SPT Realism Mod 1.4.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Realistic Overhaul of SPT designed around making the game experience as realistic and hardcore as possible. Highly configurable!

  • Version 1.4.4

    SPT Realism Mod v1.4.4 for SPT 3.9.5

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Fixed custom weapons with new muzzle effects, for real this time (God willing)

  • Version 1.4.2

    SPT Realism Mod v1.4.2 for SPT 3.9.5

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Update to 3.9.5, new muzzle effect mechanic, accuracy fix, other fixes + tweaks.

  • Version 1.4.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.4.1 for SPT 3.9.4

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Replaced BSG's left shoulder swap since it breaks with stances, tweaks and improvements, various fixes and balance changes.

  • Version 1.4.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.4.0 for SPT 3.9.2

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Update to 3.9.2 (may work with 3.9.0 or 3.9.1 but not supported), adjustments made to accommodate latest EFT updates, improved pistol ADS and stances, misc. tweaks, fixes and balancing.

  • Version 1.3.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.3.1 for SPT 3.8.3

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Fixes, improvements to hazard zones, quests to remove radiation, filters for gas masks, more zones.

  • Version 1.3.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.3.0 for SPT 3.8.3

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Hazard zones (requires medical changes, I don't want to hear it), new mechanics, rebalancing, tweaks and many fixes.

  • Version 1.2.2

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.2 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Several fixes, new mechanics, rebalancing and tweaks.

  • Version 1.2.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.1

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Some fixes, improvements to stance scroll wheel bind, and tweaks to TTK.

  • Version 1.2.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.1

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Updated to 3.8.1, linux compatibility, added scroll wheel bind and multi-key bind options for stances, a few tweaks and fixes.

  • Version 1.1.2

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.2 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This build has fixes, including for scav looting bots compatibility, and numerous tweaks and balance changes.

  • Support for this mod begins and ends where there is something wrong with this mod itself. I do not offer support if you did not test without other mods installed. I do not offer support if you didn't install the mod correctly. I do not offer general tech support. I do this for free, please respect my time.

    Be respectful, you are not entitled to my time, I do not owe you explanations or tutorials. Thank you for your attention.

    Heart 6 Happy 1 Thumbs Up 5 ? 1
  • How would I go about including modded weapons to the preset loadouts that bots use when the "Bot Changes" setting is enabled ? Would it be hard ?

    • It's not currently supported and is very involved

  • Sorry to be a bother, but I think I've come across a wee bug?

    On my zero-to-hero run I unfortunately stayed too long in a toxic zone and was afflicted with 30 toxicity. No matter how many Autmentins I gulped down, I could not heal myself and eventually decided my run was too irritating to play. So I reset it...

    And bam!, still 30 toxicity. I tried disabling Hazard Zones and booting the game, shutting it down again and then re-enabling it. Obviously wiping the account should reset the effect.

    Help? <X

    • Anyway, I found that other profiles are not infected (ha) so I made a brand new one. But, definitely a bug.

    • because the toxicity is associated with your account because it has to save that data somehow, and I don't modify profiles to avoid corruption. Also Augmentin is anti-biotics, not anti-toxicity...toxicity also passively goes down when not in a toxic zone

    • I left my dude overnight near factory gate (on Path to Tarkov) and he had not healed at all. Maybe there is some conflict with PTT.

      Unfortunately I was in no position to acquire more powerful meds, so it was pretty much kaput. I'm minding the toxicity much more now. Genius feature at any rate. <3

      Thumbs Up 1
    • There's no conflict with PTT, you're probably getting radiation confused with toxicity

    • I made sure to double check that, it was toxicity.

      My health is at 1:13. I had 3 rad poisoning as well but the toxicity would simply not go away. Maybe there is some condition that if any rad poisoning / then toxicity remains fixed?

  • I was just wondering if this mod is compatible with 3.9.8? I was getting errors trying to login, so I am assuming it is a me issue. Sorry if I'm not the first to ask this, and doubly sorry if it's a dumb question lol.

    • Newest version is compatible with 3.9.8

      Maybe you need to give more info on what mods you use and give example of errors.

      ? 1
    • No need to answer for me cosmic gamer. You're telling people to post errors in the comments, when errors should go in the support thread. You're also asking people to post errors without any consideration as to whether or not I will or am able to offer support for the particular issue.

    • I am not telling people, I suggesting. That is different. I suggested an example of errors and not posting long error logs etc. I am trying to help too and also by that learn things or two about dealing with stuff and problems. In other comments it is like that. Author of a mod dont have exclusive right to answear as other people can help each other as it can be seen in other mod pages here. So I have problem to understand what is your issue on this. I never saw rule that would forbid people helping each other in comment and again I see this being common in other mods comment section :/ All I can feel that you for some personal reason want me to be expelled from commenting and interacting with fellow mod users. Please dont make me feel weird and feel bad for trying to help and also learn new things from fellow mod users.

    • I have asked you previously to stop commenting as you are not being remotely helpful, instead you are inserting yourself into my comments spreading misinformation. Going out of your way to comment is not the same thing as genuinely having useful, accurate or helpful information. If anything you are making things worse for me and others. Any reasonable person would respect this, stop and move on.

  • Hi good day! First thanks for the mods is amazing!

    Is it possible to have the hazard zones without the medical changes?.

  • Hi, I really like your mod, thanks for your work. I have a question, how can I change the chance values to 0 items on merchants? I'm not satisfied that I played for 3 days for a few hours and could not once catch some specific items that would be difficult to find in a raid. I've seen a setting that overrides these limits, but it takes away a very interesting mechanic.

    • The point of the mechanic is to not camp traders for specific items and accept that some things aren't available. It is not possible to config the out of stock chance

  • OK I need help from anyone.

    Concerning hazard zones in Labs. not sure if I'm missing something.

    I tried all masks TGC and the vanilla ones, I even pre dosed myself with the cheese slice.

    seems like I can only spend what feels like 5 min in there and I get to like 70 biohazard. so labs visits are literally run and loot and avoid everyone because of the bio effects.

    So I just wanted to make sure this is intentional and there isn't something I missed, if anyone has any tips would be appreciated.

    Fontaine as always thanks, your a legend, and special mention to the IRL weapon handling mod that seems to compliment Realism quite nicely though I do majorly tweek it in config to make it more subtle.

    • You're doing something wrong, like not using a filter...

    • Oh my god... all this time. I thought the 25/25 was for the filter not the health of the mask. just loaded my first filter thanks for super quick reply Fontaine <3

    • vibecheck

  • Hi Fontaine, I was trying to make compat patches for some guns and found some issues that I'd hope to get some help.

    On Rexana's ACR there's a custom barrel, cloned from the ar15 260mm barrel (55d35ee94bdc2d61338b4568) but with a silencer and gas piston slot. When using realism, adding the silencer makes the gun sound bugged like in this video, with an extremely high fire rate. Same issue happens with some muzzle devices from Epic's All in One (DTK2 on an SKS, B&T Rotex-V on an Adar) that spawn incorrectly due to ALP I think. Do you have any idea on what's the cause of this and how to fix it? Is it an issue with item cloning/bad item property?

    Last one, do you know what's the cause of this bug on heavy weapons like the M107? Is it something we can fix with a compatibility patch? I thought it was just a collision problem and all the comments look like conjecture from people who (also) understand nothing about the game. Is it sway values?

    Any help would be appreciated, have a nice day.

    • The first issue you linked and the post you referenced is a month old and was resolved some time ago. If those custom attachments aren't set up correctly they might cause bugs. I tested and had 0 issues with the DTK-2. There are about 10 Rotex suppressors so I don't know which one you mean. Beyond that I can't help as they're not my mods

    • I'm aware the first issue was fixed, I simply used the video as visual example of the bug.
      About the DTK-2 and Rotex, you can slot a DTK-2 7.62x39 Muzzle (cloned from PP-19-01 "Vityaz" 9x19 muzzle brake-compensator) break on a SKS thread adapter making the SKS shoot in bursts without firing sounds, you can slot a B&T Rotex-V 5.56x45 Deflector (cloned from a Griffin Armament M4SD-K 5.56x45 suppressor, doesn't have a ModType on the realism patch) on a flash hider (USGI A2, ADAR 2-15) on ADAR and making it shoot burst fire with no firing sounds. Any pointers on what should be the proper setup to fix the ACR issue?

    • As I already said it's not reproducible on my end with the DTK. Are you trying to say it only happens on those guns or did you not test it on other guns? I've had 0 issues with getting weapons compatible, I can't offer support beyond the documentation provided. If a weapon was created and set up properly by the original author it should work fine

  • Have i to disable questing bot spawns in it config or it's automatic with realism? Because I see the compatibility but I'm confused

  • I dont understand why I am dying from two shots of bp in the arm or three shots warmageddon in the chest armor lvl 10. It doesnt seem balanced to me. I just want to know what the logic behind these things are. It doesnt seem very realistic to me.

    • You're probably the 100th person to come in here raging over a death and deciding something is wrong with the mod rather than whatever you're doing.

      It's not realistic for plates to not magically cover your entire chest and instead cover what they visually cover (except more generous) which means that rounds can miss the plate and hit you in the chest, so that "muh lvl 10 plates" don't mean you're automatically invulnerable to most ammo so that you can't fully compensate for skill issues with gear?

      Seems like you didn't even read the ballistics section of the mod description.

  • anyone has a weird thing wehre a weapon spins drastically if its a heavy weapon? I dont know where its coming from and this issue pops up in the console:

    [Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    GClass1682.method_5 () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

    GClass1682.method_3 () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

    GClass1682.method_1 () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

    GClass1682.Update () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

    EFT.MagazineInHandsVisualController.Update () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class362:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    • I had it when I was on 3.9.4. It disappeared after I switched to 3.9.8

    • Still is there and updated SPT to the latest one. I dont know whats the cause but certain weapons spin wildly but i dont know if its due to weapons having very low af ergo plus negative balance

    • [Exception] : IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

      FOVFix.IsAimingPatch.PatchPostfix (EFT.Player+FirearmController __instance, System.Boolean __result) (at <8d348753cdec4c43bc5df040c6f5946e>:0)

      (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Player+FirearmController.DMD<EFT.Player+FirearmController::get_IsAiming>(EFT.Player/FirearmController)

      (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Player+FirearmController.DMD<EFT.Player+FirearmController::get_AimingSensitivity>(EFT.Player/FirearmController)

      EFT.Player.GetRotationMultiplier () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.MovementContext.ApplyExternalSense (UnityEngine.Vector2 deltaRotation) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.MovementState.ClampRotation (UnityEngine.Vector3 deltaRotation) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.MovementState.DMD<EFT.MovementState::Rotate>(EFT.MovementState,UnityEngine.Vector2,bool)

      (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Player.DMD<EFT.Player::Rotate>(EFT.Player,UnityEngine.Vector2,bool)

      Class1475.TranslateAxes (System.Single[]& axes) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.PlayerOwner.TranslateAxes (System.Single[]& axes) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.GamePlayerOwner.TranslateAxes (System.Single[]& axes) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.InputSystem.InputNode.TranslateInput (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commands, System.Single[]& axes, EFT.InputSystem.ECursorResult& shouldLockCursor) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.InputSystem.InputNodeAbstract.TranslateInput (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commands, System.Single[]& axes, EFT.InputSystem.ECursorResult& shouldLockCursor) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.method_3 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commandsList, System.Single[] axesList) (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.method_2 () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.Update () (at <a5b6eaefee6842aba73e4a77ea14a564>:0)

      UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

      Class362:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

      UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    • That error isn't even to do with Realism mod, please don't post giant error logs in the comments

  • Hey brother,

    While having a mask on my PMC breathes constantly, been trying to find a way to turn it off without removing the rest of ballistics, no cigar. is there any way I can turn this off? I would like to use the CQCM on my raids but the breathing is a pain to listen to.

    Thank you in advance,


    • Just to add to this. Is there a way to disable the mask from covering my vision as well

    • Unfortunately if your PMC stops breathing, he dies. Consider the breathing audio and vision a tax for using the gimp mask. Removing the visuals requires modifying the png files for it

    • I have found some workarounds. I have never reverse engineered anything so it was fun I guess. I guess a general question about your mod interaction.

      If I have found a way to lower/disable the breathing noises. Will the AI still hear/use them as an auditorial que? or does it become globally disabled

    • Because correct me if I am wrong but you have added in the breathing right? Is it nowhere in the files? I am enjoying having a snoop around

    • I do not offer support for modifying files and such, you're on your own. The audio is part of the game

  • I got a quick question. Since I unfortunately dont have much modding knowledge I dont know how I can find item ID's for certain things that are added like for this mod's addition of XSAPI Ballistic Plates. I tried using the "ID" that was displayed on the SPT Profile editor but It seems the ID's that gives are completely wrong. So if its possible, could you perhaps inform me on what the ID for the XSAPI Ballistic Plates are?

    Thank You!

  • okay, im sorry. i didnt comprehend it was intended.
    thought i was helping out
    ive deleted my comment.
    ill be going my way again.

    • I've no idea what you're referring to

  • A few observations on my end.

    For real the best smg ammo seems to be pmm klin.

    Pen just enough to beat soft armor and deal good damage.

    9x19 ammo gives two options: better damage but can't pen soft armor lvl 5 or considerably worse damage and penetrate level 6. Which isn't useful because pmc use level 7+ plates.

    Best rifle ammo are hp, sp, warmageddon which pen only soft but deal a lot of dmg.

    Middle range penetrating ammo lags behind plates and only igolnik m995 can pen some plates(level 8, but not even 9, 10)

  • I've always wondered if SVM's "Allow Armored Chest Rigs" option stacked with your regular chest armor? Meaning you'd be like a walking tank. Does the double armor work on realism though?

  • Is there a way to remove armor changes that gave up to 10 level of armor? I would like it to be default but for some reason even If I did not want armor changes I still have this 10lvl system. In RM exe I had it already disabled when I made new profile but for some reason some changes from RM are still forcing themselves to be in game. Would like to have basic max 6lvl armor system. Also for some reason even If I have medical changes disabled on my new profile I have more HP on body parts except head. I only wanted to have recoil changes but I still get some of the other changes RM offers.

    • You're failing to use the config correctly, it is an issue 100% on your end so I cannot help you

    • As of medical it was my oversight. It is good.

      As for lvl 10 stats I did not preciselly described what I meant as I refered to armor stats while what I described is in ammo stat. When I hover over penetration stat I see up to lvl 10 penetration possibilities shown for bullet.

      Maybe it is only visual thing that left somewhere? And if I have disabled ballistics and only this penetration stats remained up to lvl 10 can I be sure that ballistics changes are off?

    • After uninstalling (deleting) RM mod the penetration stats on bullets are back to lvl 6 max instead of 10

      For claryfication.

      As of me setting up RM mod through exe file on first game run all there was mostly turned on. But later on I run exe config and disabled everything. In game config of RM mod I tweaked some recoil stats for test puproses and in this state I noticed that bullets still use LVL 10 stat for penetration. I mean all armor stat, penetration from RM mod was off as I am sure about that. Only these stats on bullet penetration was still there. Just wanted to let you know that maybe for some reason those stats were still shown in context info after hovering cursor over penetration stat.

    • I see you still hold a gripe towards me as you spam "?" to my comments. I dont mind that you do that. You blocked me on your profile so I cannot wrote PM to you and cannot sort things out sadly. IMO holding a grudge over such small things happening online with such approach is overreacting and immature. I hope that you will get over it and man up in near future :)

    • You've wasted my time and have been rude in the past. Why do you think I'd want literally anything to do with you after you said "I hope that you will get over it and man up in near future". Take your own advice and do not interact with me.

      ? 1
  • is there possible to make trades normal again?

  • Hi. Does anyone know a way to see actual plate protection area? Like, maybe a plate highlight? I would really like to understand how much those plates do for me.

    • Hey, thanks for your answer, work and time. But I was thinking about something that would let see differences between plates and plate carriers. The image you sent seems to be just general coverage, while your mod (if i'm not mistaken) sets carriers and plates with diferent coverage.

    • all plates are the same

      Thumbs Up 1 ? 1
    • Oh, ok. Thanks!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is there a way to make modded traders have their stocks changed/limited?

  • My game could just be fucked, but when I load in with a gas mask equipped on my face, the game acts as if its not equipped. like i can eat and drink with it on and doesn't active aim when I ADS, I also checked the realism menu and all the realism penalties are active. Taking it off and on does not seem to fix it either. I realized when i spawned on reserve and went down in the bunker my guy was coughing with the gas mask and filter equipped in a gas leak area.

    • you're doing something wrong on your end because it is not reproducible. Possibly using gas masks from other mods without compatibility patch and not realizing the correlation or that it has nothing to do with spawning with it on or not?

    • It works normal when I load into raid THEN put the gas mask on I just can't load in with it equipped. And I use the TGC mod with the Scott FM3 gas mask. I'm pretty sure the TGC mod comes with a Realism compatibility patch. Anyways yeah I have over 70 mods installed so it probably is something on my end, just thought i would comment and see if anyone else has this happen to them and to let you be aware, love your work man. shitting on BSG developers lol.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Hey Bothers,

      I had the same issue and I found that it is caused by a load order issue.

      I was using painter and his tactical gear mod with the realism compatibility patch for that mod (which adds 3 gas masks) and had Realism loaded before anything else, same issue the gas masks wont work.

      From just a logic standpoint you have realism loading with a compatibility patch for a mod that technically hasn't loaded yet, that should be error 1.

      Then second error you have the actual core mod loading after this that overwrites any of the parameters set by that compatibility patch.

      I am assuming that because when realism loads it loads the compatibility patch as well.

      My Fix: Move realism's load order until last and it fixed my issue.

      I hope this helps others with Gas Masks not working

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Guys anyone of you was able to set values the way that would separate hip bullet spread from ADS bullet spread?
    I thied in many ways even tweaking values in gun params in item.json where I found "hip" values but they do not change jack's s'''t! I still get the same bullet spread for ADS and "hip" fire. Any ideas?

    ? 1
  • When wearing the death shadow mask theres a vision penalty is that something that you added? And is there a way to reduce it for the death shadow lol..

    • it's the cringe mask tax

      ? 1
    • you will have to modify the mask pngs to be all white

      ? 1
    • ;( I think theyre cool... lol

      but thank you

  • How do I get rid of the infinite concussions?

    • by reading the mod page and thinking about it

      ? 1
  • Hey Fontaine, great work.

    Just a quick question, is there a way to disable the realism ammo stats? I've disabled the ballistics module in realism settings but I still seem to be getting displays for armor tier 10?


  • have you ever thought of adding an option for low ready as a default stance? like when you equip a weapon its in low ready by default?

  • Has anyone had an issue where, with the ballistics module engaged, the plates listed on the flea only have the max vanilla durability, and only the ones from the traders have the proper max durability?

    Also, some helmets have the vanilla durability and some have the Realism durability. It seems really random. I wasn't able to pinpoint the issue to a mod conflict, as I tried it with only Realism installed and the issue still persisted.

  • Hi,

    Me and my friend are trying to complete Safety technician part 2 and we can't find where the radioactive material is. Is there a guide to the quests as we can't seem to work it out from the description.

    • the quest description gives a clue/hint

      ? 1
  • Game-changing mod. I just need to know now how to adjust my character's speed during movement, the scroll wheel no longer works for some reason. I can't adjust how slow I go when creeping up on enemies.

    • You messed with the keybinds

      ? 1
    • Yeah, that's what I thought of at first so I reverted everything back to default but it still doesn't let me adjust my movement speed after resetting the in-game keybinds and the bepinex keybinds. I gave up and just tried to vent some frustrations on some bots on factory and test everything out and Lo and behold, the mouse wheel works just fine while in-raid. It doesn't work while using the hideout's shooting range, however. So everything seems to be working perfectly while in-raid. I just don't know why it wouldn't work while using the hideout's shooting range.

      Regardless, great job on the mod. I'm loving all of the changes here, especially the health rework and stances. This should just be in vanilla. Now all we need are mutants and this'll be Stalker 1.9. Of course, just 1.9 since Stalker 2 is coming out LOL.

    • Whatever issues you are having aren't to do with realism mod specifically, you should test these things with unmodded SPT or live first just to confirm what the issues you're having are caused by. Lol I don't think I'll add mutants just yet

      Heart 1 ? 1
  • Hi.
    I really like in Realism mod the come back to pistol more realistic recoil that was before 0.14 patch.
    What I mean is the front of the pistol barrel kick up every bullet, which was removed by some stupid reasons by BSG, that nobody sain would understand.
    But I want to ask you what value in mod or in EFT files to tinker to have this front sight/barrel to kick up even more?

    ? 1