Unicorn 1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A Donuts and SWAG spawn overhaul - replaces Donut spawns with hundreds of hand selected ones, and introduces new boss spawns across Tarkov!

Next Update: 1.2 will fix eventual issues that arise.

A huge thanks to both nooky and Props for being kind enough to help me with questions regarding coding. It has been an honour to converse with you both!

REQUIRED MODS for this to work.
SWAG + Donuts by Props and nooky
UnityToolkit by Arys
Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ

PSA: Bosses (Goons, Raiders, Sniper, Rogues, etc) not spawning is a current issue that appears when using SWAG + Donuts. Luckily it seems like boss spawns might originate from BSG's code. Be patient as the community figures out how to fix it.


We're like dominoes, push one and we all fall..


  • Version 1.1

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 / 3.9.5 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x

    You only need to replace the json files inside of the "zoneSpawnPoints" folder. For those who know how to, and have edited other files, please do so. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, ignore this.

    As for SWAG, you only need to replace zryachiy.json and scav_sniper.json. If you haven't made changes to yours, drag and drop the entire user folder.

    [removed - Shoreline]

    - 2 spawns points that caused bots to spawn inside of a locked Cottage. Thank you Luna for the heads up!

    [removed - scav_snipers.json]

    - 1 spawn point for a sniper that wasn't meant to be there.

    [removed - zryachiy]

    - 1 spawn point from Customs that would break him.

    [removed - Interchange]

    - 6 spawn points that weren't needed.

    [added - zryachiy]

    - 1 spawn point on Lighthouse. let me know if it breaks immersion.

    [added - Lighthouse]

    - 5 spawn points near Road. Thank you Zybergeris for suggesting it!

    [added - Reserve]

    - 1 new spawn point near Helicopter.

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.

  • Version 1.0

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.


    If you don't want new boss spawns, don't "install" the user folder. I just added it because I myself want bosses at new areas, and maybe some others want that as well.


    - introduction of the limited SWAG folder. Within that you have replacement files for new boss spawns. Still the same, drag and drop, replace existing files.

    - updated the images for "MY SETTINGS" tab. It mainly altered minimum distances.

    - Please read through the tabs again, they have all been updated in order for the SWAG implementation.


    - New boss spawns.

    This is not the same as Donuts, it will not add thousands, or even hundreds of spawn points. SWAG pulls from vanilla Tarkov zones, and sadly that's highly limited. I have added more zones that each boss can spawn in, on every single map - up to you which boss can spawn on which map. It's still new areas in which SWAG can spawn bosses and others within.

    Change chance for boss to spawn
    - user\mods\SWAG\config -> bossConfig.json & config.json to edit that. A value of 5 is 5% on the selected map(s).

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.

  • Version 0.9

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x

    - removed the nerfed patterns, see below on how to decrease group size and their chance. Donuts mod page explains a bit more.

    [added - Interchange]

    - added 27 new spawn points to Ultra first floor.

    - added 26 new spawn points to Ultra first floor.

    - added 3 new spawn points at Idea registers.

    - added 1 new spawn point to area Oli.

    [removed - Interchange]

    - 17 spawn points that weren't needed.

    - 8 spawn points from the outside.

    - 4 spawn points from inside of the Ultra mall.

    - 3 spawn points from Idea.

    - 2 spawn points from Oli.

    - 1 spawn point that sometimes causes an enemy to spawn inside a wall.

    - 1 spawn point from Power.

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.


  • Version 0.8

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x

    - fixed more syntax errors. HUGE thanks to Zybergeris for helping me with that. nothing game breaking, just a tad inconvenient for the ocd within me. you can ignore this update if you want. hopefully (fingers crossed) there wont be an update for a while. terribly sorry for my errors. have a good day!
    - ps, got a trader image mod coming soon. i know, yet another one...

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.

  • Version 0.7

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x


    - there was some issues with live-like preset for Labs and Streets. this has been fixed in this release. terribly sorry about that.


    - added an optional folder that includes nerfed patterns. still the same spawnpoints.

    added nerfed patterns

    - these patterns have the value of "groupsize" smaller compared to vanilla donuts, which has pmc's on 1-5 as a group, the optional files within Unicorn are 1-3 on [live-like-alt] [quietraids] [starting-pmcs-only-quietraids] [starting-pms-only-live-like-alt] [movescavs] this means that with the nerfed patterns, the max group size can be 3 bear/usec vs you. optional for those that want that.

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.

  • Version 0.6

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x


    - added 8 new spawn points - 4 on Bridge, 3 at or around Big Red and 1 near Dorms.

    - removed 2 spawn points near Big Red.

    - corrected some missing periods that would prevent some spawns from initiating.

    Mod page
    - changed license from Creative Commons to MIT License.

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.

  • Version 0.5

    Unicorn now has 1000 spawn points across Tarkov. It has been hard work, lots of hours, and lots of testing. Consider this finished apart from updates that would happen based on community feedback.

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x


    - added 54 new spawn points.

    - removed a few and replaced with better ones.

    Ground Zero

    - added 9 new spawn points.


    - added 34 new spawn points.

    - removed a few and replaced with better ones.


    - added 5 new spawn points.


    - added 26 new spawn points.

    - removed the forgotten spawn point on the harbour on Lighthouse island. At least Zryachiy had some fun I hope xD


    - added 9 new spawn points.


    - added 25 new spawn points.


    - added 5 new spawn points.

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 deegrees would be nice, but one image could work.

  • Version 0.4

    This release also doesn't have roof spawns :kekw:

    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3


    - added 16 new spawn points.

    Ground Zero

    - Added 5 new spawn points.


    - added 12 new spawn points.

    Streets of Tarkov

    - added 32 new spawn points.


    - added 14 new spawn points.

  • Version 0.3

    Safe do download. Same as 0.4, but with less spawns.

    - NO MORE ROOFTOP SPAWNS, (you can now use this with Questing Bots) sorry for that... - there are still rooftop spawns, but only those that bots can path to and from, like tank battery on dorms, etc.

    - The Lab has been added!

    - Streets of Tarkov has been added! - more spawn points being added eventually.

  • Version 0.2


    - Removed a few border spawns from Customs

    - Added 6 new spawns to Customs

    - Next update will have The Labs.

  • Hello, in the MoreScavs preset it has scav spawns on Labs, im usually editing the <laboratory_waves.json> file and deleting the scav spawns, leaving it as <"SCAV": []>.

    Could you consider leaving it as vanilla? Since the scav spawns take up raider slots.

    • So play on another preset? morescavs is hardcoded in donuts.dll, that's not something I can remove or change. If you want more scavs to spawn on live-like, simply copy the values of morescavs across the board.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is anyone using it with 3.9.8?

    • I am. Works fine. But it will not work with the test build in the Donuts channel of the Spt Discord.

    • Thank you, luckily I'm still using SWAG + DONUTS 3.5.1 and it seems to work! I'll give it a try! Thanks for the mod creation and support!

    • You're good mate. This will eventually be updated to work with the new Donuts. But later on when it's stable.

  • Hi, if I play with realism mod should I let realism to control boss changes? I have seen 2 Tagillas in same raid.

    • Two of the same bosses is a Swag issue. You can do whatever you want. But you must disable Swag bosses if something else controls them.

    • Running into 2 sets of Kaban and Goons now and then. With disabling SWAG bosses, does that mean changing the following to false? in bossConfig.json

      "Bosses": {"useGlobalBossSpawnChance": true,

    • I would like to point out that this isn't a Unicorn issue. Now, yes. You can disable SWAG bosses and let vanilla game handle it. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom for disable bosses.

  • May be a donut's issue, but I am having AI spawn at the start of raid right ontop of one another. This results in them fighting to the death and leaving piles of bodies and nearly dead AI around the map. I have the minimum distance to bots settings the same as yours. Any way I can fix this?

    • Probably a bug. Increase the minimum distance to 50-70.

  • Good afternoon! The raiders have somehow disappeared from the command center in the Reserve location. For some reason, they don't spawn when the power is turned on.

    • Is there a chance they spawned before that? As in on the map when you already pulled it?

    • I set a 100% spawn chance in the config. But if I remember correctly, they spawn with some probability when the power is turned on, or they should already be hanging out in the command center. I could be wrong.

    • I have found them roaming the center before that. Most likely, everything is as it should be.

  • Can you use Unicorn with default boss spawns? if so, how do I set configs to achieve it?

    • You just drag the BepInEx folder from this. Ignore the user folder.

  • So I just did a raid with live like preset, went on Streets and only scavs spawned and 0 PMCs. I read somewhere I should reduce global cooldown? Any other recommended settings?

    I also wonder if it's because my raid times are 4 hours using a mod, should I completely disable or change hard cap time? Default for PMCs is 50

    • Strange... I get spawns just fine. Did you edit anything?

    • I did an edit on my post after you replied. Also I only edited the boss spawn chance time from -1 to 75.

      Here's my settings.



    • Copy my exact settings and try it out.

    • dHebjJ4.jpegThis is all I'm getting, 4 scavs and a boss. I'll try post in SWAG and see if he knows how to fix it

    • Did you try my settings?

  • Mod is Awesome!! A few suggestions for lighthouse from my experience after a few raids. The extra spawns are great but having PMCs spawn inside the Water Treatment area (sometimes before the Rouges even spawn) kinda sucks if you have a quest to kill them. Also im sure there are a good amount of scavs that spawn on the road in my couple raids they didnt spawn on the road at all. I know the spawns are randomly selected but it makes it kind of hard to do quests like long road when they dont spawn. Not a huge issue either way but ive found the original BSG spawns for lighthouse work a little better for those situations. Besides that everything else is great!! :thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Make sure to lower distance between you and bot, and bot vs bot to make them spawn. Since there's so many spawn points, it's not a guarantee for them to spawn often on the same spawn point. As for road, there's about 10 spawn points near there.

  • Hi, I have few questions for you if you don't mind:
    Do you have a map that shows what your custom zones mean, so I could finetune spawns for myself if needed? Or at least a document that explains it? I just checked spawn points and half of it is named like "unicustomsthree", which doesn't tell me anything, haha.
    Also, if I downloaded only Bepinex folder, it shouldn't mess with boss spawns in any way, correct? Because I configured it perfectly for myself in vanilla swagnuts, would be nice if everything regarding bosses stayed as before.
    And the third question, how action packed it is compared to normal swagnuts, and are spawns here less predictable than in vanilla swagnuts? I like when it's more live-like, with few pmcs and a lot of scavs roaming everywhere. I'd honestly would stay with vanilla swagnuts, but ever since the rework it seems like on every map there's like only 5 places where anyone spawns. Fewer presets too.
    Sorry for such a long post. Thanks in advance!

    • 1. I don't have anything. There's over 1000 spawns points and it would take countless hours to translate every spawn point onto a map, or even a list. The idea behind this was to add unpredictability into the game. I'm sure Donuts itself doesn't have a map behind it. With that said, Donuts most likely uses vanilla Tarkov spawns and those have been well documented throughout the years since "release."

      Some of the json files have defined zones, for example, Dorms, Fortress, etc. This because I remade the spawns for bosses and hence documented it well.

      2. You can download this and only use BepInEx which holds new spawn points for PMC's and Scavs. However, I highly recommend using the files for Swag. It opens up boss spawns at new areas they've never been before. Like Goons at Dorms.

      3. Well, there's 3 videos by StarVox under the tab "Community Content - YouTube" that should somewhat showcase the new spawns. As for action, this all depends on how far or close you allow bots to spawn to you and other bots, and of course on your Donuts cap. The higher the bot count, the chance for more spawns, and therefore more "action" I guess.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for such a detailed and quick answer.
      1. Got ya. Donuts does have the documentation with each zone explained and shown on a map, yeah. Problem is, those zones are too...big? I can't, for example, make scavs spawn on the old gas station on customs - I have to use much wider "zone black" which includes not only the gas station, but crackhouse and such, so the spawn is never guaranteed. Unless I find and edit spawn points precisely, which is too much work for me, haha.
      2. Thanks for advice, I'll try it out in the future for sure. For now, I'd like to stick with vanilla boss spawns. You know, lore and such. Besides, I play with noobies on Fika, so we'd like to avoid total chaos for now if possible.
      3. Okay, I'll check out those videos. My main concern is not the action itself, but corpses. I'd like to not see piles of unlooted corpses everywhere, makes the game kinda too easy. Which was the case when we tried "MOAR" recently. I do have looting bots and all other must-have packages, but it's not enough to get rid of free loot. Unfortunately, Late To The Party doesn't work with Fika, otherwise free loot on corpses wouldn't be a problem.

      In short, what I want I guess is vanilla SWAGNUTS, but with more variety, like in the old days. Where you could meet bots camping bunker extracts on woods, in D2 and so on.
      Which I suppose Unicorn can do, so I'll go and check it out now.
      Thanks again! I'll report after I'll play for a bit.

    • 1. Oh there's spawns points everywhere. There's tons on Dorms, a few near Gas Station, tons at Fortress, etc. Trust me, I have thought about everything. This mod has been praised a ton for breathing new life into the game.

      2. Future Swag + Donuts will ditch Swag and bosses will be handled with Donuts. Hopefully Props make it so that vanilla code has default boss spawns. I will however gives bosses the same spawns as bots have now, almost every single one.

      3. There is a mod to remove corpses from the map. This will remove dead bodies based on distance and time. Highly useful!
      - CLICK ME - Remove The Dead

      PS, I am off to bed so I'll reply in about 6-7 hours. ADHD so I wont sleep for long.

    • Hi again. So far it's been working great but while trying to make it so there's lots of scavs and fewer pmcs in raids, I broke something and scavs almost don't spawn.
      Any good advice on how to make it so there is fewer PMCs and more scavs? Maybe I didn't get something.
      What I did was I edited patterns, so PMCs groups have a lower chance to spawn and I edited scav cooldowns to be lower. I think I messed up somewhere there.
      If you don't mind, can you explain if I did something wrong, and how can I do it right?
      Thank you.

    • It's really hard to pinpoint what you did if I can't see the files. If you have Discord, join the Spt one, check under server boosters for my name and dm me the affected files.

  • After playing with this for a few days I can say it's awesome, particularly seeing bosses in different locations! Keeps things fresh and interesting. Thanks for the mod.

    Heart 1
    • I'm glad it brings a fresh breeze of air into your experience. That was always the goal.

  • How do I close the f9-menu window?

    Must be pretty obvious as noone else has asked yet...

    • Press F9 again or the cross up top.

  • You could just include files that you altered, like, imo it takes more effort to actually type these instructions telling people which files are changed, just saying, no big deal :D

    • You mean as an optional folder?

    • Oh I thought that green tab in the version 1.1 is meant for general install, turns out it's for updating, my bad then.

    • I know, it's a bit weird. Whatever, I just make mods :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Everytime I installed this mod I also somehow broke my game and had no bots spawning. Now That I know it couldn't be this mods fault, I'm excited to try this out. I have learned almost all the base spawnpoints from swag+donuts so this is sure to spice things up :)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I mean there is a slight chance, but for the most part it should work. There's this theory in the community that making chances to Swag or Donuts messes with something. But it's just a theory. Just make sure to install it properly and everything should work.

  • How could I install the latest version without adding new boss spawns?

    • Simply drag the BepInEx folder only and ignore the user folder. Requires Donuts first.

      Heart 1
    • thanks man you're the best

    • No you're the best!

      Heart 1
  • So maybe a suggestion or I possibly need to tweak my personal settings but ive noticed at the start of the raid (Woods was the map I was on) most PMCs spawned by the sawmill. Is it possible to have the starting spawns be more vanilla or am I overlooking a donuts setting to keep bots from spawning all in one area. Otherwise absolutely A+ mod!

    • Is this a consistent issue? Like it happens every raid(10 in a row)?

      What is your cap on? If you allow say 5 PMC's to spawn on Woods, and all 5 spawn as a group on Woods, you would experience that often. But if you allow say 9 PMC's, and a max group can only be 5, you can't get all of them there.

      Is your minimum setting between botVSbot on? Please set it to at least 90 on maps like Woods, Shoreline and Lighthouse.

      You can try to lower the weight of groups of enemies to spread them out a bit more. This screenshot below explains how the weight of groups work.

    • I noticed it on like 3 or 4 woods raids out of maybe 5. My max PMCs for woods is 9. My group chance is unchanged. My minimum botVSbot was set to 75 im thinking I might increase to about 150. Yea I may lower the chance of 5 mans also to maybe spread them out a little bit. Thanks gonna look into the settings you posted and make a few changes

    • Even so, you shouldn't get most spawns at Sawmill. There is nothing with Unicorn that forces spawns. Every single spawn is random and will be chosen by the dll.

      The group chance can of course play a huge part in it. But I doubt it.

      Do you have Realism or another mod controlling spawns?

    • I do have realism but I have all the bot changes off. I am using Acids Progressive bot system but its his RC version from his discord thread but I dont think that mod touches bot spawns

    • Very strange indeed. Try what you wrote and see if you notice a change. You should have PMC's spawn all over the map.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Too many raids where there’s too many scavs with no PMC’s and then when there is PMC’s the majority of them are bear and rarely see any usec. How do I fix that by adjusting donut/swags settings? I feel as if it was not like this before this mod.

    • If you have Looting Bots, or exfils enabled for PMC's through Sain, etc, that's why raids might seem barren. Please confirm with a bot monitoring mod or Dynamic Maps that you actually do get PMC's to spawn.

      As for issues, I don't tweak any code. Unicorn simply adds more locations for them to spawn on. Unicorn can't alter how many that spawn, or anything about what they do.

      Getting a lot of Bears is an issue non related to this. To temporarily fix that, please open the Donuts F9 menu in game > Main Settings > Bot Attributes > PMC Faction Ratio and set that to 65/70.

      If you wanna tweak how many of each class can spawn, go to SPT > BepInEx > plugins > dvize.Donuts > ScenarioConfig.json and chance these values for the preset you're using. There's one section for PMC and one for Scav for each preset. PS, the morescavs preset allows scavs to spawn on Labs.

      Edit: Which preset are you using?

    • Sorry for multiple posts, seeing these as I scroll through.

      For me I have dynamic maps and all orange arrows appear, meaning just scavs. I am using live like preset.

  • Does this mod fully ignore my SWAG spawn chance settings? Seems like all bosses are spawning every raid. Thanks!

    • No. Please make sure that your bossConfig.json and config.json located at user/mods/SWAG/config have true enabled for GlobalSpawnChance.

      Should look like this;

      "Bosses": {

          "useGlobalBossSpawnChance": true,

      If false, it'll use the spawn chances within each boss.json, but even if they were false, my files are vanilla SWAG which is about 35%. If you still get bosses every raid, there's something funky going on. In that case, please check your MOAR or Realism boss configs. If it still happens, it's just that random bug bosses have in 3.9.

    • Awesome, I think I totally misunderstood the other comment talking about that.

      Sorry for the silly question and thank you for an awesome mod and for your help!!!

      On further inspection it must be that bug, I have all this set the suggested way. Thanks again!

    • You're good.

      I've had periods where Reshala spawned nearly every game, and I have my boss chance at 13%. It comes and goes in waves.

    • Tarkov is cursed as always. I will bring a lot more ammo from here on 😂

    • Indeed. Half of the encounters I have, I hear their footsteps. Majority of them are silent af. Good game.

  • Hi, The mod is wonderful but for some reason I'm getting 3 or 4 Tagillas spawning in Factory. I play with Realism so it isn't that much of a threat, but it's not great for immersion and it can be a bit game breaking at some moments.

    Don't know if this is intended or if something's wrong with my settings.


    • That's not suppose to happen. Have you allowed Realism to control boss spawns? Or MOAR?

      Are you on Discord? Find the Donuts channel in the official Spt Discord and write there.

  • Hello, first of all thanks a lot for the mod, I enjoy having bots where I do not expect them to be ^^

    However, I can't seem to be able to have rogues to spawn on lighthhouse whatever preset I use. I even raised the rogue chances to spawn to 99% but I only get PMCs and regular scavs.

    have you ever had this issue ? Thanks.

    Crying 1
    • I don't have issues with boss spawns at all, but I do some have, and some have certain bosses not work while others do.

      Do SWAG spawns work on all other maps?

      Do you use Realism?

    • I do not use realism.

      I've had bosses on other maps. Did not play reserve or labs though so IDK about raiders but I encountered goons, reshala and sanitar

    • Strange. Code wise, there's nothing broken in the file that calls for Rogues. What happens if you enable 90% for Rogues on Customs, Interchange, etc? Please try that if you have time.

    • will do and tell you what as soon as I can. Thanks !

    • oh, btw, can I test with my scav or does it have to be with the PMC ?

      ta !

  • pmcs on labs seem to all spawn in one area of the map is there any way to spread the spawns out more?

    • What is your cap on and which preset are you on?

    • Ive tried like-like, starting pmcs only live-like, and impossible raids all with a pmc cap of 12

    • Which area are they all spawning in? Is it consistent as in every raid?

  • In the SWAG realism compatability tooltip (captured below) it states to change bosses & triggeredwaves to true to use Realism Boss changes with swag. Should I leave this as false or true with unicorn??


    • I don't know what the boss changes in Realism does. But I have found that bosses spawn in my game and my swag config.json is set to false.

    • "With the 'Spawn Tweaks' config option enabled bosses, Rogues and Raiders can spawn on more maps than standard EFT. Bosses will still mostly spawn on their "main" map and where you'd normally expect to find them, but may also spawn on some other maps in places you won't expect. Rogues and Raiders are much more common and found across more maps. Boss spawns start off with a very low chance that increases as you level up."

      If you turn those values to true, Unicorn boss spawn wont work. If you prefer Realism, turn those to true.

  • Having a hard time with Huntsman Path: Administrator. Are there enough spawns in pinewood?

  • So if I'm using 0.9 and I don't want bosses on all maps, I can stick with 0.9? There's nothing different between versions than the boss spawns?

    • 1.0 added the [user] folder which has new boss spawns. If you don't want that, skip 1.0 and stick with 0.9. I'll specify in future versions if you need to update BepInEx. There will be a huge overhaul for Reserve and Shoreline eventually, but not for a while.

    • Gotcha. Thanks.

  • Thank you this is awesome

    Heart 1
  • Does this mod also affect hot spot spawns?

    • Yes. At the moment, every faction can use all zones and it does not call for hotspots. I couldn't figure out what it was and so I left it. If you have any insight, do let me know and I'll consider changing that.

  • Hey, loving the idea and the implementation. I was wondering if it is possible to do custom spawn points for the scav snipers. Thank you for your job a lot

    Heart 1
    • Yes, but also, no clue how. That's all SWAG, and I haven't touched SWAG yet. If I can figure it out, I will do that too.

    • Would love to see it. Thank you for quick response

    • I too would love to see it. Have a good weekend!

      Heart 1
    • yeah have to weigh in on this one I remember Lua spawn points (I think) having snipers on the different towers around customs. it was cool. anyway good luck with that. hope you can pull it off. and thanks again. <3

      Heart 2
    • I have a theory on how to make new boss spawns / scav / raider / goons, etc. The issue is that boss spawn aren't consistent at the moment, and no one really knows why. Until that's fixed, new spawns for SWAG wont come. But I want to, and I will when I can.

      Heart 1
  • Great mod. Noticed it was listed under [Server mods] though it is a replacement for BepInEx "client" files.

    • It is a Client Mod replacement technically, but listing it under Client Mods asks for a public depository. To me, that sounds like Github, and I don't want to. I've been meaning to contact staff about this, but I forget all the time...

    • Not a problem, just noticed it in case it mattered. Thanks

    • Being fixed eventually.

  • I have put in plenty of hours into playing Interchange the past few days, and noticed how empty the floors of the Ultra mall were. Always action inside the other two big stores registers and outside by the power station.

    Can't wait to try this out!

    Thanks so much for all of your work!!!

    Heart 1
    • Strange. There was spawn inside, but I suppose the rest made up a majority. This time around, the two floors should have more than the rest. Let me know if it's improved at all!

      Heart 1
  • Is there any way to increase amount of spawns?

    • Like in spawn points? Or bots spawning?

      Increase your cap.

    • bot spawns please

    • Go to SPT\BepInEx\plugins\dvize.Donuts > Open "ScenarioConfig.json"

      Edit the numbers for the preset you use, save, and launch into SPT. Confirm with a bot monitoring tool or Dynamic Maps to confirm that bots spawn.

      If they spawn but are no where near you, please decrease minimum distance to player in the Donuts F9 menu under "Spawn Settings"

    • thanks heaps, your mod is great.

  • i dont know its bug or not,i used nerfed patterns and on shore near sink village with church i saw usec at 80-100 meters far try kill it miss then miracle happen usec disappear ,and as i use radar i saw it appeared farer then again usec disappeared then again appeared so i dunno its bug or not,as i play on factory 90% time and there everyting good

    • Do you have despawn on? If yes, Donuts will try to despawn the bot farthest away from you.

      Now I expect you to write that there were more bots farther from him, and it's probably just a random Donuts removing him anyways. But that's Donuts doing what it's suppose to, but pulling someone from the game that's 100 meters away is a bit odd. Luckily Unicorn only adds spawn points, but I suppose there is an odd chance that the pattern and some value did something.

      If it happens consistently, like a few times per raid, several raids in a row, let me know.

      Edit: You can use regular BepInEx. I have been told that the nerfed patterns are useless since you can configure Donuts F9 to spawn 1-5 groups less often. I don't know where in the menu, but I will investigate asap!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ok ill try regular pattern and after few raids tell if its ok or not thanks! bugcatlove Used regular and got it on customs, ill try vanilla donuts now to check now floating bot in air

      try with vanilla donuts on customs,at first it seems good bugcatchillin , but then - pmc carousele bugcatrainbow

      so unicorn is good! bugcatdrunk

    • Both look quite funny, especially the carousel. Sadly the carousel is vanilla Eft behaviour. And the floating bot I believe is standing on something, but since you're freecaming, it's unloaded.

      Of course Unicorn is good, I mean, I made it :P

      Heart 1