Realism>db>templaces>user_templates>Atlas.json content by this and tell me if it change something, because it work for me.
still not work for me
Me too unfortunately, but the error is different now. It's key error, because the key 12 is already being used it says. Will look into that.
Also the noise parameter is still missing
Hey. Just noticed that in the download, there was a file for WTT AN-94, but I don't see it mentioned in the description. Is it an actual patch? Or a mistake?
DevilFlippy Author
honestly I don't remember If I made this one or if it's a Fontaine one.
I think Fontaine did
DevilFlippy Author
On the AN-94 description
"Included in this mod is a SPT-REALISM Compatibility Patch created by Fontaine himself. "
I just didn't removed it before release
Got it. Did notice that WTT AN-94 also had it's own realism patch, but I guess the two are the exact same. Thanks for the clarification.
For some reason, the compatibility for Epic's armor plates doesn't work, as they show up as lv5 and 6, and I've got Realism loading last, so I don't know what causes this. Any suggestions? Mind you, all the other stuff works fine, it's just the armor plates.
DevilFlippy Author
it's working as indented
Thank you for this mod and updating it!!
i delete all the comment about the patches i mention and i would like to apologize for asking too much...

and i hope you forgive me.
thank you for your hard work and i hope you and all the people here have a wonderful time in your places
Hey, what does realism must be last exactly mean? After all the other mods that this compatibility patch covers or on the last place?
DevilFlippy Author
After all gears/weapon mods that patch cover
Ok thanks for quick response. I love your mod and thank you for making it.
any idea why when i try to check for exampe wages of sin, the window pops up with broken stats, blabla mark and examine: [0] name?
okay, it has something to do with realism, and not the patch
DevilFlippy Author
probably a load order issue
Dumbass question: This is supposed to go into our installation of Realism after deleting its original user_template folder right?
DevilFlippy Author
Yeah, I figured as much when the server console was telling me that "SPT_Realism" was missing a config.json file.
Hi, first of all thanks for your work in making all these weapons playable with Realism. I just came to ask if you were planning to make a patch for the Choccy Milk weapons too, no pressure
Hey i have a wierd problem with the auto 5. every time i shoot the recoil on the gun wont reset to the center of the screen and just keep going up towards the sky with every shot. i have no idea if its the compat pack or conflicting mods.
Wanna know if anyone have this problem with this specfic gun
DevilFlippy Author
New Realism recoil, not an issue.
DevilFlippy Author
I believe what the mean is not like the screen not going down to the original location, but instead the gun facing completely upwards after firing a few shots. If you bring magnum buck and no stock you can see what I mean, after firing your hands remain up in the air and you cannot see the gun when adsing or anything. The camera doesnt follow the browning like it follows other guns.
DevilFlippy Author
Do you have the same issue without the patch ?
That is exactly the issue i am having
first thanks for your hard work bro you making this game more fun by giving a patch of the weapons that doesnt have realism patch so thank you so much.
second is there gonna be update for these weapons ( m1014 - scar-h - VERP 12 - VAL MOD3 )? because its really giving me blablabla error so i had to delete it ;-;
DevilFlippy Author
maybe later, I'm enjoying Kingdome Come Deliverance 2 actually
all good bro 😎
Just a warning, the TGC link in the overview page just links back to this modpage
DevilFlippy Author
Apathy Knight
Nice, version 3.0.5 fixed the error (including TGC gasmasks stats missing), glad you figured it out
dont know why 3.05 cause error "object reference not set to an instance of an object"
when go back to 3.04, it is back to normal
DevilFlippy Author
you have to be more specific, I can do nothing with this information
I posted about an examine error (looks like this) on the Realism mod page mentioning that you had Epic's All In One listed as compatible and Fontaine told me to ask you about it. I did a clean install with Realism, your compat, and Epic's and every time I examine the Draco that examine error occurs that requires alt+f4'ing. I've tried both load orders as well.
Do you have any idea why this might be happening and if you're able to replicate this?
DevilFlippy Author
Aie, yeah it definitely my fault, can you give me more information pls ?
The draco is the AKSU .300 right ?
Because the description is about the PP-19, but could be the bug.
Is it happening with all other weapon from Epic, or just one specific ?
DevilFlippy Author
Found it, and should be fixed
Seems to be good! No guns in the handbook are causing that error so far.
Thanks, DevilFlippy!
Apathy Knight
After some tests, seems like both error and TGC gasmask stats issues coming from Artem patch, removing it gets rid of both issues.
DevilFlippy Author
Do you have Artem ?
Apathy Knight
Yes, of course. I even tested with only Realism, Artem mod and the patch, on a fresh profile - the error was present.
DevilFlippy Author
can You try this ?…XDWMLfPz/view?usp=sharing
Apathy Knight
Tried it, the error is still present.
Just a random thought, but maybe this issue is actually coming from the Artem mod itself, since no other patches seem to cause that same problem. And I for a fact know that Artem has something weird going on when put together with TGC(one of gasmask bundles not being able to load for some reason), so who's to say that it doesn't have some issue with Realism
DevilFlippy Author
Can you retry this one pls ?…XDWMLfPz/view?usp=sharing ?
New version same error,
C:\Jeux\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ItemID')
Deleted user template before updating, realism last in load order idk what more to do
DevilFlippy Author
idk I can't reproduce what you experienced.
Send me your BepInEx/LogOutput.log just in case
DevilFlippy Author
But I don't find anything, make sure your mods are up to date, otherwise ignore the error.
Ok mb for the code format, everything is up to date so I'm just gonna ignore it I guess
Is there a plan to make SVM compatible too? More for the issue of Coop outputs and other values to make it more difficult.
DevilFlippy Author
Apathy Knight
Yeah, also still having an error mentioned below, and realism changes for gasmasks missing from TGC ones. Funny enough, it seems to only be the case for gasmasks from the mod, rest of the gear works fine.
I somehow managed to start the server without getting an error once yesterday, by clearing cache over and over again, and even restarting PC, after which went to sleep. But today the issue was back both on previous and latest versions and nothing seems to help now
DevilFlippy Author
Yeah I'm working on gas mask overhaul actually, and to be honest I have no Idea why some people have this error. Send me your BepInEx/LogOutput.log just in case
Apathy Knight
Actually just fixed missing stats from TGC gasmasks: moving the mod below Realism in load order helped. It didn't help with the error, however, but I couldn't seem to notice any issues caused by it so far...
Especially since my stats issue wasn't apparenly caused by it in the first place.
DevilFlippy Author
Realism have to be last in load order.
With this new update i have : Error processing files in directory C:\Jeux\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ItemID')
i didnt add anything and last version didnt have this errorfor me
DevilFlippy Author
try to delete the \user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates, et reinstall the patch
just did it, same error
Fkn goat
Thank you for the patches! It means a lot to me.
DevilFlippy Author
My pleasure. I started making them because I couldn't play Realism without your mods. Your work is incredible, thank you
Apathy Knight
With 3.0.1 server throws this error after fully starting:
Error processing files in directory D:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\templates\user_templates: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ItemID')
Also gasmasks from TGC mod don't have toxic/rads protection stats now as well it seems? At least the MCU-2/P I had doesn't have any now, but it had yesterday with 3.0.0
DevilFlippy Author
Should be fixed
Sandcore HK416 has different stats compare to regular one