Raid Overhaul 2.2.1

An overhaul to how raids function including raid timer being tied to your system time with an (almost) endless raid length, random events occurring throughout your raids, and a new themed trader to help you make your way through Tarkov.

To start, I want to give a huge thanks to Kobrakon (Immersive Raids) for the base of features that I've worked off of and CJ for being patient and helping me get this all up and running (teaching me tons along the way). Absolute legends and none of this would've been possible without them!!  <3

Hope you enjoy animelove

If you enjoy what I do and want to buy me a coffee to support my totally not an addiction, you can check out my ko-fi here <3

  • Version 2.2.1


    • Removed malfs from famas and l85 to fix animation lock issues.
    • Added a second boss json for Legion so you can now disable all custom items minus his facemask, the custom secure containers/armbands (since they are quest requirements/rewards) and req slips + forms since the shop relies on them.
    • Separated adding any item to special slots from the pocket changes so you can disable/enable each individually. It's now its own config option.
    • Added in a patch to make it so the item grids don't appear when an item is in your special slots. Ie backpacks, rigs. If it isn't searched the search prompt will still be there but it will all disappear once the grids are searched.
    • Added req slips to both wallets since they are currency for all intents and purposes.
    • Changed realism templates to fit into fontaines new format. No need to manually change presets anymore.

    Back to the void  animefingerdancing

  • Version 2.2.0


    Fix issues with boss currency/wallet weights

    Add in new option to disable legion before uninstalling. Requires you to run the server once after enabling the config option

    Small tweaks to some of the plugin code

    Updated the version numbers finally bonk

    Changed flea and handbook prices for the white flares to be more in line with the Req Shop. Will probably tweak it more in the future but idk. It's being obstinate about changing the actual flea offers

    Some smaller fixes to the server portion. Nothing of note, just my OCD

    Maybe some other shit I've forgotten, who knows. I'm a mystery \{~_~}/

    As always, let me know if you have any issues and I'll fix things when I get the time

    Back to the void animefingerdancing

  • Version 2.1.2

    Hotfix Changelog

    • Added Req Slips back into Quests
    • Fixed the Wallet loot errors
    • Reverted the req slips and forms back into info items but retained the stack sizes and background color stuff. Just for easier compatibility

    Big thanks to BlackDeathGER, Arvannis and Nick on discord for helping me track it down animebuttmove

    I hope that's really all the fixes I need for now lmao, back to the void  animefingerdancing

  • Version 2.1.1

    Removed Req Slips from the secure container quests to unbreak them.

    Added in a catch for adding the presets to the assort. If there is an error loading a preset it will just give a warning in the server and skip it so the server won't be stuck on loading/the assort will still populate.

  • Version 2.1.0

    Big old update kannacrying

    Cliff notes version

    Added a new exfil crate event. Calling in a white flare will trigger an airdrop that, when landed, you can put your gear into. It functions like the BTR so after 3 (?) minutes it will lock and the Req Shop will send your gear to you post raid.

    Fixed some issues with legion.

    Reworked the assort to be generally based off of flea and handbook prices.

    Added in the Famas and L85 from SamSwats old mods.

    Reworked the config and fixed a ton of backend issues.

    Full Changelog

    • Fixed some legion fuckery.
    • Fixed the malf and berserk events.
    • Removed the raid start events from labs just to prevent it breaking random doors for some reason (fuck doors REEEEEEEEEE)
    • Changed all the custom weapons, gear, and items to MongoIDs so it might fuck with existing profiles (?) but it'll be better for long term stability. I did some preliminary testing and it shouldn't give any issues but keep a backup when updating just in case. Id remove any of the modded weapons from your inventory before updating as well but that may not matter really.
    • Added in 3 custom ammo types for the Judge, 2 for the Jury, and 2 for the executioner to replace what they currently use. Judge will now be a shotgun pistol, Jury shoots modified 338 rounds, and the executioner uses a modified 12.7x108mm.
    • Added in Req Forms as a lower denomination of the Req slips. Also changed Req Slips to match forms as a currency. The price will stay the same but the stock on the flea will be massively increased alongside them both being stackable and added to wallets. Also added them to more static loot containers.
    • Reworked the assort. All items and presets will now have their flea prices calculated (handbook value if flea price doesn't exist) and that price is divided by either the Req Slips flea price if the flea value is over 50000 or Req Form flea price under that to get a more accurate and logical assort cost. No more flirs being cheaper than nails or bs like that. There is also a base random amount of Req Slips to be used if the flea and handbook checks fail for some reason.
    • Fixed some conflicts with events not setting flags properly.
    • Fixed an issue with legion presets for Realism.
    • Set joke event to run the heal event on end instead of a random event since that was being weird. Will tweak this some more.
    • Set a minimum player distance to the exfil crate for it to start it's timer. Just as a catch for if it drops far away from the player. 15ish meters atm but I may extend this once I get some more testing in.
    • Reworked item generation and removed some items from the loot pool to hopefully stem any issues coming from that.
    • Added in profile fix for mongoID changes to hopefully prevent people losing gear on updating (THANK YOU DRAKIA, YOU ARE LEGEND <3)
    • Fixed up some presets.
    • Added in a check for the loyalty level event so you shouldn't lose rep with a trader if they have under 0.05 rep.
    • Added in the L85 and Famas from Sams old mods. Will probably need to mess with filters for the new attachments but thats a problem for future me.
    • Added L85 to Legions Loadout and fixed some outstanding issues with his bot gen.
    • Updated the some of the custom items that were cloning slots unintentionally.
    • Implemented configurable weightings for the random events. The config is "user/mods/RaidOverhaul/config/EventWeightings.json". You can still enable/disable events in the f12 menu, this config is just for tweaking the frequency of specific events. Higher number means more likely to happen.
    • Tweaked Legion spawn logic to be less of a shit show thanks to Groovey! Raised starting config spawn chance to 35 so you can get the Req shop unlocked quickly.
    • Added in Rep Gain for the Req Shop on killing Legion.
    • Adjusted assort generation to fix empty rigs/helmets appearing in the shop.
    • Implemented the Exfil Crate event. This is triggered by using the Reactive White Flare (handheld one) and firing it off in a map that supports airdrops.
    • Exfil crate can be used multiple times in a single raid.
    • Added white flares as static items in the req shop so you will be able to buy at least 2 per refresh (I think the range is 2-6 atm)
    • Changed the handbook price to better reflect the added utility of the white flare, will either adjust the flea price or flea blacklist them so this isn't too overpowered. Will need feedback for this specifically.
    • Added in Realism templates for all the new items. To use these you need to drop my templates into realism, open the RealismModConfig.exe, go to the Recoil & Presets tab, and change each option from "Realism" to "RaidOverhaul".
    • Also added in/tweaked some of the config options so you will need to replace your old one

    Known Issues

    • There is an issue where a preset would return a cost of 0 and wouldn't let you launch the game. It seems to be fixed on my end but please let me know if you run into it. It will fix itself on a server restart but it's been annoying af to try to fix....If it's still occurring I'll get it fixed for the next update.
    • Issue with the profile backups erroring in the server when trying to create the directory. If this happens just turn off the BackupProfile option in the config. You can obviously manually backup but it's being obstinate and I can't recreate the issue on my end.
    • Some of the events may throw an error on occasion. Don't know why but this mod is cursed. Nothing game breaking but it'll just fail to run the event in question.

    Anyways, that's all from me for now, back to the void  animefingerdancing

  • Version 2.0.1

    Small Hotfix

    • Removed MCM4 from loot pools since it tweaks the game out (never noticed issues on my end but it wasn't supposed to be in release regardless). The mcm4 attachments should still spawn, it's just the main weapon that was being a little weirdo
    • Fixed (?) SVM removing filters before I push the req slips to them and breaking the ever loving shit out of the game

    The only changers were in the files in the src folder, config options weren't touched, so IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR CONFIG OPTIONS AND LEGION PROGRESS either only overwrite the files in the "user/mods/RaidOverhaul/src" folder or just backup your config + progress file and drop them back in after you update

    Also a little friendly reminder not to rename any of the files or folders. The names/file types are intentional (cough cough, json5) so if you rename anything stuff will 1000% break :kannatiredofthis:

    Anyways, that's all from me for now, back to the void animefingerdancing

  • Version 2.0.0

    Big 3.8 update!

    Disclaimer: If you're using Swagnuts you need to update to the newest version for compatability available here SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

    Major changes

    • New boss added in named Legion. They have many faces and their numbers seems endless, but they have to stop coming after you sometime, right? Legion has a random chance to have an assortment of different followers and difficulty levels associated with them. The amount that will spawn will also be random. Huge Thank you to Groovey for laying the groundwork on this.
    • Completely reworked the Req Shop. It will now pull from every item loaded into your game (added in by mods or not) and add a set number of them into the shop separated by category. The prices and stock amounts for all these items are random, so you may just get a lucky find.
    • Reworked a couple of events. Ie. the berserk event will now give you some health regen alongside lowering you chances for malfunctions and upping ergonomics.
    • Added in config options to enable snow and seasonal events randomly. They will roll a chance on server startup for either to be enabled. You can set it to have snow enabled all the time as well.
    • Added in a few new gear pieces from JustNU's vanilla extended so all credit goes to them on that one!
    • Added in custom rig layouts for a few of the rigs and the deadskul armband. And another huge thank you to Groovey and the WTT team for figuring out the custom layouts and getting it added to the SDK
    • Added in quests to unlock the modified deadskul and modified secure containers which will require turning in the original container and an assortment of other items.
    • Added in a quest to unlock the Req Shop which requires killing Legion and turning over his facemask. This will be available at level 1 from Fence.
    • You earn trader rep by surviving raids, with req shop loyalty levels being at 0, 1.5, 3 and 6 reputation.

    Minor Changes

    • Added in some smaller quality of life options and refinements in both the client and server end of things.
    • Added in an option in the f12 menu to disable the watch animations.
    • Profiles will auto backup on launch into the user/mods/RaidOverhaul/ProfileBackups folder. It will save your 3 most recent profiles which will all have a unique tag after your profile ID.
    • Automatically disable the deafness and adrenaline changes if Realism is detected.
    • And a bunch more stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting...

    So yeah, after some 6000 line changes from the last version to this one I'm going to be taking a little break. I pretty much reworked all the code from the ground up animebuttmove

    If there are any issues or balancing that needs to be taken care of I will obviously handle that. But don't expect any more big feature updates for a brain hurts haha kannacrying

    Last but not least, big thank you and much love to Nooky who helped me get the swag compat all figured out and playing nice!

    Now back to the void  animefingerdancing

  • Version 1.5.0


    Outside of that, there are lots of changes with this one so I'll breeze over some of them.

    Client Side

    Added in 2 new events

    • Shopping Spree event which gives you +1 rep with all traders (minus fence) for 10 minutes and sets them back to normal after that
    • Lockdown event which locks down all extracts for 10 minutes after which you will be free to extract again

    Fixed a ton of bugs and performance issues so things should work significantly better.

    Weight event does run into an error and fails to run on occasion but it's nothing game breaking.

    Malfunction event is hidden and disabled by default since it's being a finnicky little bitch right now.

    Changed how the Bepinex config options work for events. Unticking the box will now disable the events and ticking it will enable them. It used to be backwards and it finally drove me crazy enough to change it

    Server Side

    Changed the config to json5 from jsonc so don't change the extension

    Removed loot boxes and relevant code for now, I'll need to rework it from pretty much scratch so I'm releasing this without those animewhocares

    Fixed issues with bots spawning with frankly an insane amount of Req slips lmao

    Added config options for

    • Holstering any weapon
    • Lowering examine time for items
    • Disabling flea blacklist
    • Setting all Req shop purchases to loyalty level 1
    • Modifying insurance return times
    • A basic and Advanced option to change max ammo stacks
    • An option to set money stacks to whatever you want
    • A loot multiplier separated per map

    All these options are toggleable so if you don't want a feature just disable it

    I'm pretty sure I'm missing some things but this is long enough and I'm too lazy to go back through my changes :senkosmug:

    Enjoy the update, it'll be the last big one until 3.8!

    That's all from me for now, back to the void animefingerdancing

  • Version 1.4.1


    • Added in a new config option to hopefully fix case space manager issues once and for all :kannatiredofthis:
    • Fixed loot boxes breaking when you try to open them (I honestly don't even know what exactly broke them in the first place)
    • Added a section in the F12 menu to turn off the door events individually to be more in line with the random event options

    That's all from me for now, back to the void animefingerdancing

  • Version 1.4.0

    Added in a bunch of fixes and config options to hopefully make RO a more stable and configurable experience.

    Too many fixes to list but I tried to tackle pretty much every bug I was made aware of.

    As for config options, the plugin is a little bit better organized now with your toggleable events being in their own category seperate from the "core" events (ie Door Randomization and Time Changes, etc.). Also added in a limit to certain events like the airdrop and some of the new events so they will only run once per raid.

    On the server side I've added a few more options in the config so you can tweak your raid times (ONLY IF YOU ALSO DISABLE TIME CHANGES IN THE PLUGIN) and an option to have req slips only spawn on bosses/guards/rogues and raiders. Also added in an option to remove the trader, remove the randomized stock from the trader, or configure the stock randomization range to your preference. Everything in the config has an explanation beside it so please read that before asking me what something does. If you don't read and I know I wrote it an explanation I will ignore you. I did put in a hopeful fix for SVM's case changes breaking my filters as well.

    Lastly I changed how the plugin config options function so disabling an event will now set the weighting to 0 instead of disabling and rerolling events which could cause a loop and crashing in certain circumstances.

    Added in 4 new events

    • Trader events which will shift your standing with a random trader up by 0.1 or down by 0.05
    • A malfunction event which will make malfs significantly more likely to happen for a minute
    • A weight event which will double the weight of all items you have in your inventory for a few minutes
    • And a berserk event which will give you buffs to weapon stats for a short period of time. I will be expanding on the berserk event in the future but it's functional right now so I'd rather push a new release with all the fixes.

    Huge thank you to CJ for taking up the mantle on the last update, making some huge changes and helping me a ton with this update! None of this would be happening without his help! Big thank you to Phantom, Shredder and everyone else who reported issues to me as well. I appreciate all the reports so I can get things fixed as soon as possible kanalove

    That's all that I can think of for now so I'm heading back to the void animefingerdancing

  • I will update the mod page with all the new options/events/features when you STOP BREAKING THE SITE aquadesperate

    Seriously though, read the changelogs and I'll get to it later lmao lolipanic

    Heart 3 Crying 1
    • Wow! You are really making this a fun mod to play.

      Thanks for your hard work.

      Heart 1
    • Love your mod DJLand and its a MUST HAVE for all types of SPT-players.. You do great amazing work and are a very helpful modder as well.. Thank you for everything and sharing your work with us instead of keeping it for yourself. :)

      Heart 1
  • Will Requisitions Officer get a quest later to improve kappa?
    like the other continers

  • Is there a way to edit the size of the containers from your mod?

  • Thank you for making this :)

    Do you mind adding an option to add or subtract Special Slots, and the ability to filter specific items for Special Slots?

  • is there any way to increase the chances of an event happening and how long it lasts? i think that since tarkov was hit by an emp none of the lights would work but tarkov thinks otherwise :rolleyes:

  • Some issues I've noticed:

    Req Office does not seem to increase rep through quests. Mine is sitting at 1.89, and I am not certain what causes it to raise/lower, but it is preventing me from accessing Loyalty Level 3 (which requires 3.0 rep).

    The White Flare extract crate did not transfer items to me. Instead, it just seemed to return (some) of my insured items that I placed into it. Not sure what is up with that.

  • hi i see this ammo for some weapons called the judge, jury, and executioner(funny pun)but for the life of me i cant find the weapons. are they missing or am i overlooking them?

  • Legion likes to respawn back after me or my friend kill him most notesbull on factory where we manage to make him spawn up to 4 times not sure if that is feature or a bug

  • I was having an issue with Utils.ts throwing an error on launch of the server:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    I resolved it by changing the function addToCases in user/mods/RaidOverhaul/src/Refs/Utils.ts:

    Basically, I'm null-checking propsbefore trying to access props.filters.

    Hopefully this helps anyone else out if they're running into the same issue as me.

    Heart 2
  • When Legion spawns, if I don't kill him in the first two minutes of the raid my game crashes with a memory error. I can't find out to disable just Legion in the config file.

  • Can I disable events that I do not like ?

    Edit: Nvm. Im dumb. I saw it myslef. Just click f12 as the description says and u will be able to edit everything and put away things u don't like :thumbup:

  • Pistol Jury is broken as hell, spams shit ton of errors

    Impossible to shoot via autofire, spams errors.

    ALL AMMO that is added by REQ OFFICE is broken in terms of shooting.

    Author, FIX mod, PLEASE!

  • Trying to understand how I raise my loyalty level with the Requisition Office. I can make the purchases, but those only affect the money spent. I have completed all 5 container quests as well. Have tried posting and searching on the Discord, Google, YouTube, and now trying here. GREAT mod, just want to get the full use out of it.

  • is there any way to increase the chance of a specific event happening? and also is there a way to decrease the time inbetween events?

  • for some reason after i downloaded this mod i got stuck in an infinite loading screen? it doesnt get past the loading screen with the little character on it

    • nevermind, it was NOT your mod! i seem to have done something wrong when deleting another mod.

    • A new trader, the "Requisition Office", that sells an assortment of useful items/equipment including some new weapons and equipment, and 2 new currencies "Requisition Slips" and "Requisition Forms" to buy them with (they can also be found in raid).

    Am I doing something wrong? Because all I see on this trader are the Reqform that you can buy but nothing else to buy?

    • Yes you did something wrong, new trader have a lot of new stuff that you can buy using those currencies, not sure what you could do wrong tho.

    • I just placed it how it's explained in the right folders

    • Found the problem, this mod is conflicting with SVM (Server Value Modifier)

    • Yeah, a lot of mods can conflict with SVM if you enabled a lot of settings, I keep SVM only for Scav time change

    • I removed this mod since the guns are not really adding up to the experience.. thought the trader had better things. the kappa is great though

  • Gonna ask here... is there a way to disable limit for buying Requisition forms while using Realism mod? This one item should not be limited (I think).

  • Hey a heads up the SPEAR/Jury have a bug where finishing the watch animation for viewing exits causes the weapon to return to the wrong position and become unusable for the rest of the raid.

  • Loaded into a raid with a 6b2 and a TT, got a lucky headshot from behind on a pmc. Holed up in a room and shot like 3 more juiced pmcs when they pushed up. Once I finally got loaded up with all their loot, I was informed that I was having a heart attack and I had 10 seconds left to live. Seven seconds later I got a popup that I'd just gotten a heal event and I ended up surviving. This mod rules.

  • I have some events disabled, but they still give a notification despite the event not activating. This seems like a bug.
    I tried to do a workaround by setting the other events to 0 in EventWeightings.json, but it effectively boosted the chance of events happening because the frequency was still the same, just with less options.

    Do you mind add config line to adjust the frequency of events?

    Thank you for your hard work :)

  • This mod causes my console to spam "Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for" with like 1000 lines of code of what it was unable to find live-flea or handbook price for.

    Any fix?

    • This happened to me also. The fix was to use Load Order Editor, and put this mod below all the other mods that add in custom items. I set mine near the end and all the warnings were gone

  • after update i cant start server and its just send this error

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    at Utils.addToCases (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\Refs\Utils.ts:625:59)

    at Utils.createItem (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\Refs\Utils.ts:580:12)

    at ItemGenerator.createConstItems (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:4587:16)

    at RaidOverhaul.postDBLoad (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\mod.ts:311:19)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:77:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:30:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    at Utils.addToCases (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\Refs\Utils.ts:625:59)

    at Utils.createItem (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\Refs\Utils.ts:580:12)

    at ItemGenerator.createConstItems (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:4587:16)

    at RaidOverhaul.postDBLoad (E:\spt383\user\mods\RaidOverhaul\src\mod.ts:311:19)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:77:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:30:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)

  • Hi guys, has anyone actually got the white flare / exfil crate to work correctly on SPT version 3.8.3?

    Like a few others in the comments below, the custom airdrop crate comes in and locks correctly after I pop a white flare in raid (I did this on Reserve), however I haven't got the message from the trader to give me back my items.

    (PS: for those wondering why the white flare is not showing up in the trader, you must set "EnableCustomItems" to "true" in the mods config.json file, then it will show up.)

  • Is there a way to completely disable Legion, or at least stop him from spawning permanently? I know there's the LegionChance.json, but the chance value keeps changing after every raid (that's what I assume from briefly looking at the code)

    • Ah all good I figured out how to disable him.

  • Hey DJLang,

    I'm running into a strange issue where pressing O to check time and extracts (bound to press and release on the same button on my end) while holding the Grach (specifically) rotates your arms around your body every time you press the button.

    To clarify, whenever I hit O my arms rotate in such a way where pressing it enough makes my arms upside down on the screen, and prevents me from ever lining up the ironsights again.

    Added to that is, whenever I do it while using ADS with the grach, my arms seem to rotate along a different axis, where if I press it enough my arms enter the sides of the pmc and he's holding the pistol within the torso.

    I have turned off watch animations, yet the issue persists.

    Could this be something cause by your mod?

    • hmm, for my case, if I keep pressing O then my arm and gun would just slowly move down towards the bottom of the screen until they disappear, making ADS essentially pointless. Definitely not as severe as your bug but quite interesting. Turning off the watch animation and restarting the server + the game fixed it for me though.

  • What do I need to change to make it so that mod guns aren't 1 rouble on flea market?

  • Ive run into an issue where i can no longer get into raid after installing the Overhaul.
    I get an error message reporting "BossLegion" is not found
    Im on linux and i have ran Greed ( but nothing pops up) but i am using the Fair and Balance preset for SVM
    Since Greed doesnt want to load even though .net 6 is installed, i went into the configs and made sure that Legion was set to be a spawnable boss in SWAG, that option was enabled, but i still get the error message.

  • Are the custom weapons the ones from your other Mod (L85/FAMAS) ?

  • EymToVS

    I couldn't get my loot from exfil crate. 'getting item from exfil crate' screen didn't came up.

    those are codes copied from images up there. how can I fix it?

    [Error  : Unity Log] IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    Stack trace:
    DJsRaidOverhaul.Controllers.DoorController.DoUnlock () (at <196b4759680146e3bf2df48d958b6f59>:0)
    DJsRaidOverhaul.Helpers.Weighting.DoRandomEvent (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] weighting) (at <196b4759680146e3bf2df48d958b6f59>:0)
    DJsRaidOverhaul.Controllers.DoorController+<DoorEvents>d__8.MoveNext () (at <196b4759680146e3bf2df48d958b6f59>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <ca21460feb9c47d0ac337b9893474cc6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class358:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
    [Error  : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: void Aki.Common.Http.RequestHandler.PutJson(string,string)
    Stack trace:
    DJsRaidOverhaul.Patches.AirdropBoxPatch+<AwaitThenGetBox>d__6.MoveNext () (at <196b4759680146e3bf2df48d958b6f59>:0)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
    System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
    UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <ca21460feb9c47d0ac337b9893474cc6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class358:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    [Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Stack trace:
    DJsRaidOverhaul.Controllers.EventController+<DoBerserkEvent>d__47.MoveNext () (at <196b4759680146e3bf2df48d958b6f59>:0)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
    System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
    UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <ca21460feb9c47d0ac337b9893474cc6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class358:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
  • Hello! Wanted to tell you that I adore the mod and had a quick question, I unlocked the trader and got the quest "Threadbare: Waist Pouch" but can't seem to turn mine in. Is it not looking for the Waist Pouch you start with or do I need to loot a new one?

    I tried with it equipped and in my stash. Thank you so much!