Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Lotus' first Quest should show up at Player Level 5
Don't forget to make backups of your profile when adding / removing / updating any mods. Also check out all the different info tabs and read the pinned comment if you wanna report any bugs or issues to me
Please check the "Installation" tab to see how to install Lotus properly
Also huge thanks to Virtual for his Custom Quest Loader
Version 1.4.7
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Changes & Balancing :
- The quest "Bandit Hunt - Mall Maniac" now let's you do the kills with Desert Eagle Pistols now since Killa can spawn with those since EFT patch 15.0 / 15.5
( added the information to the quest description, this will matter for translators )
- The Questline "Know To Counter" accepts eliminating targets that wear armored facemasks and helmet faceshields aswell as the Caiman plate, SLAAP plate and the Bastion plate now since I saw a ton of people struggling with these quests, thanks for the feedback everyone
( also changed the locales of the 3 parts, this will matter for translators )
Also i only tested killa / maska faceshield, so i cant guarantee any of the other 21 visors and masks that i added are counted, feel free to let me know if they do ( but please make sure you actually headshot the targets if you report issues with these quests )
Version 1.4.6
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Fixed Issues :
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Silence Of The Night" where you wouldn't obtain the correct amount of ammo boxes from the initial equipment
- Fixed an issue where the F4 Terminator backpack costs 595 roubles instead of dollars
- Fixed an issue where basmach & gus caps costs 60 roubles instead of dollars- Fixed an issue with the quest "Carrier - Part 1" where you weren't able to turn in every variant of the Gruppa 99 backpacks
New Stuff :
- Added 20 new quests,
3 side quests ( first quest should start after accepting the task "Pokloneniye - Part 1" ),
and 17 story quests, ( the first quest should start after completing the task "Light Of The Lotus - Part 3" ), some quests also need certain vanilla quests to be completed first since these quests use the same questitems, keep in mind that some of these story quests have timegates, nothing too crazy, 30 minutes max. but incase you want to get rid of them, download Remove Time Gate From Quests and make sure it loads after VCQL, feedback on the story quests is apprechiated
- Added a few more items to Lotus' assort, a few of the new items aswell as existing items where locked behind some of the new quests
Changes & Balancing :
- The quest "Okhotnik" now let's you do the kills with the SKS, OP-SKS, SVT-40 and AVT-40
- The quest "Bandit Hunt - Mall Maniac" now let's you do the kills with any variant of the AKMS and TT-33
- The quest "Bandit Hunt - Factory Maniac - Part 2" now let's you do the kills with any variant of the AA-12 and AKS-74U
- Changed the image for the quest "Russian Pitviper" to a more fitting one
- Initial Equipment isn't shown as "found in raid" anymore ( the items obtained will still be fir tho )
- Increased the price of apple, vita and grand juice
- Increased the barter price for the Injector Case barter
- Decreased the price of 23x75mm Barrikada Slugs
- Moved 23x75mm Barrikada Slugs from LL2 to LL3
- Moved T H I C C weapon case barter from LL3 to LL4
- Moved T H I C C item case barter from LL3 to LL4
- Moved weapon case from LL3 to LL4
- Moved S I C C case barter from LL2 to LL3
- Moved S I C C case from LL3 to LL4
- Moved money case barter from LL1 to LL2
- Moved sugar barter from LL1 to LL2
- Moved thermal bag barter from LL1 to LL2
- Moved thermal bag from LL2 to LL3
- Moved magazine case barter from LL1 to LL2
- Moved magazine case from LL2 to LL3
Kill related tasks are untested as always, feel free to let me know if they work or not, almost all the other new tasks are tested tho
Version 1.4.5
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Fixed Issues :
- Fixed an issue where the quests "Tower Surveillance" and "Sending A Message" required eachother to be completed to obtain them ( this should fix the problem people were having when pairing Lotus with Questing bots )
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Bandit Hunt - Cold Case - Part 1" where you weren't able to find and handover the ASh-12
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Bandit Hunt - Mad Scientist" where finding sanitars bag did not count
- Fixed a spelling error in the objectives in the questline "Taking Every Round Into Account" -
Version 1.4.4
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Fixed Issues :
- Fixed an issue where the buy limit was reset instantly and you were basically able to buy an infinite amount of items thanks to a BSG moment
New Stuff :
- Added a few more items to Lotus' assort, mostly ones that aren't obtainable from traders, and a few weapons that didn't have many variants from vanilla traders, some of these items will get locked behind quests whenever new ones get added
Changes & Balancing :
- Lowered the buy limit for some items, mostly meds, food and injectors
- Changed the price for a bunch of items to be more expensive / balanced- Improved the GP-25 AKM build from LL4
- Improved the tan AK-105 build from LL3
- Moved the GP-25 barter from LL2 to Ll3
- Moved the AUG A3 build from LL3 to LL4
- Moved the GP-25 AK-74M build from LL3 to LL4- Moved the Galvion Caiman Hybrid Helmet from LL2 to LL1
- Moved the AVT-40 build from LL4 to LL3
Version 1.4.3
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Fixed :
- Fixed an issue with certain rewards that are supposed to give levels to your "Troubleshooting" skill having the wrong ID
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Okhotnik" where the PMC kills weren't counted properly because of the wrong weapon IDs
Changes :
- Increased the amount of kills and dogtags needed for the quest "Bandit Hunt - Cold Case - Part 2" ( from 10 to 15 )
- Updated locales for the quest "Alpinist"- Updated locales for the quest "Shoot Like A USEC Hit Like A BEAR"
Version 1.4.2
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Also happy new year everyone, hope you celebrated / are celebrating well
Fixed :
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Light Of The Lotus - Part 9" where extracting from customs didn't count towards the objective
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Light Of The Lotus - Part 10" where the quest wasnt obtained after completing part 9, oopsie- Fixed an issue with the quest "Okhotnik" where the the kills weren't counted correctly because of an issue with the specified gear ( officially )
Version 1.4.1
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.10
Fixed :
- Added the proper location to some quests that had either shown "any location" or the wrong one
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Shopping Spree" which counted the kills on all maps and not just interchange
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Light Of The Lotus - Part 6" where the car in the city center couldn't be marked
- Fixed an issue with the quest "Okhotnik" where the the kills weren't counted correctly because of an issue with the specified gear ( if you installed this version of Lotus before december 31st 2024 18:53 GMT+1 you need to redownload this to fix the issue )
Version 1.4.0
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
Lots of things are untested in this version, so I really recommend making backups frequently
For SPT 3.10
New :
- Added over 60+ new quests
- Added a lot of the 15.0 and 15.5 Items / Gear to Lotus' assort
- Added a few more items that weren't available on traders
Fixed :
- Added Zryachiy's guards to objectives that require killing guards
- Hopefully properly fixed the quests that require you to use a certain weapon build ( "Eastern Reliability" from Prapor / "Professional Shooting" from Peacekeeper )
Changes :
- All streets of tarkov related quests / objectives were removed / changed, quests that require you to kill Kaban and / or Kollontay now accept both
- Added all of the new gear, items, and everything else to Lotus' quests
- Changed up the quest order a bit
- Rebalanced some prices, since dollar and euro value got changed ( looking for something on the flea that is sold by Lotus for dollars / euros appear to be cheaper despite being more expensive )
- Quests that require you to "survive and extract" from somewhere, accept transits now
- Rewritten some locales
- Completely reworked some quests, specifically "Light of the Lotus" Part 4, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 11
- Some quests got a few objectives removed, or a few objectives added to make them easier/harder
- Removed the following questlines: "Ammo Basics" and "PMC Training - Sneaky Bastard"
- Completely reworked about 99% of all quest rewards
- Reworked / rebalanced most of the assort, mostly weapons
- Locked most items behind quests, about 60% of all items that Lotus sells are questlocked now, this should help a bit with the balancing so vanilla traders don't become useless
Forgot to mention this, but all IDs were changed to MongoIDs now to make Lotus compatible with 3.10.x, this means that old translations / locales or any mod that used Lotus' IDs will not work and need to be updated
( I didn't have the time or option to test most things because of multiple reasons irl, so reporting anything broken is very appreciated, if you notice any issues, quests not working properly or the locales being incorrect, feel free to let me know via the comments or the Lotus thread in the official SPT discord, and feel free to let me know about not so important issues there )
Version 1.3.9
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.9
Fixed :
- Added the correct grips for the TX-15 for the quest "Professional Shooting - Part 2"
Changes :
- Added the ability to use any variant of the DS150 stock, RVG foregrip, Monster Suppressor and HK battle grip pistol grip for the quest "Professional Shooting - Part 2"
If any other parts of the questline have issues please lmk
Version 1.3.8
- Lunnayaluna
Always make backups of your profile when adding, removing or updating mods!
For SPT 3.9
Fixed :
- Added missing PP-19 Vityaz to
the quest "PMC Training - Close Quarter Combat - Part 4"
- Added back Bitcoins to Lotus' list of items that she's buying
Changes :
- Changed the quest "Arena Dogs" so you no longer need to kill Bloodhounds on certain maps, any map works now
- Changed the amount of kills needed for that quest from 4 foreach map ( 12 total ) to just 6
Got such error message from console, can you halp?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
at C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:274:75
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ItemGenerator.addToCases (C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:268:51)
at ItemGenerator.createCustomItems (C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:68:22)
at Lotus.postDBLoad (C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\mod.ts:55:23)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:13)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
at C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:274:75
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ItemGenerator.addToCases (C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:268:51)
at ItemGenerator.createCustomItems (C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:68:22)
at Lotus.postDBLoad (C:\SPT\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\mod.ts:55:23)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:13)
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, you need to disable "Remove Filters" for the docs case, sicc case, keycard holder, wz wallet and wallet in SVM's case space manager
It worked, thanks a lot for the quick help!
Hello sorry I hate to come here and tell you this but I believe Checkmate part 1 is bugged? (On Lotus 1.4.4 No mods adjusting quests or traders)
I have not updated to latest in fear of losing my progress on my profile
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, did you try going further into the building? Or does it not count anywhere in that zone?
I've gone in that building before but I don't believe it counted for that building
Maybe a different one?
White Queen is in the wrong location, its where White King is (Radar station)
Lunnayaluna Author
Wrong location in the quest or wrong location on a map?
Tools to Work with - Part 3, shows AKMSN in the description, but "Eliminate 6 enems using UZI" (v1.4.7 of Lotus)
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, that questline is just gunsmith tasks, there shouldnt be any elimination objectives, you likely have a mod that changes quest conditions
Hi, all quests involving custom zones in groundzero doesn't work on gz_high.
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, can you tell me what version of lotus and spt you run and what specific quests + zones arent working?
Lotus version 1.4.6
SPT 3.10.5
Running with Fika
For 'Fuelist Part1'
On a late game profile(above 25 character level)
Locate sthsth can't be completed, marking sthsth can be completed
On a new profile I recently started(below 25 character level)
Works normaly
For 'Light of the Lotus - Part 3'
Both profiles are above lvl25 by the time I reach this quest
Locate sthsth can't be completed, marking sthsth can be completed
For 'Light of the Lotus - Part 8'
Kills doesn't count even if targets are killed in the quest zone
Those are the quests I can confirm not working for me, other quests on gz are skipped by me as soon as I saw the quest location as I guessed there's problem with gz_low gz_high bs pulled by bsg. Also, Locate sthsth that can't be completed doesn't have quest marks on Dynamic maps, Mark sthsth does.
Lunnayaluna Author
hmm, strange, well they work for me on a high level profile, so it could be a fika issue,
maybe you need to adjust something in the load order and maybe have lotus + vcql ( with all its files including the .dll in the plugins folder ) installed on both the fika server and every user's folder
Just updated the other day and noticed that i am no longer able to buy Sugar from Lotus despite having completed Perfect Meal already
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, is it the normal sugar trade or the barter for chlorine? because the barter was moved from LL1 to LL2 recently
It was grayed out with the quest requirements when i moused over but after i did some hideout stuff and went back to check it was normal and working. Sorry to bother you
Lunnayaluna Author
all good, glad it works now![thumbup :thumbup:](
Hey Luna, a couple of things. I have noticed that for the final "Old But Gold" quest that you can use any AK platform rifle for the quest. The AK 5.45 worked as well as the AK 12 to complete it. The final thing I was wondering is if you would think about changing the last "Known to Counter" quest. Finding someone who is wearing a level 5 helmet is damn near impossible to do, the most I've come across is level 4. Maybe just make it so you have to kill targets wearing a face shield? The only level 5 helmet I can think of is the Vulkan and it rarely spawns on Glukhars guards. Just a suggestion, otherwise keep up the good work.
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, thanks for the feedback![grin ^^](
I just looked at the files and i dont see any of the 5.45 aks or the ak-12 there, maybe another mod adds them to the quest or changes something about it.
Also for the other quest i had a few complaints before so can take a look at what i can do, maybe add armored masks to it, i just didnt think it was that difficult because i personally see altyn / rys helmets on pmcs all the time, adding that to my to-do list tho![thumbup :thumbup:](
Weird, must have been. But with the helmets, I don't see them all that often to be honest. But again, keep up the good work as usual.
anime boobies make my thing go boiing boing boing can i get one of her naked?
Luna, you're the GOAT. Keep up the great work, your mod is a permanent addition in my modlist. Thank you for the countless hours of fun your mod's given me :>
Hey, level 12, cant see the quests. I have VCL installed correctly as I can get the quests from the trader painter. is it something to do with the load order?
Found it, thanks for the mod!
[2025-01-31T16:01:21.275Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
[2025-01-31T16:01:21.276Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')
at F:\SPT 4.0\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:274:75
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ItemGenerator.addToCases (F:\SPT 4.0\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:268:51)
at ItemGenerator.createCustomItems (F:\SPT 4.0\user\mods\Lunnayaluna Lotus\src\CustomItems\ItemGenerator.ts:68:22)
Can someone help i already removed the case filters in svm like suggested
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, are there any case filters still removed in svm also what exact version of spt are you on?ü
I just fixed it myself. Thx anyways for the fast respond
does killa not count for "Know To Counter - Part 3"?
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, the killa helmet is only class 4 so it won't count for part 3, the helmets that would count are Altyn, Rys and Vulkan
killa helmet is marked as class 6 when looking in the inspect menu
Lunnayaluna Author
it probably shows that when the visor is attached since the visor is class 6, but the helmet is only class 4
How do you get quests to show up?
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, you need to be at least level 5 and install virtuals custom questloader seperately, check installation tab for details![thumbup :thumbup:](
Smacking my head right now as I forgot to do that
Small mistake that needs fixing.
For the quest "Carrier - Part 1", you are unable to hand in the "Gruppa 99 T20 backpack (Umber Brown)".
In the Lotus_quests.json you have accidentally repeated the entry for "Gruppa 99 T30 backpack (Black)" twice
Lunnayaluna Author
ah yeah, made a small mistake there, thanks for reporting, ill include the fix in the next version![grin ^^](
Minor bug, but "Bandit Hunt - Factory Maniac - Part 2" References the AA gen 2, not the gen 1. I had triple checked my gear to see if I was doing something wrong and then found it.
Should be 66ffa9b66e19cc902401c5e8 not 67124dcfa3541f2a1f0e788b
Lunnayaluna Author
oops, small mistake on my end there![grin ^^](
I'll include the fix in the next update, thanks for reporting
Hey, i've been having an issue with Tools to work with 7
I've assembled the gun like at the pic, but still can't give it to trader
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, do you have any mods that change / overhaul attachment stats? It worked fine on my end so it's hard to tell what the issue can be
no, but i looked that it might be fika. Strange though, that all other quests are good
Lunnayaluna Author
hmm weird, well idk what the issue could be, you could try again and making sure all the specifications are correct and check the modpage for the solution or just use Skipper to skip the quest![thumbup :thumbup:](
Im not sure what i have been doing wrong but whenever i build a weapon exactly specified it just not seem to accept the idea that the weapon is complete. Currently having to use Quest Skipper and just deleting the gun from the stash once i check everything is in the parameters.
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, did you verify the issue by looking at the solutions on the modpage? Also you sometimes need to scroll down the description to see all specifications
omg i did not even see this after looking at the modpage im so sorry for the nuisance post.
Lunnayaluna Author
all good![thumbup :thumbup:](
Hey Luna! Questing Bots A1 was released for testing in the SPT Discord and it seems a few of us are having issues with Lotus and QB. With Lotus, QB doesn't load into raids and freezes on initializing raid or loading PMCs. One user posted his logs when he couldn't get the raids to start (seen here) and the dev of QB said "You are using a custom trader that has invalid quest data". He mentioned it was due to Lotus having a circular reference for quest prerequisites.
Once Lotus was removed, QB could work properly and we could load into raids again. Hoping we can get this looked into, since I know Lotus and QB are some of the most popular mods out there!
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, yeah im planning to fix it when i find the exact cause of the issue but so far i dont know exactly what the problem is, and unfortunately i cant play on 3.10 myself to test some things so i need to rely on info from other people![thumbup :thumbup:](
but as soon as someone knows what the problem is i will fix it asap
If there is anything I can help you find, I would love to help! Thanks for your prompt response and awesome mod!
Lunnayaluna Author
I think we found the fix for it, apparently it was caused by something that i fixed last week and people just didnt have the most up to date version but its kinda my fault because i didnt want to make a new release for it since it was like 2 ID changes so i just changed the existing v1.4.4 file to the one with the fix, so reinstalling should fix the issue
None of her quests pop up, I have her installed correctly and I have the dependencies
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, are you level 5 or higher?
I'm level 38
Lunnayaluna Author
Are you sure you installed Virtual's Custom Quest Loader seperately and then lotus + the questfiles for lotus?
Also what version of lotus are you using and what version of spt do you play on
Most recent versions
Lunnayaluna Author
I see, do you see any message in your server about VCQL saying that a certain amount of quests have been loaded?
Hello there!
A heads up on item mismatch with the quest objective for "Bandit Hunt - Cold Case - Part 1"
"Find an Ash-12 Assault Rifle in raid" and "hand over the Ash-12"
The quest looked for "Can of beef stew (Small)" instead of Ash-12.
I took a look at the json file and found out the "FindItem" and "HandoverItem" condition is looking for incorrect item.
"target": [
which is indeed "Can of beef stew (Small)"
the id should be
I really love and enjoy this mod. Glad you are still working on it with plans to add more content. Looking forward to your new update, thank you o7
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, small mistake i made there, probably forgot to put the id there when copying stuff, i replaced the current 1.4.4 version with the one that contains the fix
so redownloading should fix it, feel free to let me know if it works now ( or doesnt ), thanks for the report and glad you like the mod![grin ^^](
tools to work with part 2
as the game version changes, the B-10 also changes, so I think we need to change the condition
I finished it differently
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, what changed about the b-10?
parts are subdivided like screenshots
Lunnayaluna Author
oh that, that is from a mod that changes ak handguards
Could you add a custom weapon list (like the Scorpion trader) to allow completing quests with those weapons?
Lunnayaluna Author
Do you mean adding weapons from other mods to the quests?
Yes, that would be nice if this would be possible![smile :)](
Lunnayaluna Author
it would be a ton of work so im not quite sure at the moment, maybe in the future
Been having an odd issue with Lots of Loot Redux adding Lotus' keycard to the spawn lists in Marked Rooms. Any way to prevent this from happening on the Lotus mod end?
Lunnayaluna Author
im not sure if theres anything i can do on my end, but im pretty sure lots of loot has a config with a blacklist, if so you can put in the id of the lotus keycard there, the ID should be
Thats what I thought too but couldnt find the blacklist in the configs!
Lunnayaluna Author
hmm, strange, i could swear ive seen it last time i used it
can't seem to get the spent money up further then 1.2 mil even though i sold 2 blue keycards and 20 Monster energy drinks to her i even bought the hunter sniper from her several times..
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, did you restart your game or played a raid? i remember having that issue with vanilla traders aswell and restarting usually worked
If I do the load order later than the svm, the error will occur, so is it okay?
I've prioritized it over svm and there's no issue running it.
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, that depends on which issue you mean
Bulkbuying anything from lotus,it will restock immediately.I've tried put order.json lotus the first.
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, i was able to recreate the issue, however i have no idea what its caused by or how to fix it so i might need some time, thanks for the report
and by any chance have you had this issue occur on other custom traders too or just lotus?
I've tried Scorpion,Artem,Guiding light.They've all work well,bulkbought will result in out of stock.
Lunnayaluna Author
I found a solution, it turns out something about traders in general changed in 3.10 / 15.5 and even some vanilla trades have this issue ,so i need to change something in the assort, but it should fix it, already working on it, thanks again for the report![grin ^^](
Currently, if used with a questing bot, there will be a crash when entering the raid. Please check.
Thank you for making a fun mod.
Lunnayaluna Author
Hi, on what version does this issue occur? and did you try changing the load order
version is 3.10.5
questing bot and lotus Both are using the latest version that came out today.
load order is
The first one is a questing bot and
VCQL and put additional merchants underneath it.
Even if you change the order of loading the mode around, the game will be forced to shut down as the raid will not load when entering the raid the same way.
only use VCQL , Lotus , questing bot Even if you use these three modes, it'll crash (waypoint , bigbrain included)
Lunnayaluna Author
does the issue only occur with lotus or with other custom traders ( that include quests ) aswell?
other custom traders ( that include quests )
There was no problem when I installed another trader but
There was a problem only when the lotus went in.
Lunnayaluna Author
hmm, strange, well the code is basically the same as in 3.9 and i didnt have any issues there with questing bots, i wouldnt know what the issue could be but i cant test it since i dont think questing bots is officially updated, i might be able to take a look at it soon however
I was trying to do a quest in ground zero but it was met with a "specified argument was out of range of valid values parameter name: critical error mongoId error and I can't seem to even do anything in GZ! Is there any sort of error that can be in your mod or if you have any idea what that might be?! Thanks in advance.
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, what version of lotus are you using and what version on spt do you play on?
I'm playing on the latest SPT of 3.10.5 with your mod being at 1.4.2. I see it's been updated to .3 so I'll download it to see if that issue has been fixed or whatever. I'll message back if anything.
Lunnayaluna Author
well i didnt have this issue, were you sure its lotus related? since lotus uses mongoIDs now there shouldnt be an issues with it, one possibility would be that an ID from another mod is the same although that is very unlikely
Well no worries, I had to wipe my previous profile and start a new one and then did that quest. Worked just fine especially after you updated to .4. I'll let you know if they're are any new issues as I enjoy your mod.
Hi, ToolsToWorkWith-P4 : S12K
My build
Body base recieved merc
Front cover : MTU002 - Collimator PK-06
Adaptor : GK-02
Grip : RK-3
Stock : AK74 Buffer - DD ECB
Mag : 5 Shell
Result : 4.245kg / 59 Ergo / Recoilsum 536 / Mag & Collimator
Quest Condition : less then 550 Recoilsum , 4.25kg Weight / 55 Ergo higher / Mag & Collimator
Please check condition![smile :)](
Ah, Not explain situation for this.
Cant hand over to merc.
All conditon OK but cant complete quest.
Lunnayaluna Author
hi, i added a tab that contains the solutions, if you tried that already and it didnt work you might have a mod that messes with weapons / weapon stats or weapon assembly tasks itself
Hi again! There is another issue with Okhotnik quest in latest version:
Required weapons to register kills for PMC part of quest and Scav part of quest are different.
Thank you for the great mod!
Lunnayaluna Author
whoops, i should have noticed it last time already, my mistake, ill include it in the next version, thanks for reporting![grin ^^](
Hi, thanks for the mod!
Seems that Okhotnik quest has bugs in the first part (scav kills, they are not register):
please check
conditions, I briefly looked and beleive it should be
as in some another quests. Please look.
Lunnayaluna Author
Ah i just figured it out, thanks for reporting I'll upload the fix asap, thanks for reporting![grin ^^](
Lunnayaluna Author
should be fixed now, redownloading v1.4.1 should give the fixed version, feel free to let me know if it works or not