Posts by PenOkOh

    PenOkOh added a new file:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new file:

    PenOkOh added a new version:


    For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 - Compatible with any version of Donuts that was made for 3.9.x

    - fixed more syntax errors. HUGE thanks to Zybergeris for helping me with that. nothing game breaking, just a tad inconvenient for the ocd within me. you can ignore this update if you want. hopefully (fingers crossed) there wont be an update for a while. terribly sorry for my errors. have a good day!
    - ps, got a trader image mod coming soon. i know, yet another one...

    PS. if you notice weird spawns, please screenshot the area for me. 360 degrees would be nice, but one image could work.

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:

    PenOkOh added a new version:


    - NO MORE ROOFTOP SPAWNS, (you can now use this with Questing Bots) sorry for that... - there are still rooftop spawns, but only those that bots can path to and from, like tank battery on dorms, etc.

    - The Lab has been added!
    - Streets of Tarkov has been added! - more spawn points being added eventually.

    PenOkOh added a new version:


    - Removed a few border spawns from Customs

    - Added 6 new spawns to Customs

    - Next update will have The Labs.

    PenOkOh added a new file: